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Jason Cambell


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The Bears game demonstrated that the Skins are not much improved over last year's squad. Why waste any more time. Campbell should be groomed the same way the Jags handled Leftwhich. I watched the Jags-Hawks game on Shortcuts and was amazed at the pro-ficiency of Leftwhich after only one year of baptism. The Skins should bite the bullet and follow the same program. Neither PR nor Brunell have the physical tools to take us to the playoffs.

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I doubt we can win many games with JC- but, heck, Steelers did it with Big Ben. I still think Gibbs wants zero mistakes- and is willing to put up with low big play potential MB over high big play and high bad play potential of PR. But we might as well get JC started. Hell, the Bears QB played well enough... and he is a rookie.

The question: Is it time to find the guy who will do the least amount of damage (?MB) or start with the guy who is the future (JC)?

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JC should be starting NOW. Lets be realistic, MB will not WIN any games for us. Our D will win the games. That's a fact. MB will not make plays and will not be top 15 in any QB categories. JC could do the same thing, with some mistakes, but at least he'll be learning and be ready for next season. I'm on the JC bandwagon already. Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason!!!

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The Campbell pick to any rational person was a reach at best. Why take a QB that wont see the other side of a clipboard for at least 2 years when we had/have glaring holes at DE/DT/SS/TE/WR?

why must it take two years for him to effectively play quarterback in the NFL?

is he retarded or something? the guy's football intelligence is no different then any other quarterback coming out of college.

in fact, on the contrary, he's probably one of the most ready quarterbacks whose come out of the college in recent years. And why? Remember the guy started 4 years at Auburn in one of the most competitive conferences in all of college football.

It maddens me when I hear commentators and posters say, "he's a long term project". The guy isn't Kwame Brown, he did play college ball, alot of it, and he was successful.

Gibbs and company will know when, and when that comes we'll all be cheering...

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