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New Bang Toon: Brain Drain


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Originally posted by tundey

I hate to ask a question everybody knows the answer to but where exactly do we find these toons?

Top of the page, good person! The banner is always at the top of the page. This one is called "Brain Drain"


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Originally posted by tundey

I hate to ask a question everybody knows the answer to but where exactly do we find these toons?

Look at the top of the page... click on the banner where it says "BRAIN DRAIN .... Bang"

Good thing it wasnt a snake, eh? :)

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Originally posted by TLusby

Very good Bang; however, I always thought the name "Bubba" was reserved for fat white guys!

Guess you didn't see Forrest Gump then.

Of course I know you did.

Bang, your sense of humor proves to me that I'm not the only twisted mind on the planet. Great job as usual.

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