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Everything posted by dunfer

  1. Somebody Welcome him to the team thread. Carson Commies? Wentz Whatevers?...Carson Cobra Kai?
  2. I had a feeling wed get wentz. I think he can play. Just needs to get his head straight
  3. First it was the "we just wanted to protect donetsk and luhansk" (so we win in the end) and now vlad's generals pay the price for his decisions. Growing up in the cold war, I thought russia had turned a corner in the reagan/grorbachev years. I guess electing a former KGB agent was a bad idea I read a quote from a Russian that said "if we get any worse, we will be North Korea". This is sounding alot like North Korea.
  4. The african students thing was about visas i think. I think visas were waived for ukranian citizens and they werent citizens, so people were just doing their jobs. Juicy story though
  5. Ukraines arent making any extra cash through grubhub either atm. Get the **** out of ukraine and get some hotwings delivered
  6. Its part to do with how communism works there. Your status, income and livelihood is all "given" to you by the state. Im guessing most there are teetering between is this a temporary thing or not. Will this war end and things slowly go back to normal with Vlad and his cronies still running things? If so, youre scared not to support them because youd lose your job, your swanky apartment with AC and Wifi and even your limited freedoms if he state wanted to take them.
  7. yes and no, which is good for china. Endless supply at rockbottom prices. China sees the endgame
  8. What would a "constitutional amendment" do to keep ukraine from lying to a liar and join nato, the second russia stepped foot of their soil?...or is that referring to Nato's constitution?
  9. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1499909806504779779?s=20&t=7KY04yb1hrciiuWemEjgTw Even Tesla is saying turn on the oil wells
  10. i know we try to be the good guys but nato is an alliance, not the police. no matter how much we want to be
  11. even if....how long could they hold it if there was a western backed resistance? china has to move in at some point to make this work for putin
  12. putin is an old man with seemingly total control. He doesnt give a **** about the planet i dont think. he rebirths the ussr or destroys the west (his version of armeggedon)
  13. Whats the rules on where planes could take off? Could nato gift ukraine some planes from neighboring countries and then ask for some old crop duster vets to volunteer? Rules of war is strange. We can bankrupt you and supply everything to kill you, and our guys can volunteer to fight
  14. Weve had coalitions against countries before. If china got involved....then its ww3
  15. Hopefully we have the people in governments around the world to make the right decisions
  16. Im not worried about nukes yet, if we were to get involved, but more about what china would do. They knew what Putin's plans were and they may not have foreseen Nato uniting like it has, but Xi has his own designs and masterplans. Putin is Xi's Saruman
  17. There is a chance ukraine could hold out without a no fly zone. There is a chance a no fly zone would start a chain reaction of events that would make things worse Its a tough decision or it wouldve been done im guessing
  18. They wont get nato forces involved. We are able to ship them all those javelins though and other countries were going to send them jets. Mabye weve got some stuff in the pipeline to bolster their surface to air defenses? No idea how long it takes to move weapons like that and no idea if there is a line that you cant cross, as far as what you can give them....i guess you cant give ukraine a nuke, but everything else is fair game?
  19. I guess it depends on who reached out here, but i guess someone is waving the white flag
  20. Biden is just too old and reading a script. there is no heart there We need to get a little younger in our leaders...we dont need 70 year olds for knowledge
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