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Two interesting results I just read about.

In San Diego the people got to vote on keeping a disputed Cross, a liberal judge changed the rules so that a majority rule wouldn't be enough to keep it in place it would take 75% of the vote.

They got 78%

The BoyScouts (A religious Group?) was the subject of a ban by a federal judge to keep the pentagon from providing land/funding for the jubilee.

The US Senate voted 98-0 to keep the tradition in place.

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Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff

Aclu can blow it out their ass.

I agree, the ACLU has outlived its usefulness. It is now nothing more than a political presence, out to preserve it's own identity. The people it helps come second to their political agenda.

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Originally posted by herrmag

I agree, the ACLU has outlived its usefulness. It is now nothing more than a political presence, out to preserve it's own identity. The people it helps come second to their political agenda.

You are right their political agenda is help preserve civil liberties and limit the government.

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Excellent. Now if only someone would sue the ACLU out of exisitance. A long drawn out expensive suit that runs them bankrupt,like the've been trying to do the the Boy Scouts Or better yet, just shut them down entirely.

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Originally posted by Sarge

Excellent. Now if only someone would sue the ACLU out of exisitance. A long drawn out expensive suit that runs them bankrupt,like the've been trying to do the the Boy Scouts Or better yet, just shut them down entirely.

The boyscouts infringe on my personal liberties. Therefore, I'm really glad the ACLU is there to go after them. They truly are a great institution whom, without, this country would suffer dearly.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Sarge

Excellent. Now if only someone would sue the ACLU out of exisitance. A long drawn out expensive suit that runs them bankrupt,like the've been trying to do the the Boy Scouts Or better yet, just shut them down entirely.

What would you sue them for Sarge? For offending your sensibilities? Anyway the ACLU is made out of lawyers, some even do work for the ACLU for free, so I doubt you could just sue them out of existence, assuming there is even a reason for a law suit.

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Originally posted by herrmag

The boyscouts infringe on my personal liberties. Therefore, I'm really glad the ACLU is there to go after them. They truly are a great institution whom, without, this country would suffer dearly.:rolleyes:

They are so great, pay them yourself, they don't need government hand outs. No one has said the Scouts are bad, but if they want to be a private insitution and enjoy those rights, then they need to act like one and stop getting money from the government.

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Originally posted by Liberty

yes but the left doesn't pretend like the right

Fine, take the handouts away, I'm cool with that...

But you're right!!! The left does nothing hypocritical. The right is EVIL. Hey everyone, Liberty figured it out! Everyone vote Dem!

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Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff


how many of the left here say they are against all handouts?

how many of the right here say they are against all handouts?

Originally posted by herrmag

Fine, take the handouts away, I'm cool with that...

But you're right!!! The left does nothing hypocritical. The right is EVIL. Hey everyone, Liberty figured it out! Everyone vote Dem!

The Left is hypocritical in many areas, but "handouts" are not one of them

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Originally posted by Liberty

how many of the left here say they are against all handouts?

how many of the right here say they are against all handouts?

The Left is hypocritical in many areas, but "handouts" are not one of them

I'm not against all. But a lot of them.

I just don't like the left in general.

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I can understand the opposition to the military-boy scouts connection. After all, we really don't want the scouts to be some para-military, "young Soviets" style youth brigade. But when I was in the scouts, I don't remember the military being pushed on us. Our troop leader, who used to revel us with stories of being dropped in the middle of Alaska and having to hike his way to his pickup location, used to be in the military, but he kept that separate from his scout duties.

But, for the sake of civilian/military/government separation, perhaps it's best on principle to keep them separated. But on the whole, I don't there its a terrible thing.

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