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Healthiest and Unhealthiest Cities


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Here is a pretty intersting article from MSN.

Healthiest Cities in America

10) Austin-San Marcos, Texas

9) Denver

8) Orange County, Calif.

7) Sacramento, Calif.

6) Oakland, Calif.

5) Salt Lake City-Ogden

4) Seattle-Bellevue-Everett

3) San Francisco

2) Washington, D.C.

1) San Jose, Calif.

The Unhealthiest Cities in America

10) Indianapolis

9) Las Vegas

8) New York City

7) Detroit

6) Columbus, Ohio

5) Orlando, Fla.

4) Cleveland-Lorain-Elyria

2) San Antonio

1) New Orleans

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Originally posted by Mr. S

wow, that list surprises me, but I kinda assumed smog was what the ranking was aobut and it wasnt. I was about to ask why isnt Los Angeles on the unhealthy list. Weird.

That was the first thing that entered my mind when I read the list. The air quality there is HORRIBLE.

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Originally posted by RyansRangers

I love San Francisco I could live there.. If it were cheaper I would mover there in a heartbeat

*gloat* I do live here and it is all that it is cracked up to be and more. I have never regretting moving here for a single day.

However, housing here is even more expensive than you can even imagine. I am so lucky I bought my house in 1991.

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Originally posted by Predicto

*gloat* I do live here and it is all that it is cracked up to be and more. I have never regretting moving here for a single day.

However, housing here is even more expensive than you can even imagine. I am so lucky I bought my house in 1991.

Lets swap homes for a year.. I live in Connecticut right on the Long Island Sound. I will trade you for a year

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Originally posted by Predicto

Sorry. No can do. I like my 10 minute commute too much.

My parents lived in San Fran in the early '70s. They were only there 2 years but were getting ready to buy a house when my Dad was relocated suddenly, but they still almost bought because they were just married and wanted some rental income.

The house was $60,000... one of the row houses downtown. Even had a garage and a backyard. That was a decent amount of money back then but not unreachable.

They still keep in touch with the people who live there... that house is worth millions upon millions today. :doh:

They made out very well in life and are extremely comfortable... but man, my Dad gets a twinkle in his eye every time he tells that story. :)

One other quick story about San Fran... my aunt and uncle lived there their entire lives. My uncle was born there, grew up there, went to USF, and worked there his entire life. He never made a lot of money. But he was a homeowner... he just sold his house and moved to North Carolina where he's building an $800,000 home in the mountains. Paying Cash.

I wonder if that kind of thing will happen in our generation... and if so, where?

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Originally posted by zoony

One other quick story about San Fran... my aunt and uncle lived there their entire lives. My uncle was born there, grew up there, went to USF, and worked there his entire life. He never made a lot of money. But he was a homeowner... he just sold his house and moved to North Carolina where he's building an $800,000 home in the mountains. Paying Cash.

I wonder if that kind of thing will happen in our generation... and if so, where?

The reason real estate here went so crazy is because the city is unique, and the geography (surrounded by water on 3 sides) does not permit endless growth into far off suburbs. There is only so much of San Francisco to go around. When the hightech money started pouring in, people were willing to pay an ever increasing premium to be here.

Look for those factors - unique character and limiting geography. Hawaii might be a possibility, or maybe Seattle?

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