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I hate TEXAS

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My stupid job relocated me to fort worth and I hate it. There is nowhere to go. The city is so dirty. THere are no clubs. There is nothing to do. And all I see is cowboy stuff evertwhere I go. And those miserable fans wanna get mad at me when I tell them how crappy of a team that is. I just dont understand.

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I lived in Austin for three years and Dallas for two years. I liked both cities a lot, but personally, I preferred Dallas. I actually never went to Fort Worth, but Fort Worth does have a world class zoo and art museum (so I'm told- not my kind of thing).

Dallas has more restaurants and clubs per capita than anywhere else in the country, so head over there. Lots to do. And if you're not married, I can't imagine a better city than Dallas, Texas. It definitely beats any city in the Northeast on that score.

For Skins' games, head up to the Austin grill in Plano. Big Redskins fan club meets up there. Owner is a fan too. It's a ton of fun.

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Today was a chemotherapy day......and I have to come home to this thread......dang....the day just gets worse.

As a native Texan.....I must say......DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS!!!!!!!!! Although you might not like your location, Texas as a whole is wonderful....Where else can you find..beaches, mountains, valleys, metropolitan areas and beautiful countryall in one state? Dallas has much to offer....have you gone to the West End?

So, before you condemn the entire state, take a look around.

Texas Blondie

BTW.....I am one of those NICE Big D chicks!!!

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I lived in TX for five years, '90-'95. The first three in Beaumont, the last two in the Austin burbs. Been to Dallas a few times, too.

To tell you the truth, I like Texas. The people are nice and the big cities rock. Lots and lots of excellent restaurants and night life.

Blakman, did you consider living in Dallas and commuting to Ft. Worth? I've never been to Ft. Worth, but I understand it is no comparison to its neighbor just to the east.

Good luck.

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Texas is a fabulous state.

I have a sister who lives in Houston and I've enjoyed the visits. I'm making a trip this Thanksgiving and considering trying to root out a ticket. Maybe if the Pokes are struggling I can find one or two. Don't know how the family would like me travelling halfway across the country only to abandon them for a football game on the holiday. But, hell, if I stay you wouldn't be able to get me away from the TV anyway.

Texas is cool. It's the damned Cowboys you need to hate. :)

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Hey buddy give it a chance. How long have you been in Texas.

My mother lives in Garland, Texas. Between Dallas and Forth Worth you are sure to find numerous spots where you can wine and dine or just bug out.

I vist my folks frequently and I always discover new places to hang out. I understand your allegiance to the Redskins as a reason for despise, but give your new home a chance.

In my opinion there are just as many Skin fans in Texas as there are Cowboy fans in the DC, Va and MD area.

You will soon give in the dark side as Jerry Jones sweeps you up in the Cowboy frenzy this season:cool:

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If there is one regret of my short time there, nearly 20 years ago, it's that I didn't have a chance to see and take in more of the state. Basic training in San Antonio,, ( That's the Alamo?), and tech school in Wichita Falls , ( don't complain too much about Ft. Worth till you've been there. :D ) One can find some of the finest "Mom and Pop" diners on some back roads there, if memory serves. Okay, so they have rabbits that have that "Charles Manson at his parol hearing" look, red ants that could quite possibly remove parts of your body, and frogs that are bigger than some breeds of dogs. But they do have lot's of those " come in and try eating our 72 oz. steak dinner and get it free" places.

Next time my brother goes to vistit the in-laws in Texas, (Houston), I think I may have to invite myself. Dad was stationed in Ft. Sill in Lawton Oklahoma, near the state line, and yep, there are mountains there. (note. the term mountain is used loosely considering where I live now.)

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I admit, i havent been in Fort Worth too long, but I am just getting annoyed that there is nothing to do here. Everyone I talk to tells me to go to Dallas. "Thats where the fun is". Dallas is like like an hour away. I've got too much to do to waste 2 hours of my day just driving. Hopefully I will be able to find a club or somewhere to go and chill this weekend.

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"... but I am just getting annoyed that there is nothing to do here.

"I've got too much to do to waste 2 hours of my day just driving."

Did I read that right, 211? You got too much to do, but you're annoyed that there's nothing to do? I don't think we can help you with that. :laugh:

But I do understand being annoyed at all those Poke fans out there. That must be something to endure. :)

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

You just described Virginia, except we don't have endless deserts and thousands of illegal immigrants to our name. :D

Sorry but I've lived in main land ****head China for 1 year, Korea for 2 years, Japan for 2 years, Germany (Just fricking shoot me) for 1.5 years, Montreal for 1 year, and almost every city in the US "Seattle being the best".


If Russia nuked Virginia there would be a 1" post on the back of every newspaper in the nation, "Virginia gone, movies in section 5a".

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Oh please. I guess you have to be a native to wholeheartedly love your state. I'm sure there are some Wyomingans (or whatever they're called) that would jump to the defense of their state.

I'm not sure what part of VA you lived in, but I assure you, VA has the best of everything. If you want the rural redneck types, then go to western VA. (Right around V-Tech). Northern Virginia is populated with more government workers than anywhere else in the country and is one of the fastest growing areas in the nation.

We have VA Beach, the Appalachins, and a ton of history, not to mention some beautiful scenery.

I'm biased because Virginia is home to me and I can't imagine living anywhere else.

There's no denying, however, that Virginia has beaches, mountains, scenery, metropolitan areas, history, so on and so forth.

That my friend, is a fact.

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

Oh please. I guess you have to be a native to wholeheartedly love your state. I'm sure there are some Wyomingans (or whatever they're called) that would jump to the defense of their state.

I'm not sure what part of VA you lived in, but I assure you, VA has the best of everything. If you want the rural redneck types, then go to western VA. (Right around V-Tech). Northern Virginia is populated with more government workers than anywhere else in the country and is one of the fastest growing areas in the nation.

We have VA Beach, the Appalachins, and a ton of history, not to mention some beautiful scenery.

I'm biased because Virginia is home to me and I can't imagine living anywhere else.

There's no denying, however, that Virginia has beaches, mountains, scenery, metropolitan areas, history, so on and so forth.

That my friend, is a fact.


[The Franchise Player]

The Franchise Player

Posts: 2371

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[The Franchise Player]

The Franchise Player

Posts: 2371

(10.53 Posts Per Day)


You're duleted with self pride, drive outside your local bar to find the real world.

BTW the skins will blow this year!

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You could also be describing North Carolina. In Greensboro, I can drive:

- 1.5 hrs to the mountains

- 3.5 hrs to the coast

- 1 hr to Raleigh

- 1.25 hrs to Charlotte

- 4.5 hrs to Atlanta

- 5.5 hrs to DC

For the most part the weather is super. Gets a little humid July and August. :)

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From the sounds of it, I'm guessing our new little friend Joe1999 manages to be an @ss no matter where he lives. Don't hang around on our account, son ... keep spreadin' the wealth.

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Om..you have such a way with words. I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts.

I know Texas isn't the only beautiful state, but I am glad I live here. I have only seen pictures of Virginia, but from those, it too has much to behold.

And for those who have visited Texas or lived here a short while, I am pleased you enjoyed the experience. If any of you are visiting the Dallas area, I extend my personal invitation to be your guide.


Texas Blondie

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Texas rocks, especially Austin. There are about 20 of us, my brother and I included, who watch the Skins play at a local bar. Lots of live music, plenty of hiking and camping to do, great weather other than maybe the 4-5 months of summer, awesome women, restaurants, movies, what-have-you. If you find yourself down here, send me an email and we'll do it up right.

Nothing wrong with Virginia, either. Mountains and beaches, rivers, forests, cool cities. I lived there for around 8 years and had a pretty good time.

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Gee, Blondie ... (blush). :)

I happen to love Virginia ... and have a soft spot for Dallas, too. My brother lives in Southlake, and we've been down twice to spend some summer time there over the last couple years. LOVE to head to Babe's (not Laufenberg) little family restaurant for some of the best damn fried chicken and/or country fried steak I've ever had. That, and little Tex-Mex place north of town – whose name escapes me right now (I'll ask him) – in a little house with uneven floors, great atmosphere, and the best damn frozen margaritas I've EVER had.

Went horseback riding north of town at another place whose name escapes me (must be the margaritas) ... then found out that the barn burned down tragically not too long after we were there, and a number of horses died. Sucks, that. My daughter cried a ton.

I've also had the privilege of living and traveling fairly extensively, and really don't have much bad to say about any place I've been. That's not to say you wouldn't choose Florence over Jalalabad ... but generally, seems to me that if you can't find beauty and/or good in where you are, maybe you aren't looking hard enough.

And if it's REALLY not your cup of tea or mug of ale ... move.

Free will, baby.

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