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Political Issues Snarled Plans for Military Help After Hurricane

Art Monk Fan

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Not trying to play the blame game anymore, just trying to get out the facts about what happened. It seems the Feds had a disaster plan, just like the state and local govs. did, but that a flaw existed in theirs as well:

NY Times - nytimes.com


September 9, 2005

Political Issues Snarled Plans for Military Help After Hurricane



WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 - As New Orleans descended into chaos last week and Louisiana's governor asked for 40,000 soldiers, President Bush's senior advisers debated whether the president should speed the arrival of active-duty troops by seizing control of the hurricane relief mission from the governor.

For reasons of practicality and politics, officials at the Justice Department and the Pentagon, and then at the White House, decided not to urge Mr. Bush to take command of the effort. Instead, the Washington officials decided to rely on the growing number of National Guard personnel flowing into Louisiana, who were under Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco's control.

The debate began after officials realized that Hurricane Katrina had exposed a critical flaw in the national disaster response plans created after the Sept. 11 attacks. According to the administration's senior domestic security officials, the plan failed to recognize that local police, fire and medical personnel might be incapacitated.

As criticism of the response to Hurricane Katrina has mounted, one of the most pointed questions has been why more troops were not available more quickly to restore order and offer aid. Interviews with officials in Washington and Louisiana show that as the situation grew worse, they were wrangling with questions of federal/state authority, weighing the realities of military logistics and perhaps talking past each other in the crisis.

To seize control of the mission, Mr. Bush would have had to invoke the Insurrection Act, which allows the president in times of unrest to command active-duty forces into the states to perform law enforcement duties. But decision makers in Washington felt certain that Ms. Blanco would have resisted surrendering control, as Bush administration officials believe would have been required to deploy active-duty combat forces before law and order had been re-established.

While combat troops can conduct relief missions without the legal authority of the Insurrection Act, Pentagon and military officials say that no active-duty forces could have been sent into the chaos of New Orleans on Wednesday or Thursday without confronting law-and-order challenges.

But just as important to the administration were worries about the message that would have been sent by a president ousting a Southern governor of another party from command of her National Guard, according to administration, Pentagon and Justice Department officials.

"Can you imagine how it would have been perceived if a president of the United States of one party had pre-emptively taken from the female governor of another party the command and control of her forces, unless the security situation made it completely clear that she was unable to effectively execute her command authority and that lawlessness was the inevitable result?" asked one senior administration official, who spoke anonymously because the talks were confidential.

Officials in Louisiana agree that the governor would not have given up control over National Guard troops in her state as would have been required to send large numbers of active-duty soldiers into the area. But they also say they were desperate and would have welcomed assistance by active-duty soldiers.

"I need everything you have got," Ms. Blanco said she told Mr. Bush last Monday, after the storm hit.

In an interview, she acknowledged that she did not specify what sorts of soldiers. "Nobody told me that I had to request that," Ms. Blanco said. "I thought that I had requested everything they had. We were living in a war zone by then."

By Wednesday, she had asked for 40,000 soldiers.

In the discussions in Washington, also at issue was whether active-duty troops could respond faster and in larger numbers than the Guard.

By last Wednesday, Pentagon officials said even the 82nd Airborne, which has a brigade on standby to move out within 18 hours, could not arrive any faster than 7,000 National Guard troops, which are specially trained and equipped for civilian law enforcement duties.

In the end, the flow of thousands of National Guard soldiers, especially military police, was accelerated from other states.

"I was there. I saw what needed to be done," Lt. Gen. H Steven Blum, chief of the National Guard Bureau, said in an interview. "They were the fastest, best-capable, most appropriate force to get there in the time allowed. And that's what it's all about."

But one senior Army officer expressed puzzlement that active-duty troops were not summoned sooner, saying 82nd Airborne troops were ready to move out from Fort Bragg, N.C., on Sunday, the day before the hurricane hit.

The call never came, administration officials said, in part because military officials believed Guard troops would get to the stricken region faster and because administration civilians worried that there could be political fallout if federal troops were forced to shoot looters.

Louisiana officials were furious that there was not more of a show of force, in terms of relief supplies and troops, from the federal government in the middle of last week. As the water was rising in New Orleans, the governor repeatedly questioned whether Washington had started its promised surge of federal resources.

"We needed equipment," Ms. Blanco said in an interview. "Helicopters. We got isolated."

Aides to Ms. Blanco said she was prepared to accept the deployment of active-duty military officials in her state. But she and other state officials balked at giving up control of the Guard as Justice Department officials said would have been required by the Insurrection Act if those combat troops were to be sent in before order was restored.

In a separate discussion last weekend, the governor also rejected a more modest proposal for a hybrid command structure in which both the Guard and active-duty troops would be under the command of an active-duty, three-star general - but only after he had been sworn into the Louisiana National Guard.

Lt. Gen. James T. Conway, director of operations for the military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that the Pentagon in August streamlined a rigid, decades-old system of deployment orders to allow the military's Northern Command to dispatch liaisons to work with local officials before an approaching hurricane.

The Pentagon is reviewing events from the time Hurricane Katrina reached full strength and bore down on New Orleans and five days later when Mr. Bush ordered 7,200 active-duty soldiers and marines to the scene.

After the hurricane passed New Orleans and the levees broke, flooding the city, it became increasingly evident that disaster-response efforts were badly bogged down.

Justice Department lawyers, who were receiving harrowing reports from the area, considered whether active-duty military units could be brought into relief operations even if state authorities gave their consent - or even if they refused.

The issue of federalizing the response was one of several legal issues considered in a flurry of meetings at the Justice Department, the White House and other agencies, administration officials said.

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales urged Justice Department lawyers to interpret the federal law creatively to help local authorities, those officials said. For example, federal prosecutors prepared to expand their enforcement of some criminal statutes like anti-carjacking laws that can be prosecuted by either state or federal authorities.

On the issue of whether the military could be deployed without the invitation of state officials, the Office of Legal Counsel, the unit within the Justice Department that provides legal advice to federal agencies, concluded that the federal government had authority to move in even over the objection of local officials.

This act was last invoked in 1992 for the Los Angeles riots, but at the request of Gov. Pete Wilson of California, and has not been invoked over a governor's objections since the civil rights era - and before that, to the time of the Civil War, administration officials said. Bush administration, Pentagon and senior military officials warned that such an extreme measure would have serious legal and political implications.

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has said deployment of National Guard soldiers to Iraq, including a brigade from Louisiana, did not affect the relief mission, but Ms. Blanco disagreed.

"Over the last year, we have had about 5,000 out, at one time," she said. "They are on active duty, serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. That certainly is a factor."

By Friday, National Guard reinforcements had arrived, and a truck convoy of 1,000 Guard soldiers brought relief supplies - and order - to the convention center area.

Officials from the Department of Homeland Security say the experience with Hurricane Katrina has demonstrated flaws in the nation's plans to handle disaster.

"This event has exposed, perhaps ultimately to our benefit, a deficiency in terms of replacing first responders who tragically may be the first casualties," Paul McHale, the assistant secretary of defense for domestic security, said.

Michael Chertoff, the secretary of homeland security, has suggested that active-duty troops be trained and equipped to intervene if front-line emergency personnel are stricken. But the Pentagon's leadership remains unconvinced that this plan is sound, suggesting instead that the national emergency response plans be revised to draw reinforcements initially from civilian police, firefighters, medical personnel and hazardous-waste experts in other states not affected by a disaster.

The federal government rewrote its national emergency response plan after the Sept. 11 attacks, but it relied on local officials to manage any crisis in its opening days.But Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed local "first responders," including civilian police and the National Guard.

At a news conference on Saturday, Mr. Chertoff said, "The unusual set of challenges of conducting a massive evacuation in the context of a still dangerous flood requires us to basically break the traditional model and create a new model, one for what you might call kind of an ultra-catastrophe.""

Eric Schmitt and Thom Shanker reported from Washington for this article, and Eric Lipton from Baton Rouge, La. David Johnston contributed reporting.

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THe military cannot be used for domestic law enforcement. Period.

I agree with you on this issue Sarge. Active duty military should not be involved in any type of law enforcement. A possible solution is for every state (doesn't have to be every single state) is to have stand by teams made up of state and local governments that can be called upon to respond. Here in northern virginia they are working on assembling a regional task force to send to LA and MS made up of many local jurisdictions. Some deparments like Fairfax County can send a lot of fire and rescue personnel, while smaller ones can send less. Combined, however, they make up a large force. Also, many large jurisdictions have rescue teams that respond and help out. They could betasked to respond quickly to assist. All these places have the necessary training needed to get the job done. The Marshals Service would simply have to deputize the police and away they go.

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THe military cannot be used for domestic law enforcement. Period.

I agree. It's been frustrating to hear people screaming: "Why didn't he send in the military!?!" Are they listening to the words coming out of their mouths? Do they really want the Federal government using the military to displace elected officials? :doh: Can they not see the precenedent this would set for later abuse?

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To add, this is why I didn't disagree with the LA Gov when she declined the Feds to take over. I am not saying she was not at fault, however, with many things associated with this disaster.

Actually, it doesn't bother me as much if she gives temporary control over to the military during the crisis. What bothers me is folks who think Bush should have ordered them to march in and take control without her request and/or in defiance of her objection. Just crazy.

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Why is everyone afraid to play "The Blame Game?" This talking point is even more worthless than "activist judge."

Seems to me that it is in the best interests of every American to make sure FEMA and Homeland Security know what the hell they're doing. It is STILL hurricane season. We could have another big storm hit, or god forbid, another terrorist attack.

If we don't play the blame game, it shows we learned NOTHING from this whole disaster. We have to correct our errors and quickly.

Wasn't the whole point of putting FEMA in the DHS to make sure we were ready "next time?"

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I agree. It's been frustrating to hear people screaming: "Why didn't he send in the military!?!" Are they listening to the words coming out of their mouths? Do they really want the Federal government using the military to displace elected officials? :doh: Can they not see the precenedent this would set for later abuse?

I totally agree.. it was scary to see that a lot of folks thought imposing martial law in every city would be a great way to get rid of criminal gangs.

Be careful what you wish for.


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This is the most enlightening article I have read yet on what actually was going on behind the scenes. It explains a lot. For the last few days I have been thinking that a compromise on control of the forces needed to be worked out directly between the gov and the pres which would allow a high ranking military leader to temporarily report to the gov to command all emergency forces. Bush could have picked whoever he wanted. Now, from the piece above I read:

"In a separate discussion last weekend, the governor also rejected a more modest proposal for a hybrid command structure in which both the Guard and active-duty troops would be under the command of an active-duty, three-star general - but only after he had been sworn into the Louisiana National Guard."

This is exactly the kind of deal I was thinking would have worked. But the gov turned it down. I wonder why. The ball is in her court right now in my tiny mind. It's not really hers or the presidents fault that this possibility was never imagined. The emergency management professionals should have had this covered long before Katrina was a twinkle in God's eye. But when the **** hits the fan and there isn't a plan to deal with it, you've got to take the best option available even if you don't like it and keep moving.

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I agree with you on this issue Sarge. Active duty military should not be involved in any type of law enforcement. A possible solution is for every state (doesn't have to be every single state) is to have stand by teams made up of state and local governments that can be called upon to respond. Here in northern virginia they are working on assembling a regional task force to send to LA and MS made up of many local jurisdictions. Some deparments like Fairfax County can send a lot of fire and rescue personnel, while smaller ones can send less. Combined, however, they make up a large force. Also, many large jurisdictions have rescue teams that respond and help out. They could betasked to respond quickly to assist. All these places have the necessary training needed to get the job done. The Marshals Service would simply have to deputize the police and away they go.

I am pretty sure they have that already,I know Texas does.

One other point about a single comander over the guard and federals,the last thing we need is two armed groups not working together in concert.

The possibilities for disaster and gridlock are great.

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Fellas, that 's not a stance of mine, it's the law. What good would it have done to send in the military if they couldn't shoot back a arsehole snipers? ALthough I have my suspicions that a couple of snipers may have accidentlly run into a SEAL team:D

And as BAng said, be careful what you wish for with FEMA. Go Google FEMA emergency powers. It'll scare the hell outta you

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The 82d was ready to move out on Monday night, however , they had to wait for the governor to "request " thier presence. This is coming from a very high ranking friend of mine in the division. (For those of you who do not know , this was my unit). they were put on Alert on Sunday night, and had all of the helicopters and everything ready to go on Monday, however they were not able to leave, because the order did not come down.

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Heard on NPR yesterday afternoon that the New Mexico Governor, Richardson, had called on Sunday and offered his Nat. Guard troops, informing Blanco they were already on stand-by and ready to move. Blanco didn't call them in until Wednesday.

Also on NPR, they did a blow-by-blow of the situation starting well before the storm and all the pre-planning stuff was totally in place. Pre-staged food, water, ice and medical supplies, plus all the troops neccesary were staged in and around the reagion. The officials in NO and Baton Rouge were in touch with all the federal agencies on conference call every two hours right up until the lines all went down mid-day Monday.

Everything went according to plan until Monday night and Tuesday, when Blanco and her folks failed to call in all the pre-staged stuff. The local officials all called in to the state to begin bringing things in, but she never authorized the trooops, supplies, NGOs, etc. to move in until Wednesday and Thursday.

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I absolutely believe that this woman froze. She must have been given so many options on what to do that she didn't have the mental capacity to sort through them and take action. Given her shortcomings the only chance she had was if she trusted someone (Lt. Gov.?) to just tell her what to do. Possibly if the Director of FEMA was competent and had gotten her trust long before this thing hit she might have taken his advice, but neither of those things was true. She clung to her decision making authority and then kept putting off decisions while she considered them. I don't know if incompetence is a crime, but the result was murderous. The Mayor was no better, but I believe in most states the Governor can pretty much order local governments to do anything they want in an emergency. The Federal govt. can't.

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