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Who has Dallas signed?

Luca Brasi

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You know the status of the Cowboys draft pick signings by the silence they've displayed with regard to Ramsey and Betts here. See, if they had everyone in place, they'd be yapping about how much we suck. But, since they don't, they are quiet. Pray we get Ramsey signed before Williams, else it'll be a field day for them :).

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come on. does anyone believe that the #4-#7 picks are going to hold out? :laugh:

the Cowboys like everyone else are concentrating on getting their top picks, Williams and Gurode, in the fold.

I think you can make deals with the later picks in a few hours given the slotting system and the fact most of these players are desperate to come in and win over the coaching staff. :)

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Jerry Jones has an interesting way of dealing with draft picks. He doesn't even talk about contracts until right before TC opens. His reasoning is that it puts pressure on both sides to get the deal done and doesn't leave time for anyone to dig their heels in on their demands. It has worked well in the past, usually everyone is signed by the 2nd or 3rd practice of camp.

This year JJ is extending contracts to 7 years to spread out the bonuses. In reality they are shorter contracts that are typical of those usually signed by the picks in their slots, but they have fake years tacked on to reduce the bonus hit.

I hope JJ gets everyone signed soon, because Dallas needs a lot of these guys to contribute this year.

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I think they will get everyone signed in a few days by offering some creative 7 year deals. The one pick I am worried about is Antonio Bryant. The Dallas wedsite reported that everyone after Guroude and Williams will be offered the rookie minimum. I admit I'm no scholar when it comes to salaries but I'm not so sure Bryant will play for the minimum. Perhaps his signing bonus will be large enough to get him in but I'm not so sure.

It wil be interesting though. Everything out of The Ranch has all the players as a tight knit unit and everyone putting team first. I wonder if any of the rookies will break rank and decide to hold out for a little extra cash.

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dallas hasn't signed anyone but I think the sticking points will be voidable years and what it takes to get them. dallas has offered the 3rd to 6th rounders 15% playing time this year to get their voidable years. the top picks around 30 to 35%. the other part is that they offered the exact amount of signing bonus as last year and that is also another sticking point.

for dallas the tough part is of course with signing of hutchinson and that's why they needed to get creative.

with skins, ramsey really doens't need to be there, he won't compete for starting position, the same with betts. he is a 3rd down back for the skins so he really is nto going to have to be there on time. they needed russell to get in and get the reps since SS relies on 3, 4 WR sets so Russell may figure as the deep man, they got him signed.

I never really buy into this signing stuff unless it amounts to weeks of missing camp and if its QB position or WRs. lets wait until the end of the week to see what happens. the Gaffney dela is going to screw a few teams and I think Bryant for the boys will try and play a little hard ball, since he was a 1st round talent and he may want to get paid something similar.

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Originally posted by Bufford

Hutchingson's $$ comes from the rookie pool so they are having problems down there. I guess missing camp for people who you think will start is a big deal. I think they will get their guys in around the same time as us though.

Here are the facts.

1. The Redskins opened camp today 7/22 and their top 2 picks are sitting at home missing either orientation sessions and team interaction.

2. The Cowboys open camp 7/26. All players are at HOME. None of our draft picks are missing anything significant. Our team has 4 days to get these guys into camp.

The Dallas Cowboys are still ahead of the curve, the same can not be said for the Redskins.

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Your commentary leaves out the main point and that is that none of the draft picks that are yet to be signed (Russell and Bauman were signed this morning) are being counted on by the team to start or play significant minutes out of the chute as rookies, so the impact of their missing a short portion of camp is less than it would be if the team had moved up to draft a Joey Harrington or Donte Stallworth.

On the other hand the Cowboys ARE looking for both Williams and Gurode to start in 2002, so while there are 4 days left, there is more pressure to get something done to get the players in :)

I agree it is probable that the Cowboys will have agreements with most of their picks by the start of camp.

So will the Redskins. In fact, it appears everyone except Ramsey and Betts will be in camp on time.

And since you already noted that the Skins begin camp before most of the other clubs because of the extra preseason game in Japan, the Skins have some extra time to get these players in and familiar with the system even if they miss a couple of days on the front end :)

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I agree. Dallas needs to be sign their players more than Washington. I could care less if Washington gets all their guys signed. I'm just a little worried Dallas won't. We need Williams, Guroude, and Bryant to be there from day one.

There is no need to compare the lack of rookie signings for the Skins & Cownutz. Our projected starting unit is @ camp. There's is not.

To be accurate though:

Dallas hasn't opened camp yet (not that it's a big deal).

And a question: cownutz? Wouldn't that be a bull?;):D :laugh:

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Originally posted by Art

You know the status of the Cowboys draft pick signings by the silence they've displayed with regard to Ramsey and Betts here. See, if they had everyone in place, they'd be yapping about how much we suck. But, since they don't, they are quiet. Pray we get Ramsey signed before Williams, else it'll be a field day for them :).


Cowboys Agree with Remaining Picks

Nick Eatman

DallasCowboys.com Staff Writer

July 26, 2002, 4:29 p.m. (CDT)

SAN ANTONIO - The Cowboys have agreed to terms with the four remaining unsigned draft picks, including first-round selection Roy Williams, the club announced Friday during the opening training camp press conference in the Alamodome.

Williams, along with second-round picks Andre Gurode and Antonio Bryant and third-rounder Derek Ross have all agreed and expect to sign their contracts Friday night.

Williams is already in San Antonio, while the other three picks are in transit and should arrive in the Alamo City later in the day.

The Cowboys gave Williams a seven-year deal, which can be voided after the sixth season, with a contract close to $20 million, including a $9.3 million signing bonus, which will be split into two years.

The Cowboys will hold their first practice Saturday morning.

** Nick Eatman can be reached at Nick@DallasCowboys.net

Are we done praying yet!!!

Better get off those knees, Jerry Jones worked his magic again!!!

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Guest Goatroper


Jerry Jones worked his magic again!!!

Credit where it's due: Stephen Jones worked his magic again.

He intentionally waits until the last minute and uses the pressure of training camp to focus minds on both sides. Seems to work.

Glad everyone is in the fold and ready to go to work. Gonna be an exciting year, I reckon.

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