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Everything posted by dunfer

  1. mabye some of us billionaire guys that can afford some missles and jets ...some of us could join the militia perhaps?
  2. Soviet communism never dies with the kgb. they play the long game
  3. they will eventually, but it will bankrupt them. At some point every fighting man in Ukraine needs to withdraw to fight again in a month or two.
  4. If theres one thing russia has it fuel unfortunately. Is this communist ineptitude or troops/commanders trying to shuffle their feet without disobeying orders?
  5. didnt Kerry get on Putin about the climate stuff? Putin is probably measuring his carbon footprint and halting things on purpose. Hes not a monster
  6. i wish nato wouldve accepted them before all of this started and then we wouldve gotten a real look. Definately need to accept finland the second they man up
  7. think i read something that the countries offering the jets backed out, saying they didnt have enough
  8. Because those countries dont have nukes. If Russia didnt have enough nukes to kill the world wed be dropping in, guns a blazin right now. If you put nato personnel on the ground and they get killed its probably ratcheting up to ww3. WW3 kills everything. The earth becomes another lifleless rock in space It sucks that we are back to this democracy vs communism bull**** front and center. Seemed like everyone could get along in capatilism
  9. A kgb dictator + dementia + nukes Really hope they have some legit checks and balances with their world ending stuff. Probably not though
  10. Mainly for the short term and not just for us but to help supply our allies that are taking great risk turning on putin
  11. why i think theres some merit to the republican points of getting back to oil production. The world needs oil. Our current population numbers depend on it, no way around it.
  12. ok ukraine cant join nato until after putin dies of natural causes
  13. if they back down though... sanctions hurt the innocent bystanders more so than the guilty
  14. ukraine should agree to terms to give up the portions Donetsk and Luhansk as long as there are no restrictions to ukraine joining Nato. And people in those areas that want to move into ukraine territory are free to do so
  15. I give it as much chance as it snowballing into nuclear war. What i imagine happens is putin is given the separatist regions of donbas that theyve been fighting over prior to this and everyone backs down
  16. Putin counted on Zelenskyy running and easy pickings. Oops
  17. lol i dunno last time me and my buddies drove up to fed ex (decade or so ago) i had to go find beer and apparently on sunday its a thing up there. Took me awhile Down here in Richmond weve got apps that bring the beer to you even Sundays. And you can have weed too....and we have better breweries
  18. im confused on what you guys are fighting about. and im not just replying to you, but the other guys coming after you
  19. Down in richmond you dont have to drive to another town to buy beer on sunday
  20. Us bigguns are too scared to confront eachother anymore because of what will probably happen. Ukraine ****ed up giving up their nukes. You non-proliferation states...writing is on the wall. Better get some nukes you crazy sons a ****es
  21. Oh God please come to Richmond.
  22. Putin(or any dictator) doesnt want nato on his doorstep in 2022, because he is afraid of his subjugated preferring democracy
  23. so another war (thats what this is for ukraine) for oil. Sorry ukraine, the world could stop it...but gas prices Russia wouldnt stand a chance against the US military
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