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Carlisle Report

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Ok, they showed film of Samuels and Arrington hauling their phat stereos into their new dorms. They also showed Trotter signing autographs for some kids. Arrington said he enjoys getting away and coming to camp, but Spurrier said he doesn't understand the point of going away for camp. He says it makes sense to him to have camp close to home and to let the married players stay at home overnight. Could this be the last year in PA??

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I'm assuming that those stereos will be rockin' some Vanilla Ice.

I remember last year, George Michael had a feature on what the players did for fun in Carlisle.

Chris, LaVar, and Freddy were all sitting in Lavar's room in between practices listening to "Ice Ice Baby". Marty kicked down the door and said, "I reccomend you turn your radio box off this instant!"

Fred said "Yo, let's get outta here. Word to ya mother," and they all ran out.

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the less said about Marty the better. his time in DC was like a case of hemorrhoids. the guy was tasteless and colorless and had the personality of a cardboard box. he took absolutely all the joy out of playing and watching the game.

if there is nothing worse than having a mediocre team, it's having one that is both BORING and mediocre.

other than Stephen Davis the 2001 Redskins offense didn't even rate a pulse :laugh: :mad:

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I agree with you Bulldog. Last year was the first time I was ever bored watching a Redskin game, and I will certainly not blame it on the players. Marty ball was just awful and 8-8 was a flop! This year is like the total opposite. I have never been this excited about the Redskins. It is almost like the 80s all over again, only better, because we have been through so much pain and suffering. Let the fun begin, or really the FUN N GUN BEGIN! HAIL TO THE REDSKINS!

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I'm with Blonde...the guys showed up in some nice rides. LaVar

was sporting a new T-Bird. It had temp tags, so must have

bought it recently. Again, I will have to miss camp. One of these

years I want to go. Think tomorrow I will blind side someone.

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Big streos so loud you can't even turn them on. Very nice rides. Autographs. Sigh. Metaphoric hug Blondie. I wish I was there too. Hmmm. Let's see what S.S. says when it's done. Maybe he'll like Carlisle. Though I'm not sure he'll change his mind about keeping camp close to "home".

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Smoot (who seems to laugh after every sentence) had some kids help him with his bags...Shane Mathews was talking about the importance of bringing firm pillows...Stephen Davis said he brought along the DVD of Gladiator and LA looked hyper when talking about the upcoming season.

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unfortunately for me, our sports programs here in san diego are dominated by the chargers' qb/wr mini camp...

got to see marty boringheimer waffling on the qb issue. everyone here is hoping he brings discipline and toughness to the team. they just don't realize that marty will put em to sleep with boring ball

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That's funny...It's like the Chargers are in some sort of time warp. They're hoping Marty will bring all the things (discipline, thoughness) we were hoping he would bring to us last year. When you hear the quotes coming out of Chargers camp, it's like someone just rewound the tape to a year ago and put the team in Charger uniforms. They'll figure it out sooner or later.

By the way, it's interesting how so many people around the league were crying about how Norv was "wronged" by Snyder when he was let go, but you didn't hear that same sentiment for Marty when he got axed....even though Snyder cut Norv a lot more slack than he gave Marty. Maybe people around the league just like Norv better than Marty?

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I don't think things will go as badly for Marty in SD as they did here because I don't think they gave him carte blanche like Snyder did. Even so, I'll be surprised if he lasts two years there.

I always liked him and his style of play, but sadly, I think the game has passed him by and his best days are behind him.

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Larry Brown, I think you're right about people around the league liking Norv more than Marty. I remember a reporter from KC, I think his name was Jason Whitlock (or something like that) wrote a pretty damaging article on Marty during the 0-5 slide and spoke extensively about his shortcomings as a coach on Sports Talk 980. He certainly put some people off by his hard line approach and so his firing was justifyable (espcially with Spurrier lurking). I got the impression however, that most people liked Norv and the fact that he was fired during the season made people much more sympathetic towards him.

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Marty is a solid on field coach, his problem was that he got drunk on too much power last year and allowed his ego to overcome his football judgment in the cases of Larry Centers and Jeff George.

With a solid football GM in Butler calling the shots in the front office I would not be surprised to see San Diego in the playoffs either this season or next, depending on Brees' development.

What has been Marty's nadir in the past is nudging his ball clubs to do more than win the division and make the playoffs.

To do that he is going to have to delegate more and allow his quarterback and offfensive coordinator to open up the attack.

Whether he will do that is a question mark.

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