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What is it about Scotland

Darth Tater

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They (Asians in Scotland) said that given the choice they would prefer to be known as “Scottish Asians” rather than “Asian-British” as suggested in an interview in The Times by Hazel Blears, a Home Office Minister

from the London Times

Seems once you live in Scotland that becomes part of your heritage. I wonder if they moved to the US they'd want to be known as Scottish Asian Americans?

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Well, as some on this board will know. I am a Scot and I don't partucularly like to be referred to as anything else.

Not all Scots will feel the same but I feel I have a distinct culture and history that should be recognised as such.

I don't want any hyphens or anything. I recognise that people will continue to use the term British as a collective term for people from Scotland, Wales and some sections of the Northern Irish community. What bugs me is when people start using the terms English and British and England and the UK as interchangable. It is inaccurate and betrays ignorance.

Sarge - are you listening, you should know better.

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P.S There is SOMETHING about Scotland. Its a very multicultural society without having the ghetto-isation of some Asian communities that has happened in some parts of England.

All Scots (including our new arrivals) would see themselves as being distinct from our large southern neighbour.

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All along I thought my Mom's side was Irish - but come to find that I am either British or Scottish or both ;)

Of course I am German too - and was bord in the Appalachia's - so I could claim Appalachian too and be a minority - :laugh:

So that makes me German-British(?)-Appalachian-American...bwah!

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