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Everything posted by FootballZombie

  1. If we kept that really tall QB he could have dove for TDs from the 50. Otherwise I got nothin
  2. I disagree w/ the boxing glove idea. Better to hold than get your QB killed
  3. Lamb-y's gotta do better than that, even if our O came out looking like butt.
  4. I think this position is more desirable than most of the others too. Yeah we got a bazillion holes, but we have money and draft assets to fill a bunch of them. Outside of the facilities, which you gotta assume will get at least a little bit better in the short term, The only major drawback is that weird pseudo stipulation from that article that @Skinsinparadise posted a few days back where our GM and Head Coach will likely need to be more charismatic with the media and fans due to the need of rebuilding the fanbase. That means there are kinda some non-football elements that will need to be dealt with alongside the position in order to truly be successful here.
  5. Chi's opening has the unfair advantage of pretty much locking in that #1 pick right now. If we finish w/ draft pick 2 or 3 It would monumentally increase the attractiveness of our openings as it allows new hires to jump on the job due to falling in love with someone in the draft. Similar to Chi and Williams, if a candidate loves Maye/Daniels/Harrison, and we can guarantee one or two of them will be there when we pick, that's a pretty strong lure. We can't guarantee that right now tho.
  6. Finished up Bayonetta 3 and Spiderman 2. Bayo-3 does a great job of building on its predecessor. On top of what you could do before, you can now summon a giant Demon to assist you at any time. The game also allows you to pretty rapidly regen your magic over time, instead of earning it back via stellar play. This change allows you to enter every fight at full capacity to do your most bat-s crazy moves. It makes the game itself easier, but you can start at crazy high difficulties if you still want the enhanced challenge. Overall its a stellar game, tho the story is not as good as B-2's. Spiderman 2 scores massive points in everything except innovation. There is no strong attempt to alter the way you play, its just more of what is already loved. But what we love is great and the story was fantastic so its an incredible game. Bit more focus on combat over stealth this time around and the web-wings are a more than welcome addition to what was already awesome traversal. Had a blast with it. Plus they have said they are releasing a patch that fixes some of the nit-picks like not having re-playable missions/challenges. Currently working my way thru Persona 5 Tactica and liking it a lot.
  7. Dark side of being taught to protect themselves. I'm the first gut to preach it but it comes w/ some negatives too.
  8. I know there are other non-turnovers that can receive a booth review. Coming up short on 4th down is one of 'em. Maybe blocked punts are similar in that regard. GOOD GOOGLY THAT WAS A COLLISION.
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