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Gibbs Reason for return, nobody addresses

Would you swap the Redskins' offseason acquisitions (including draft) with Dallas?  

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  1. 1. Would you swap the Redskins' offseason acquisitions (including draft) with Dallas?

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Joe Gibbs returned to football for one reason and one reason only, but nobody seems to address. This reason is why I think Joe stays as head coach for 5 years.

His son. He wants to be a coach in the NFL. In order for this to happen he needs a fair amount of experience as an assistant of some sort. The only way he gets enough time as an assistant is if Joe is the Head Coach.

My question/thoughts on the matter is:

How can Gibbs leave football until his son gets some experience as a football assistant? He cannot. His son needs him to be in the mix.

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I think it had alot to do with that Coach Gibbs hall of fame ego. He loves this organization way too much to see it fall by the wayside, and since he saw others come back to the game and be successful it was icing on the cake for him. No offense to the Gibbs family but i would feel alot more comfortable with Gregg Williams taking over and Musgrave running the offense.

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He came back because the Redskins have been dog:pooh: for the past 12 years (barring 1999) and he wanted to fix that. He also came back because we're something like 1-13 against Dallas the past few years. His son had something to do with it, but its definitely not the whole picture.

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Originally posted by autographcollector

Joe Gibbs returned to football for one reason and one reason only, but nobody seems to address. This reason is why I think Joe stays as head coach for 5 years.

His son. He wants to be a coach in the NFL. In order for this to happen he needs a fair amount of experience as an assistant of some sort. The only way he gets enough time as an assistant is if Joe is the Head Coach.

My question/thoughts on the matter is:

How can Gibbs leave football until his son gets some experience as a football assistant? He cannot. His son needs him to be in the mix.

Right, so you're Dan Snyder. You're sitting in your office one day, and a former coach of your team calls you up. Now, this former coach is in the hall of fame, and you have your entire club level named after him.

You shoot the breeze for a while, and then he mentions that his son wants to get in to coaching pro ball. Hmmm, let's see, uhh, err...well, you can certainly afford it, and why not have another QA Coach? He's got good genes....yeah, what the heck, we'll give it a shot.

Think about it. He's gonna get the shot anyways. If Mr. Snyder hadn't placed him, someone else would've. All Coach Gibbs needed to do to get his son into coaching pro football was make a few calls. Besides, I somehow would guess that Gibbs' son has enough of a general knowledge of the job, and some experience in the area to have a shot at becoming a successful coach.

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It is certainly a reason, but not the reason. He had mentioned that as one of the things that made him consider coming back to coaching, but ultimately, it was to WIN. Winning is in his blood and that was the motivating force. Perhaps the next step is to teach his son how to win through example, so he can then carry on the Gibbs tradition. But the main prioriy for Gibbs to get back in was to turn around the organization. He could've stayed down south and coached Atlanta or another team closer to his family if this were about getting his son into football.

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