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there seems to be one guy over there on that board 'RACK316' that has some logic in him, the rest are just propaganda sponges for the team :laugh:

let me get this straight. an unheralded rookie who caught TEN passes as a senior in college comes to minicamp and runs a fast 40 time and guys are projecting him to make the wide receiver corps SOLID for the upcoming NFL season?

what a joke. doesn't anyone realize how difficult it is even for a high draft selection at WR to come in and make an immediate impact in the NFL?

go back and look at the #1 picks from the 2001 draft. Only Gardner among that group caught 45 passes and he dropped more than a few along the way toward learning the position didn't he? :)

what will be really amusing is if Williams is cut before the start of the regular season or ends up on the practice squad :laugh:

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As a cowboy fan I have a tough time accepting the fact that he ran a 4.04 but if its around 4.15 or so it still is good. but Williams was picked up from Jax practice squad and basically is a project in the works. he may not be a great reciever (yet perhaps) but the speed has to be respected.

the point is that he is a developmental player and is figthing to make the 6th or 7th spot on the team. if some one at that spot has that kind of potential, then I am happy. cowboys haven't had that kind of potential that deep in a long while. a couple of years back guys like him were starting due to injuries and lack of depth.

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This report states that maurice green ran a 4.21-4.3 40 time please read. There is no way any human ran a 4.04 40.

Read this and understand 40 times


As far as 40 times lets first understand that we must compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges.

If there is lack of automatic timing at both the start and finish, the times essentially have no comparative value. There is to much variance on the timers reaction to the start and anticipation of the finish to be valid. To accurately time for comparative reason automatic timing equipment must be utilized. This would include equipment that starts when an audible alert is used, such as a starters pistol. The use of these devices accounts for reaction of the athlete, not a touch pad that activates when the athlete leaves. If there is a touch pad that activates the timer when the athlete leaves the start it will be at least .15 to fast as it does not account for the athletes reaction time to the stimulus. This is why many football people assume football athletes. If they use this device and assume it makes it automatic they are wrong and would have to add at least .15 to the total time even if at the other end there was a beam to catch the athlete as they crossed. When Ben Johnson and Maurice Green ran their respective 9.79’s for 100 meters their 40 times were about the 4.21-4.30 range and believe me no football player would have even been close to them.

For track, it is accepted for dashes 400 meters and down, hand timing is inaccurate (to fast) by .24 seconds, when experienced timers are used. Consider inexperienced or potentially biased timers such as coaches and scouts. I would speculate for the latter the inaccuracy may be as high as .4 to .5 to fast. This is very common at track meets when they utilize automatic timing and have hand timing as a back up to have times faster by up to .5 seconds for the sprints. This is due to the lag of the timer seeing the smoke from the gun and reacting to start the timer. This would also apply to starting the time at the athletes first movement Additionally biasing hand timing is the timers anticipation of the finish which also decreases the time. World class sprinters have reaction times at best .11-.16. So take a moment to think of who is timing, coaches etc. who likely are losing their reactive skills or never had a great amount to begin with. Additionally they may have some bias knowing or unknowing that would influence their timing.

Now lets put another factor that plagues the accuracy of 40's. Typically 40’s are timed by starting the watch on the first reaction of the runner. Which is completely inaccurate because it takes away that athletes own reaction time of .11-.25, likely .2 - .3 remember these are not world class athletes. So not only is the athlete get an advantage for not accounting their own reaction time, they also get the advantage of the lag of reaction time of the timer. We now are looking at .4 - .6 faster than what is actually run, at best, it could go as high as 1 second.

A testament to this factor is to look at hand timing of high school dual meets where certain athletes run seemingly fantastic times. Then only later at a meet with auto timing are at least a half second slower. That is why records are never accepted for hand timing. It is common to have a hand time as a back up if the auto timing malfunctions and when they are compared it is usually .4 to fast on the hand time.

So if you are comparing 40 times only do so if they are on the same team and done in the same session. Even then it leaves much to be desired. As you can see 40 times not done at the same time with the same coaches etc. cannot be compared. It is useless to compare otherwise as the variance is far to great.

You can only can compare, if there is automatic timing from start to finish. If a touch pad is used that is ok, so long as it is only compared to all that used a touch pad. But remember if that is the case it is fast by .15-.25 at least.

Additionally beware of persons who claim their timers are automatic when they only have finish beam. While the beam is accurate at the finish the timer is activated by the coach so we are back to ground zero. This style is at best .1 more accurate than hand timing at the finish. Therefore it is still .4 or more to fast.

Please only compare those done at the same time same situation and it is better to be skeptical than optimistic when some fantastic time is reported. Keep perspective.

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I doubt he will make the team.

Right now, I would say Rocket, Galloway, and Bryant are obvious locks to make the team. Then there is Rambo and Swinton who are pretty much locks to make the team - unless they fall apart in camp. So that leaves one - maybe two - spots for a bunch of guys. He may be a practice squad player but unless he chases down a miracle in camp he won't see the field on game day.

BTW - can the season start already so I don't have to keep being embarrassed by some Cowboy fans stupidity.

4.04 - are you serious? Wouldn't that produce a sonic boom?

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this is the time of year where every team has a #6 or #7 pick that is being hyped as a major steal and the next elite receiver or running back :laugh:

the truth is, few will make it......even to the practice squad........

most will be back loading fruit crates onto trucks at a warehouse before the October leaves start falling :)

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Oh God, what does Mr. Bob Hayes say about that one, or Darrell Green or Johnson (of Olympic fame or Green vying for the next Olympics). Let's face it, given Deion Sanders speed at the time he arrived, or Bob Hayes or Willie Gault, there's no way, he would get overlooked by anyone with WORLD CLASS SPEED.

Check every anals in sports history and you will see NO ONE<, I mean absolutely no one with that time would be overlooked. Every shoe deal in the world would be his or hers! period!

I agree that he can have potential like any receiver and is probably practice squad or deep in the depth chart material. I won't prejudge his overall potential, because I don't know of him.

Wow, you would have thought someone else "professionally" would have caught that and corrected it. I saw it and immediately dismissed it as a typo.

It would be cartoon in nature to see someone smoke that fast :laugh:

IMO, Bryant is the one to watch out for, like the safety Williams.

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Originally posted by bulldog

there seems to be one guy over there on that board 'RACK316' that has some logic in him, the rest are just propaganda sponges for the team :laugh:

let me get this straight. an unheralded rookie who caught TEN passes as a senior in college comes to minicamp and runs a fast 40 time and guys are projecting him to make the wide receiver corps SOLID for the upcoming NFL season?

what a joke. doesn't anyone realize how difficult it is even for a high draft selection at WR to come in and make an immediate impact in the NFL?

go back and look at the #1 picks from the 2001 draft. Only Gardner among that group caught 45 passes and he dropped more than a few along the way toward learning the position didn't he? :)

what will be really amusing is if Williams is cut before the start of the regular season or ends up on the practice squad :laugh:

This is a common misconception with so MANY people! Speed alone does not make you a good football player. You must also be able to catch the ball. :shootinth Look at Reidell and Jacquez on our own squad: those guys are both known for being burners with butterfingers.

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Originally posted by indyskinsfan

Check every anals in sports history and you will see NO ONE<, I mean absolutely no one with that time would be overlooked. Every shoe deal in the world would be his or hers! period!

Ahem...I believe that should be "annals". I'd rather not check any "anals" myself, dunno about you! LOL!

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

This report states that maurice green ran a 4.21-4.3 40 time please read. There is no way any human ran a 4.04 40.

Read this and understand 40 times


As far as 40 times lets first understand that we must compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges.

If there is lack of automatic timing at both the start and finish, the times essentially have no comparative value. There is to much variance on the timers reaction to the start and anticipation of the finish to be valid. To accurately time for comparative reason automatic timing equipment must be utilized.

Please only compare those done at the same time same situation and it is better to be skeptical than optimistic when some fantastic time is reported. Keep perspective.

And it could also be a typo, as has been pointed out several times now. There was a report in the week before the draft this year that attributed a 4.5 (or so) 40 to an offensive lineman! And there were some foolish people who believed such an absurdity! :laugh: They said, "We should draft this guy in the second round!" :rotflmao:

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Seems that Lonestar is up to his usual "Oh yea? Well....." tactics as well. I beieve someone mentioned it and it goes along with what Funky. The average time was taken. Which means he had to be timed by one of the clocks as going as fast as sub4.0. I think. Rack said it well too. If this guy had been a Redskin, you can imagine the number of "visitors" to this site saying "no way".

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