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NFL Network: Playbook segment Redskins

Ghost of

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WOW...what a bunch of morons!! They had to pull film of Lavar from 2years ago, called Greg Williams ...Greg Robinson, said Carlos Rogers is gonna loose confidence.

Stated Lemar Marshal is our starting MLB...only mentioned Moss and patten to say Gibbs is bringing back the smurfs :rolleyes:

That whole segment was full of ignorance.

Burmeister did push for Monk in the Hall though

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Originally posted by Woofer Magoo

Do you guys all believe every word they speak regarding other teams?

Do you think they are that inaccurate for all the teams or just the Redskins?

I question the entire show and all the facts.

that is actually a decent point...

I tend to get 99% of my news about other teams from these same knuckleheads who constantly mis-represent the skins.

But I tend not to question it when its another team... I pretty much take it as fact.

hmmm... I'll have to get better at that.

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I think Playbook has some of the best analisis you will see on TV. The question was wether or not Lavar was a "Freeelancer".

I don't think the video breakdown showed that. What it showed was Lavar makeing metal errors. Slowness in play recognition and missed assignments.

Sharp gave Lavar props for his aggresiveness, speed and athleticism, but suggested that Lavar, "is what he is" as if what we have seen of Lavar is the COMPLETE Lavar.

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Get over it.

Jesus this is so annoying, is there any show you DO like?

Many of you would rather watch a show where they say "Joe Gibbs is god" over and over than watch a show where they actually break down tape.

They had to pull tape on Lavar from 2 years ago because he barely even PLAYED last season.

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