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Originally posted by RyansRangers

I just stopped at 7....... I forgot Ramsey started that game and I consider Rod garnder gone already

I was at that game sitting in front of a female Jets fan. She was busting on Pat before the game even started. I think he may have had only one first half INCOMPLTETION. I was lovin' life!!

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Jacobs? I thought he was looking really good in camps so far, at least thats what I read in the SN. Dockery, I don't know I think he will continue to get a chance and they better keep Hall. Sure he wasn't on last year but he was hurt, at least he has a chance of hitting a FG outside of 40 yds unlike Chandler.

Also just curious, who started at RB that game? I was trying to think if Betts had started or Trung. I guess it was probably Trung.

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Originally posted by newskinsowner

rod doesnt count as a starter anymore i would think

just to show that all of spurrier's players (02', 03) are just about gone or are on the hot seat this year

ramsey, jacobs, dockery, hall.

From the 02 Draft

Ramsey, Betts, Lott, Royal, Cartwright

From the 03 Draft

Jacobs, Dockery

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Originally posted by newskinsowner

Can you name the 7 starters left from opening day 2003 against the jets on offense and defense.

(no cheating) please

ready go!








Do I win?

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TK-IV II I : When i meant Spurrier's players are just about gone i was reffering to the starters from the 02- and 03 seasons or are required to produce this year or join the list






friedman/larry moore












lional dalton

d. russell

b. holsley

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Originally posted by Lowghost

I watched that game in Orlando, surrounded by a bunch of Jets fans.

It was fun and they were good sports.

I listened to that game on my handheld radio as I was waiting for my flight to Iraq.... Everyone was trying to figure out why I kept screaming.. Was actually pretty funny..

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Yup, John Hall is going to be in a kicker competiton this offseason i believe with Chandler. i dont think the Skins were too happy with Hall being constantly injured or out.

add to the fact that Hall i think has the stronger leg but not much stronger and Chandler is much cheaper

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Originally posted by newskinsowner

Can you name the 7 starters left from opening day 2003 against the jets on offense and defense.

(no cheating) please

ready go!

Offense: Patrick Ramsey, Laverneous Coles, Rod Gardner, Jon Jansen, Chris Samuels, Randy Thomas, Trung Candidate

Defense: LA, Renaldo Wynn, Fred Smoot, Matt Bowen, Iffy, Champ, Trotter

EDIT: I read the question wrong.....thought you wanted 7 starters from offense and defense on that day. But I think I named everyone left anyway....

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Originally posted by newskinsowner

Sorry jrockster77 Jett already won and the question was who is left (still on the roster) from the 03 opener.

thanks anyway

If you read the edit I added to the post, you'll see I already figured that out. But in there are the 7 left, anyway!

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