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Quality Depth at QB


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Okay, so we have Ramsey, Brunell and Campbell as our QB trio.

My question is, do you consider this to be quality QB depth? I know opinions have been expressed in other threads, but I thought I'd get them all in one thread here.

My opinion is we don't have quality depth right now. If Ramsey goes down, I think we are in trouble. I hope Campbell plays well this preseason and will become a quality back up until he's ready to take control of the offense.

What do you think? Quality depth at QB right now?



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I'll agree with you, based on how Brunell played last year.

Ramsey....we all can agree is coming into 2005 on solid ground.

Brunell may be better than we thought however, based on 2 reasons.

1. Brunell may have been much more injured than thought (hamstring)

2. Adjustments to the O-scheme as the season went on.

But, Brunell is a shaky #2 right now....

We don't know how Campbell will look in game situations, but he has FUTURE potential....

So our depth at QB isn't super strong.

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I think the FO train of thought is that is Ramsey gets injured/falters this year, Brunell will step in, hopefully not anything to LOSE the game, and basically keep the seat warm for Campbell. In 2006, we will probably rid ourselves of Brunell, and have Campbell as the primary backup (hopefully, assuming Ramsey is doing OK), and then have a low-round QB project. As it is now, Gibbs did not want a project who would not be able to step in in case of emergency, which is why he went after Campbell. The Campbell draft was for next year, in my opinion. This year, Brunell hopefully is at least mediocre. But next year we will want/need to be rid of him, and Gibbs didn't want to have to depend on a rookie then. Instead, Ramsey's backup will be a 2nd year player who has time in the system, etc.

And Hail, keep your chin up bud. I may not agree with all your points, but I do appreciate the overall civility of your arguements.:cheers:

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Well, from the interviews and such after the OTAs and minicamp, a lot of players and coaches have said that Brunell has looked a lot better this offseason than he did last offseason. He may have been still hurting from his elbow injury, and with the last 8 weeks of the season and all offseason to rest it, he may be getting better. So, if Ramsey goes down, I don't think Brunell will be as terrible as last year. He won't have Dropsies McAlligatorArms (Gardner) dropping almost every pass anymore, and will have a reliable target in Patten.

Plus, unless its just a bunch of smoke, from what people have been saying, Campbell is picking up the offense fast and impressing a lot of people at Redskins park.

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Originally posted by goskins

2. Adjustments to the O-scheme as the season went on.

Goskins, I think that's an excellent point! And add to that Jansen coming back, the shot gun, and zone blocking.

So, perhaps no matter who is behind center, we can expect better results.



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Originally posted by goaldeje

I think the FO train of thought is that is Ramsey gets injured/falters this year, Brunell will step in, hopefully not anything to LOSE the game, and basically keep the seat warm for Campbell.

Okay, that was going to be my next question, who comes off the bench first? I agree that Brunell will, but I would love to see Campbell play his way up to the number two slot this preseason

And Hail, keep your chin up bud. I may not agree with all your points, but I do appreciate the overall civility of your arguements.:cheers:

Thanks goaldeje! :cheers:



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Originally posted by HailSkinz1

Goskins, I think that's an excellent point! And add to that Jansen coming back, the shot gun, and zone blocking.

So, perhaps no matter who is behind center, we can expect better results.




I would like to see Brunell move around to see how his legs are as well as his arm.

What I think, since Ramsey and Brunell are different styles of QB (and Campbell is a bit of both), Gibbs has some plays more aimed to Ramsey (pocket plays) and some for Brunell (bootlegs, scrambles).

This is just a guess, but I bet I'm right.

Coach Gibbs knows what he can get from these guys....so they'll be ok-- but I still think the depth isn't as solid as it could be (really depending on Brunell more or less).

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Yes. I do see quality depth.

Ramsey and Brunell both have a year in this system. The offensive line will be better, the running game will be more explosive, the receivers are faster and more professional. They'll be where they're supposed to be. Both Ramsey and Brunell will be much better this season. You'll see it in the pre-season.

If Brunell has to come in during the regular season, he'll do well.

Of course it's just my opinion. I'm looking forward to seeing it happen in the pre-season, even with a vanilla offense.

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Originally posted by HailSkinz1

Okay, that was going to be my next question, who comes off the bench first? I agree that Brunell will, but I would love to see Campbell play his way up to the number two slot this preseason

Thanks goaldeje! :cheers:



I suspect that Brunell will most likely play well enough in the preseason and training camp to surprise us all and keep the number 2 spot. I agree that it would be great to see Campbell develop that quickly, I'm just not sure its realistic.

Originally posted by goskins


I would like to see Brunell move around to see how his legs are as well as his arm.

What I think, since Ramsey and Brunell are different styles of QB (and Campbell is a bit of both), Gibbs has some plays more aimed to Ramsey (pocket plays) and some for Brunell (bootlegs, scrambles).

This is just a guess, but I bet I'm right.

Coach Gibbs knows what he can get from these guys....so they'll be ok-- but I still think the depth isn't as solid as it could be (really depending on Brunell more or less).

Yes, a lot of depth this year does depend on Brunell. There have not been too many rookies that can step right in at QB and not lose games, let alone dominate or play very very well. The rest of the offense has to be pretty d@mn good to accomodate that. And our offense has a ways to go before it can be considered that good. Hopefully this year we will develop to be that good, but haven't seen it yet. So if something happens to Ramsey, I think this year we will have to depend on Brunell, which may not be as bad as we think right now.

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This season Campbell has 2 wins in him , it doesn't matter if he starts two games or if he starts the entire season. Rothlesberger has warped all perception of what a Rookie QB can do for you.

We are shackled to Brunell at least for this season, we can't bring in another Vet and if we had the critism would of rained down harder than any critism of the campbell pick; Brunell is clearly our only option to win if Ramsey goes down. Campbell starting this year is a worst case scenario, at best.

So just by looking at what Brunell did last year, no we don't have great depth. On the other hand Brunells preformace last year has warped all perception about what he can do for us. He had his moments, he even had a good game against Dallas. So I've got to believe what happened last year was fluke or a case of shaken confidence that has been overcome; I've seen Farve throw 5 ints in a playoff game, he recovered. If called on Brunell just might suprise all of us. Barring injury Campbell remains #3 the entire year and never starts.

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I believe this is a good mix.. We got the somewhat Veteran QB just beginning to come into his own. We got the grizzled aged vet who passes on the wisdom.. And we got the snot nosed rookie, who's biting at his chance to impress and make his mark..

I think it's great.

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This question is really about Brunell for me, as depth would imply who our backups are.

But I'll start with Campbell.

Campbell has to be the #3 as the rookie, and will remain so (barring disaster) throughout the season. It will be good for him to be at the games watching. It will not be good for him to get thrown into game situations this season. Just too soon.

Brunell, as the #2....

I was definitely yelling at the TV screen a lot last year when he was in there. That said, something was clearly really wrong with him physically and with the system he was playing in. He never even got to see a four receiver set, and Coles and Gardner (as pointed out earlier) were dropping all kinds of passes they should have caught (confidence = way down). So I really believe (and this seems to be supported by what we've been hearing out of the OTA and mini-camp reports) that Brunell will look and play much better this season when he is called upon. We'll see come preason.

Of course, we won't be seeing much of either Brunnell or Campbell in the regular season, as PR is going to do what he must... show up big time.

All of this being said I give our QB depth a 6 pre pre-season, hope to edit to an 8 or 9 after pre-season!

- nomad

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I posted this in the other thread, but since you started a new thread, I figured maybe you didn't see my response:

I think we do have quality depth at QB, as I think we have good depth at most positions. I don't think Brunell is as bad as he played last year. He was either playing hurt, or maybe he was just jittery because he was scared for his life. He did have backups snapping him the ball, and protecting his blind side afterall.

It's pretty obvious that Gibbs still thinks there is some gas in Brunell's tank when he says things like, "we haven't seen the last of Mark Brunell". There is virtually no chance that Gibbs will promote Brunell over Ramsey to starter, but Gibbs has been around long enough to know that at some point Pat will get hurt, and he's confident that Brunell will step in and play well enough.

Gibbs' confidence in Brunell is why the Campbell pick makes sense. It allows Gibbs to get a guy he sees great potential in, and take a few seasons to develop him the right way.

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I believe Ramsey is the starter no question, and I can't possibly think Brunell is as bad as he showed last year. I think we have good depth.

Very few quarterbacks play every snap of the year, you are bound to see the backup QB play a bit. So if Patrick goes down, we're gonna see Mark in there unless Campbell performs exceptionally well in the preseason. Therefore, all the reports from the camps saying that Brunell looks much better than he did last year are encouraging (and I hope they are true), and that if Patrick goes down in any game, the game isn't automatically over. We can still put points on the board with Mark under center.

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If we are winning with Ramsey, and then HE goes down, quality depth means the next guy can step up and win some games, if Brunell steps in that won't happen, and if a rookie QB steps in that won't happen.

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I think we DO have good QB depth. Many have written Brunell off and he still needs to prove he can do it physically. Mentally, however, having Mark as our #2 makes me comfortable. He's got YEARS of experience as a winner and he can probably step up big since he's not being asked to start every week. I wouldn't want Brunell playing more than 6 quarters in a row, though. I think at his age it takes it's toll.

Campbell is a total rookie, but looks to have more physical skills than Tim Hasselbeck. Let's just hope he doesn't have to come in this season. That would mean Ramsey and Brunell are both WAY too hurt to play.

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