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Sean Taylor has been charged with assault with a firearm


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Originally posted by E-Dog Night

She's so ugly, that when she went to the zoo, the guard said: "Thanks for bringing her back."

She's so ugly, that when she was a baby, her mother had to breastfeed her thru a hole in the wall.

:doh: I'm 31 years old & I still laugh at toilet humor & crude jokes. May I never grow up. :laugh:

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Redskins Note: Yesterday, the Miami-Dade state attorney's office held a pre-filing conference to begin determining whether to prosecute safety Sean Taylor for two felony counts of aggravated assault with a firearm and one misdemeanor charge of battery. The procedure was closed to the public and Taylor's defense lawyer. The process is expected to last a few days. If the police's evidence is judged insufficient, the charges will be dropped. A decision isn't expected to be revealed until Taylor's arraignment June 24.

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His wife is soooooooo ugly, she had to pay the pillow to sleep with her.

His wife is sooooooooooooooooo ugly, she went into the bathroom and scared the sh!t out of the toilet.

His wife is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ugly, they filmed "Gorillas in the Mist" in her bathroom when she was showering.

His wife is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ugly, at Halloween they pressed her face into some dough to make monster cookies.

Finally, his wife is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ugly, he takes her to work with him so he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye.

I'll be here all night.

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This part rings true, though

Why was Sean Taylor not at Redskin Park for voluntary workouts with the rest of his team getting ready for the upcoming season? If you ask his agent Drew Rosenhaus he'll tell you his client can get ready in Florida just fine and that also his client needs a new deal to compensate for his great athletic ability.

Ask Rosenhaus why his client has a gun and is involved in a situation that has him charged with a serious crime and he'll tell you he has no idea of his client's whereabouts or why he did that. Seeing as how Rosenhaus has a GPS tracker on every player in the NFL just in case he can get them to sign with him, funny he had no idea about Taylor.

This whole thing, regardless of the outcome, is really disheartening considering the high hopes we all had for the guy. I can't lie and say I'm not disappointed as a fan. I can just hope that somehow nothing comes out if it and he can continue his career without all the B.S in the future. If he can, he is sure to become a great one.

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Are some of you really that dumb, or just ignorant?

This IS newsworthy because up until this point, Taylor had not been charged with anything. This means that they feel they have sufficient evidence to convict him.

I don't care who's reporting it. This guy says something you don't like on the surface, so you call him names and make fun of his wife like a bunch of ass-clowns.

It's embarrasing to be associated with some of you :puke:

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Sorry we're embarrassing you.

Taylor was charged waaaay back on June 4th.

(Maniscalco even says in the article he was charged two weeks ago.)

He will be arraigned next week on those charges.

He hasn't been convicted of anything yet.

We were just making fun of the late breaking nature of his reporting...and the fact that his wife is ugly. :D

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Wow ! You really are an omega. Ended the soooooooo ugly series.:laugh: :laugh:

Relax omega most of us don't even know who we're joking about.

ooops your not her are you? :laugh: no need to get uptight and start calling people names, unless you are her or her sooooooooooooooo ugly twin. :D

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Originally posted by 0mega

This IS newsworthy because up until this point, Taylor had not been charged with anything. This means that they feel they have sufficient evidence to convict him.

Uhm, he was charged when he was arrested. When you are arrested for a crime you are charged with that crime. Then, the DA must indict you. He has not been indicted yet. But all arrests carry a charge. This article does not tell us anything new.

If the DA feels it has enough evidence to sustain the charge they will indict. We will likely find that out on the 24th.

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Originally posted by CaliforniaSkin

Uhm, he was charged when he was arrested. When you are arrested for a crime you are charged with that crime. Then, the DA must indict you. He has not been indicted yet. But all arrests carry a charge. This article does not tell us anything new.

If the DA feels it has enough evidence to sustain the charge they will indict. We will likely find that out on the 24th.

Yeah, the charges may even be dropped on the 24th (I'm assuming that's the date of his arraignment) depending on the amount of evidence they have. If all they have is the two guys who say he pointed a gun at him, chances are the charges will be dropped, a la Iverson.

Hopefully they won't proceed with no evidence just to make a point like they did in the Kobe trial...

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Originally posted by 0mega

Are some of you really that dumb, or just ignorant?

This IS newsworthy because up until this point, Taylor had not been charged with anything. This means that they feel they have sufficient evidence to convict him.

I don't care who's reporting it. This guy says something you don't like on the surface, so you call him names and make fun of his wife like a bunch of ass-clowns.

It's embarrasing to be associated with some of you :puke:

I just like yo' mama jokes.

Relax man.

Take deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth.

Doesn't that feel better?

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Originally posted by Rocky21

This is fun. His wife is soooo ugly, when she joined an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

THATS FUNNY!! Thats one I will actually use!

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My bad - you're right. I didn't realize he was charged when he was initially arrested. I went back and looked around and he was, just as you guys stated.

Perhaps I need to give some of you more credit that I had been.

Either way, hopefully he's straightend out and kicking ass again this season.

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