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Paraphrasing Peyton on Spurrier & Ramsey


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Hey, pulled this off of the Kffl board, Peyton Manning talking about Spurrier and Ramsey..........

**** "About Spurrier he said, in essence: It's not the players that makes his system work. It's not even really the "system." It's the play calling. In essence, Spurrier lacks tendencies. He is liable to call any play at any time and he is a genius at creating mismatches. Manning said that the staff at Tenn never could figure him out. Manning stated that with the Redskins defense and Spurrier calling the plays, they are going to be a nightmare to face. He even stated that he just hoped that the Colts were facing us early enough that we wouldn't have had time to gel.

About Ramsey Manning said: He participated in Manning's QB camp two years as a camper and then as a counselor. To say that Manning was very impressed with the way Ramsey threw the ball would be an understatement. In fact, Manning stated that in passing drills Manning would not throw after Ramsey because Manning could not keep up with Ramsey's arm. In addition to having one of the best arms he has ever seen, Manning also said that Ramsey was smart, tough, hardworking and that he had really progressed, over the course of his time with Manning's camp, in learning how to read defenses. Manning believes that Ramsey will be an outstanding NFL QB" ****

Now this I like to hear. I think picking Ramsey with the last pick in the 1st. Round is going to be the steal of the draft. Should he continue to progress, we'll no longer have to worry about our franchise QB. He's incredibly smart, hardworking, and dedicated to becoming a great NFL QB. Couple that with his arm, and we have the makings of a true "franchise" QB in the Manning ... Aikman ... Bledsoe mold. Strong, intelligent, accurate pocket passer.

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hey, I would be ecstatic if we get the offense off the ground with Matthews and the receivers in 2002 and Ramsey is able to come on sometime in 2003 to take the reigns.

the defense is here and if we can convince Davis to restructure and return to the team (he is only 28) I think this team's best efforts will come in 2003 and 2004.

the upshot of hiring a coach that keeps his players interested in the game and the possibilities of what can be accomplished is something that should not be underestimated.

A lot of coaches out there are technically proficient, but lack charisma and the ability to lead.

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Originally posted by bulldog

hey, I would be ecstatic if we get the offense off the ground with Matthews and the receivers in 2002 and Ramsey is able to come on sometime in 2003 to take the reigns.

I agree that Matthews should be the starter in 2002, and that it would be great to see Ramsey take over in 2003.

But an odd problem could develop if the Redskins are successful under Matthews. What if the Skins pull off a 10-6 or 11-5 season under Matthews? A rejuvenated Matthews might find he's got three or four more years left in him after 2002.

Do you replace the QB on a winning team, just because you think the replacement (Ramsey) is a superior athlete and is the long-term franchise QB? What if you make that decision to put in Ramsey, and he doesn't play as well as Matthews in his first two games? How long do you stay with Ramsey?

As interesting as the 2002 pre-season QB derby is, the 2003 version may be even harder for Spurrier. This year, the rules are pretty simple: Ramsey is #3, and the three vets duke it out for #1 and #2. During the season, Spurrier can alternate between #1 and #2, but no one seriously expects Ramsey to take over yet.

In 2003, he's going to have a returning aging starter facing the future franchise QB who's well trained in the offense. That's not a very fun choice for coach, and it's a choice that lends itself to a lot of second-guessing by fans.

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I heard Manning being interviewed on the "Mike & Mike in the Morning" show on WTEM a while back. After a while, the subject of the Skins came up, and he said the same things word for word (maybe that's where KFFL got the story). It seems that the guys who are most impressed with Ramsey are other QBs, like Manning and Jaworski. Maybe it's just me, but I have a little more respect for the opinions of those guys than for what hacks like Pompei and Peter King say ;)

I'm very curious to hear what Sonny has to say about Ramsey once camp gets going in earnest...

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Considering how smart Peyton is, I'm thrilled to read such glowing comments about a coach he should hate and a baller he needn't praise. I love the bit about how SOS is impossible to predict. Often in the last couple of seasons it hurt to be an average fan and be able to call the play by formation over half the time. I mean, if a chucklehead like me knows what's coming, you know the D Cos do, too. If it turns out that Spurrier is the human equivalent of a random number generator, I'm thrilled.

God did that quote pump me up.


And while I knew that Ramsey was supposed to have a good arm and great mind, I simply can't believe that a stud like Manning would actually say that he wouldn't want to throw after Ramsey for fear of looking inadequate. That's mind-boggling. Manning throws that out route and the deepout like a dream; if this kid is such a stud as to potentially humble an all star like Peyton, wow.

Thanks to whomever posted this for making my night. HTTR!


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I hope NFL defensive coordinators are as perplexed as SEC teams by Spurrier's play-calling. Given that so much of it is done at the line based on the defense presented, I'm hopeful that'll continue.

As for Ramsey, we'll see...we'll see. It's nice to have a strong arm, but if I had a nickel for every rocket-armed QB coming out of college, I'd be in pretty fair shape. Heath used to throw frozen ropes off his back foot. And if you want a strong arm, Jeff George is waiting for the phone to ring. I'll take a rag arm who can read defenses over a dumb bazooka.

But obviously, the best of all worlds is the strong armed kid who can sense the defense and react quickly. I hope it's Ramsey.

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The Vikings were the best team in the NFC with Jeff George calling the signals. The next year he was in Washington and Dante Culpepper was the QB after a year to grow and learn. In my view, you are right to limit Ramsey this year, but, if he is progressing under the offense and showing the physicals, there's no way you keep him down even if the team WINS the Super Bowl under Matthews.

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Nothing is totally impossible, no. But, in my view, you need to let a QB settle in before playing him. A rookie needs to get passed the accelerated learning and the offense has to become second nature to him before giving him a chance to succeed, in my view. How long that takes Ramsey is anyone's guess. I liked what the Vikings did with Culpepper. I also liked what the Eagles did with McNabb, in that he was held back early and came into the lineup later, while also getting some work in a few games in reserve.

I think it's hard for a rookie to be thrown into the lineup and have his confidence shattered early. But, Manning did it, so that is a positive ;)

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Yes, Aikman did as well. But, like Carter, the best thing that happened to them as rookies was getting hurt, and being forced to sit out and learn the offense while recovering. Not that Aikman wouldn't be who is became without it, but, I tend to think that was beneficial to the player to take a step back before returning.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

The one thing I love is how Manning said that SS's offense is so unpredictable. Honestly after 6 years of seeing Norv I could tell what play the Redskins were running in his final year just based on the formation. It was the same old stuff at the same down and distance over and over. One play he would have the TE in motion and I just knew the pass was going for a 12-15 yard out. Hopefully SS will never be as predicatable

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No, but I would love some inside scoop on what Ramsey is doing to get himself into NFL shape. Is he losing weight? How is he getting more mobile? that's the one thing that worries me about this guy and seeing as how the only film i have ever seen of this guy is the 5 seconds ESPN played after the Skins picked him, i really have no idea as to the way he plays and how he does under pressure. can anyone give me a little insight into the way in which this guy plays QB

Thank you, come again


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I can't wait for those DAILY Sonny, Atkison, and/or Rene Knott reports coming out of Carlisle.

You know they will focus on the rooks, McCants and Skaggs maybe too.

I'm betting Geoge Michael picks Rock Cartwright as his favorite this year. Last year was Skaggs. The year before was the 5-6 reciever. Thrash was also.

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As a Gator grad, I know that Peyton hit the nail on the head about Spurrier's unpredictability. Steve prides himself on that...outhinking the defense and getting the best mismatch. Then it is up to his offense to execute the play. (You should see how frustrated he gets when the offense botches the play.)

In fact, it would be great to see Spurrier start Wuerffel in a game against the Colts just to rub it in because Peyton is still O-fer vs. Wuerffel. Danny beat Tennessee every game he started while Peyton was there, and if I remember correctly, Danny even beat the Colts one of the games he started while on the Saints!

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Ramsey is not viewed as a mobile QB and losing weight and increasing his agility isn't going to make him overly mobile. Just a little more mobile. From accounts, he is a fearless guy in the pocket and I've seen him make throws with guys all over him and in his face. How fearless he stays once he gets drilled by a couple of NFL players is yet to be seen. But, I don't think his pocket presence is a concern yet. I was stunned when seeing Heath Shuler dance around like my sister at a recital every time he dropped back.

Then Frerotte came in and stood very tall and I loved him. But, a couple of beatings changed him and he became a bit more antsy back there. Ramsey obviously has the physical tools and pocket passing ability to succeed in this type of offense. Here's to hoping he does so. :cheers:

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