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A question about my newly drafted fantasy team


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I had my first fantasy draft last night. I got a good squad but can't decide on what wr to start. Heres my crew. Thoughts welcome.


Starter - Tom Brady

Sub - Byron Leftwich


Starter - LT

Starter - Ahman Green

Sub - TJ Ducket


Starter - Chad Johnson

Starter - Jimmy Smith

Other - Charles Rogers

Other - Lee Evans

Sub - Kerry Colbert


Starter - Todd Heap

Sub - Bubba Franks


Ryan Longwell


Washington and Carolina (Starting Was week 1 against da bears)

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Solid team.

Tons of depth at QB and RB, and you got an elite WR in Chad Johnson, as well as an elite TE in Heap.

The Redskins aren't a good fantasy D, so you're middle of the road there.

Besides Johnson you have a lot of ?'s at WR.

Can Rogers stay healthy? Can Smith keep it up at this age?

I like Lee Evans though- a TD machine.

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Originally posted by mookie0720

Solid team.

Tons of depth at QB and RB, and you got an elite WR in Chad Johnson, as well as an elite TE in Heap.

The Redskins aren't a good fantasy D, so you're middle of the road there.

Besides Johnson you have a lot of ?'s at WR.

Can Rogers stay healthy? Can Smith keep it up at this age?

I like Lee Evans though- a TD machine.

I agree with your thoughts on the WR's eh our D who knows..

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Keep Johnson and Smith as your week one starters, but Rogers or Evan will probably take over Smith after a couple of weeks.

Also, keep checking in on the Bubba Franks situation. He is holding out right now, so he might become worthless. At least he is your back-up.

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Ahman Green was not a great fantasy back last season either, and TJ Duckett shares time, though he could post the goal line stats. Im weary of your running back corps if Ahman Green cannot be as good as he was 2 seasons ago.

At receiver, you may be alright as other than Jimmy Smith, they all are suspected to be rising stars. Chad Johnson start obviously, maybe put Smith as well, and then Im leaning towards Colbert, but we'll see how Rogers works.

Im kindda inclined to put Leftwich over Brady, fantasy wise, Leftwich had some good games last season.

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Very strong team, weakest link is the QB AND #2WR and when Tom Brady is your weakest link, you are in good shape. The Skins D could be middle of the road, but between Washington and Carolina, you should have a top 5 D.

How you got LT and Ahman Green I have no idea, but that is a killer combo. But you should try to improve your #3 RB for byes and because of if one of them gets hurt, that is a big drop off.

#2 WR is one of the easier positions to fill since there are always players who have breakout years. I like Colbert and Evans, Jimmy Smith I don't like but he is solid so...

Heap is a beast

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How can you say you only like Johnson on a squad with LT?? LT is a fantasy machine. Anyway, I really think that Ahman is going to have a really nice year this year. I'm expecting minimum 1500 yards and 10-12 tds.

Brady and Leftwich is a tough one. I figure that I will start with Brady and see how Leftwich does but I grabbed him because I think he is the type of guy that could end up producing this year and if so I can always throw him in there.

Heap healthy should put up numbers.

The WR's are easily the toughest to decide on. Chad Johnson is a freak at wr. Thats a no brainer. With three wr's in detroit its hard to say how the throws will split and if Rogers will stay healthy. Obviously he has a lot of talent but so does roy and mike williams. With Muhamed gone in Carolina Colbert could get some throws his way. He did ok last year with Smith gone and might do better this year. Evans had 9 td's last year and i think will have more this. he is my front runner as number 2 wr followed closely by Jimmy Smith. Jimmy is getting up there in age but he is still Byrons number 1 receiver and he put up good numbers last year. He's solid and I hope he can play well.

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