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Who else can we nitpick at


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Lets see,

We have sliced and diced the following players. Ramsey, Taylor, and Arrington, for various reasons and of course Brunell.

Oh and Dockery, is there anyone else we need to put under the microscope?

I sense a severe case of jitters prior to the "preseason". Are we going to make it to the start of the season?

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Budski - This is a Redskins message board. I suppose the topic should therefore be Redskins. But should it be all positive? Should we just have mindless backslapping where every comment is about how wonderful every player is and how they can do no wrong? I thought that was what Redskins.com was for. I would much rather visit a board where fans are honest with their opinion and voice their concerns and gripes.

As for negative comments about Ramsey and Brunell, well neither has set the world on fire. Ramsey has potential but I think having concerns about his future are valid. Brunell... that dog just won't hunt.

Taylor and Arrington... read the news much? It's becoming hard to find anything good to say about these guys as Misters "Innocent till proven guilty" and "Just don't get it" keep piling up the headlines that obscure teir football accomplishments.

As for Dockery, my personal opinion is that he hasn't gotten a fair shake. He's young and has gotten better just about every week (aside from brain-fart penalties). My guess is that he'll be a beast this year.

Who else can we nitpick at? Not sure. Maybe the duribility and size concerns of some of the receiving corps. That would be my choice. But you see the beauty of a Redskins message board is that people are free to air their concerns.

You think nitpicking on 5 players is a bad thing? Please find me a team where the fans are hunky dory with 100% of the players. Five outta how many? I think that's pretty good.


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Originally posted by Beaudry

How about Randy Thomas? When he was a Jet everybody said how he was one of the best guards in the game. Now he just seem "good", but not "great".

I honestly could not think of a bad thing to say about Randy. His number is never called for a penalty or by comentators after a sack. That qualifies as true "greatness" for an o-lineman in my book.


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Originally posted by Digger

Budski - This is a Redskins message board. I suppose the topic should therefore be Redskins. But should it be all positive? Should we just have mindless backslapping where every comment is about how wonderful every player is and how they can do no wrong? I thought that was what Redskins.com was for. I would much rather visit a board where fans are honest with their opinion and voice their concerns and gripes.

As for negative comments about Ramsey and Brunell, well neither has set the world on fire. Ramsey has potential but I think having concerns about his future are valid. Brunell... that dog just won't hunt.

Taylor and Arrington... read the news much? It's becoming hard to find anything good to say about these guys as Misters "Innocent till proven guilty" and "Just don't get it" keep piling up the headlines that obscure teir football accomplishments.

As for Dockery, my personal opinion is that he hasn't gotten a fair shake. He's young and has gotten better just about every week (aside from brain-fart penalties). My guess is that he'll be a beast this year.

Who else can we nitpick at? Not sure. Maybe the duribility and size concerns of some of the receiving corps. That would be my choice. But you see the beauty of a Redskins message board is that people are free to air their concerns.

You think nitpicking on 5 players is a bad thing? Please find me a team where the fans are hunky dory with 100% of the players. Five outta how many? I think that's pretty good.


you wouldn't no sarcasm if it streaked right infront of you.

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ghost partially right the thread is sarcasm.

On the other hand.......

Ramsey Last year "hes our man"

This year "Wonder if he can"

Lavar for the first couple of years hes the man, gets injured, what a bum, self-centered, overrated etc etc. Jeez people make up your mind.

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Ghost – Maybe a little less time on this board and a little more time learning grammar. Remember, for you, 9th grade only comes around 3 or 4 times. You see, I know sarcasm well.

I assumed that Budski’s sarcastic remark was directed toward those that had made comments against the five aforementioned players. I was the one who started yesterday’s thread, “I’m officially sick of Arrington,” I therefore felt the sarcasm was, at least partially, directed towards me. Since sarcasm is the form of wit designed to make the victim the butt of contempt, I thought it appropriate to respond as I did. I’m sorry if all this confuses you.


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Sorry if I touched a nerve, but certainly you must agree we all have at times latched onto a subject way beyond its usefulness and the whole topic turns into something not even remotely related to the thread that was started??

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Originally posted by Digger

Ghost – Maybe a little less time on this board and a little more time learning grammar. Remember, for you, 9th grade only comes around 3 or 4 times. You see, I know sarcasm well.

I assumed that Budski’s sarcastic remark was directed toward those that had made comments against the five aforementioned players. I was the one who started yesterday’s thread, “I’m officially sick of Arrington,” I therefore felt the sarcasm was, at least partially, directed towards me. Since sarcasm is the form of wit designed to make the victim the butt of contempt, I thought it appropriate to respond as I did. I’m sorry if all this confuses you.


you have a funny way of reacting to sarcasm.

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Let's talk about Randy Moss as a Redskin again.......

That was a subject waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much talked about.

I can't blame ESers to be frustrated with Taylor or Arrington.

Frankly, I am.


He is very talented and he made my first EVER NFL/REDSKINS live football game amazing as he made that INT vs the Panthers in 2001 and helped turn a 0-5 season to 8-8.

He's been injury prone however (throughout his NFL career- not just 2004) and his attitude before Gibbs officially took over and since has been sub-par/lousy.

This contract issue looks like Arrington and the Postons are in the wrong, based on what the Redskins want to show and how LA's new lawyer is tring to get the Redskins to settle.

I still like LA and I know he's frustrated with the injury and that he's on the bench when the D is #3 overall, but he's said some things that has ticked the fans off and I can't blame them for being angry.


Not to rehash things too much- he's made 2 big mistakes and whether he goes to jail for the 2nd one (he was not guilty on the DUI) we don't know.

ST owes a big apology to the Redskins, Snyder, Gibbs, Williams and even Portis. It was these guys that either drafted or pushed for the Skins to draft him in 2004.

I hope he can clean his act up.....but again, can you blame some fans for being frustrated, especially when the Skins are trying to turn around a losing franchise?

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