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New to the site but born a fan


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Was up Im new here but a diehard redskinz fan. Im also a Wizards fan. Im the type of person that's late everywhere but a redskinz game or redskin practice. Me and my homies plan months ahead of time to get ready for the redskinz practices. We alwayz end up the first people at the redskin park so we can get the best seatz haha aint dat right ( LivestrongSkins) hahaha

We have broken down before wit a flat tire like 40 miles away from the redskin park; put on a lil donut tire and made it to the park still being the first people lol. I went to the dallas and redskinz game of 2005 in dallas and almost got in a fight with 10 gay cowboy fans. But yea same go'z wit being a wizards fan i am one 4 life!

do you think im'a good fan? hahaha

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :wewantd: :point2sky

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LOL, yea i will never forget the day we just threw the doughnut on your car and continued about our way to training camp :laugh: Welcome to the site, youll have fun here. You might want to make your name redskin colors instead of giants colors. :no: The people here are great. Finally we meet people who are "Extreme" (pun intended :laugh: ) fans like us!

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Originally posted by CrazyJoe92

yea I know it's skins but "SKINZ" sounds so much better lol gives it more life lol it's the 21st century. hey thanks tho any redskin fan is my friend

Not quite sure how the "z" makes it sound any different whatsoever...

BTW, your buddy was 100% correct... Get the Giant colors off your name, bro... Looks terrible... Gotta go with the burgandy and gold my man. :)

Enjoy your stay and be prepared for the hazing rituals...

They usually involve some soap, a plunger, dog food and Tarhog...

Don't ask...

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Yup... I ran a 4.7 40 time... I pulled a decent amount... I was the size of alot of the linebackers, so when I collisioned them I could flatten 'em... Problem was when I didn't pull and had a 350 pounder lined up over top of me at the nose... I became roadkill quick.

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Originally posted by KDawg

Enjoy your stay and be prepared for the hazing rituals...

They usually involve some soap, a plunger, dog food and Tarhog...

Don't ask...

Hey, me and my nipple are just the warm-up act.

Wait'll Die Hard gets a hold of you :)

You still got that limp KDawg?

Welcome CrazyJoe.

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Welcome, how did you guys find the site? I think it's interesting to know how people find their way here. This is a great place and as long as you don't post pics of yourself half-naked and flexing (long story) you'll do just fine here.

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Originally posted by forbeskin

Welcome, how did you guys find the site? I think it's interesting to know how people find their way here. This is a great place and as long as you don't post pics of yourself half-naked and flexing (long story) you'll do just fine here.

Well, a few years ago a guy on ESPN posted that he was on here. I looked at the link and came to the site. I loved the site and always read it, but always had problems with my email account when trying to register. But i got it right this time and thats why you guys know me now instead of back then. (And to think i could have been a probowl poster by now :laugh: ) As for Joe, Hes just a big fan as well so i told him about it.

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