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Skins fan joke...


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On a tour of Texas, the Pope took a couple of days off to visit the Coast for some sightseeing. He was cruising along the beach in the pope-mobile when there was a frantic commotion just off shore. A helpless man, wearing a white and blue Cowboy jersey, was struggling frantically to free himself from the jaws of a 25-foot shark. As the pope watched, horrified, a speedboat came racing up with three men wearing Washington Redskin jerseys. One quickly fired a harpoon into the sharks' side. The other two reached out and pulled the bleeding semiconscious, Cowboy fan from the water. Then using long clubs, the three beat the shark to death and hauled it in to the boat also. Immediately the Pope shouted and summoned them to the beach... "I give you my blessing for your brave actions," he told them. "I heard that there were some bitter hatred between the Washinton Redskins and the Dallas Cowboys, but now I have seen with my own eyes that this is not true." As the Pope drove off, the harpooner asked his buddies, "Who was that?" "It was the Pope", one replied. "He is in direct contact with God and has access to all of God's wisdom." "Well," the harpooner said, "he may have access to God's wisdom, but he doesn't know crap about shark fishing. Is the bait holding up O.K. or do we need to get another one?" :dallasuck

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In the same vein, here’s another Pope-and-Dallas-fan one:

The Pope is coming to Houston! Little Johnny is so excited, and wants desperately to meet the Pope. Knowing that the Pope is a huge football fan, his mother tells him, “Don’t worry, Johnny! Tomorrow, the Pope will ride around in his Popemobile. We’ll buy you a nice new Texans jersey, and we’ll wait along the route. He’s sure to see you and say hello!”

The next day arrives, and Johnny’s entire family is lined up along the tour route. Johnny is resplendent in his brand new David Carr jersey. Imagine his disappointment when the Popemobile cruises right on by! Frustration turns to fury as the Pope stops just a few dozen yards farther on, gets out of the car, and speaks to a little boy in a Dallas Cowboys jersey.

Johnny is initially inconsolable, but his mother consoles him by saying, “Don’t worry, Johnny! The Pope is riding along the same route tomorrow, and we’ll be sure to get you a Cowboys jersey so that he’ll see you and say hello!”

The next day arrives, and Johnny’s family is lined up again. This time, Johnny is the proud wearer of a new Drew Bledsoe jersey. He can’t stop smiling as the Popemobile pulls up and comes to a halt right next to him! The door opens, and the Pope emerges. He walks right over to Johnny and whispers in his ear:

“I thought I told you little Cowboys-loving s*** to go the hell back to Dallas yesterday!”

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