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Everything posted by EmirOfShmo

  1. The Stable Genius cannot accept outside information on anything. He rules by 'gut instinct' - the same 'gut instinct' that thought an airline, steaks, & vodka bearing his name would appeal to the masses. Why isn't there a meeting of top business people, top economic advisers, etc. - not affiliated with this administration or the Democratic party - providing plans & ideas on the correct economic path to follow? On the Senate bill - why the **** can't they name a bi-partisan group to manage the distribution of the money? Giving any 1 person associated with this administration will lead to what we all already know - distribution based on GOP loyalties & donations. FFS, someone, anyone - step up to the plate and do the right ****ing thing.
  2. White House Occupant throws a tantrum spewing outrageous lies (even for him), Pence has an hour long public speech with unending praise of White House Occupant, Dr.Fauci publicly rebukes the idiocy of the administration & refuses to appear on screen with them
  3. I put it on a bit too early - grill was at 545 degrees. I need to get it to 650 next time. Bottom was brown & crispy but the edges didn't get enough color. Swiss cheese, parmesan cheese, with some smoked kielbasa.
  4. Gonna cook pizza on the smoker tonight using a recipe for DC's Gentlemen Jim's/Cavalier pizza.
  5. In a few hours, I'm going to put different drinks in each room of our house & calling it a Pub Crawl.
  6. What the **** is the Orange Turd doing? From the Bllomberg article: Trump Told Governors to Buy Own Virus Supplies, Then Outbid Them President Donald Trump’s directive for governors to buy their own medical supplies to fight the coronavirus has run into a big problem -- the federal government. Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker told Trump during a video conference on Thursday that his state three times lost out to the federal government on purchases of critical supplies, creating an awkward moment during the made-for-TV event at Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters in Washington. “I’ve got a feeling that if someone has the chance to sell to you and to sell to me, I am going to lose on every one of those,” a sheepish-sounding Baker told Trump, who chuckled at the remark. The president replied he still wants governors to seek out their own medical equipment, like protective gear for doctors and nurses as well as respirators, but acknowledged the federal government has greater buying power than any state.
  7. From my wife's aunt (retired teacher):
  8. There's a pop-up testing center here in Henrico County (Richmond city suburb). HENRICO, Va. (WWBT) - As soon as this weekend, you may be able to get tested for coronavirus by simply driving to a pop-up test site. The first one took place in Henrico’s Dorey Park Wednesday afternoon. Health leaders are looking to bring even more of those test sites to our area. They want to reach other areas of Central Virginia to give more people easy access. It’s a drive-through pop up test site, similar to ones we’ve seen across the world. Henrico is the first in our area to introduce it. https://www.nbc12.com/2020/03/18/pop-up-covid-testing-gets-underway-henrico/
  9. It's classic White House Occupant deflection to take the spotlight off his bumbling of this crisis.
  10. Yeah, I haven't been able to find any site that has a count of the actual tests conducted OR the number of tests requested (i.e., in the queue to be tested). We have doubled the number of cases from March 16th to TODAY. March 16th - 3,487 Cases 68 Deaths from the CDC website during the day 3/16 March 18th - 7,392 Cases 112 Deaths from CNN on TV 15-20 minutes ago
  11. Yeah, read that in one of the articles in this thread. Plus, they're all 'flagged' in different countries (Liberia, Bahamas, etc.) If I'm recalling this correctly, the flagging in non-US countries allows them to follow that countries employment rules instead of US rules (i.e., pay low wages, treat people like ****, etc.) Travel related industries should be towards the bottom of the list for bailouts. White House Occupant has his own business interests at the forefront of $$, obviously, because he's an asshole.
  12. Older kid not at home. We're semi-retired. No work for at least 2 weeks, probably longer. Sucks because it's unrecoverable. But I know we're in better shape than a LOT of people so we're thankful for that.
  13. Just finished our 2nd day of yard work raking & bagging the pine needles & leaves. We need 2 more days of decent weather to get the rest of the yard done. It's been good exercise & helps take our minds off of the situation. Friday in RVA supposed to be a record 84 degrees for the 1st day of Spring. Gotta figure out a frozen drink to make with the items we have...
  14. To be expected with each of those areas having major international airports. I would expect to see Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Miami, DC to be the next areas reporting huge increases in cases.
  15. Since happy hours have been put on hold, we (the Royal We) have been doing more cooking at home. I cooked split chicken breasts on the grill tonight using The BBQ Bible bourbon brine. Cooked indirect at 375 for about an hour. Also cooked/smoked some fries - boiled whole, unpeeled russet potatoes for 6 minutes, sliced in wedges, oiled & salt/pepper. Then put them on the grill (indirect) for about 20 minutes. They needed about 5 more minutes to get full crispy but they were awesome. Might be my new go-to for grilled potatoes. Also broiled some broccoli & tomatoes with garlic & fennel. Some leftovers for Tuesday lunch for both of us. Corned beef & sauerkraut for dinner tomorrow for St. Patricks. Which I had some Guinness to go with it....
  16. Yeah, as long as he keeps my high school classmate as his #2...
  17. Yeah, I really meant some place-where-facts-aren't-checked-and-bull****-is-rewarded-with-multiple-thumps-up-which-then-makes-it-true.
  18. We can agree to disagree. When you have a ****show press conference where the person in charge of this - Pence - spends the majority of his time slobbering over the White House Occupant - INSTEAD OF TELLING US WHAT THE MILITARY IS DOING - that's on them. There was not 1 mention of the Military in that slobberfest. None. That's on the Orange Turd in the punch bowl. Not the media. We're looking for leadership (well, at least I am) during this crisis. Not some posts on Facebook that the media should have read to report on. How about this ****ing leadership tell the truth? Get some more experts to tell us WTF is going on? Nahhh...let's make the media search through Facebook ... or is it Twitter...or some other ****ing obscure place to get info.
  19. Dude, I'm not disagreeing with you. The Services need to be heard. But, it's on the White House Occupant to get the message out. FFS, get the military leaders on the mic to tell us WTF they are doing. I'd love to hear that. I don't need a press conference telling us how great the leadership is. Tell us WTF is going on. The critical mistake was putting Pence as the spokesman. He has no authority to speak. White House Occupant has his nuts in a vice. He cannot say anything that makes dear leader look bad. That ****'s over - the saving face part is gone. White House Occupant lost that several weeks ago.
  20. Well, I guess Facebook needs to get a TV channel. Did the branches talk to the "media"? What is the media supposed to report? The leadership of the country needs to have a single voice on this to tell us WTF is going on. We don't have that. We have a White House Occupant selling snake oil & his sidekick licking his balls. So it's on them, not the media.
  21. I believe you can blame this on White House Occupant who spends more time telling us about his greatness in handling this & how he has 'everything under control'. Maybe if he had a sidekick who spent less time blowing the White House Occupant & more time giving us facts we would know more. Sorry, this isn't directed at you but, FFS the overall lack of leadership has been horrific.
  22. The interest rate cut last week actually caused mortgage rates to increase. Rates I was looking at for 10 year mortgage went from 3.125% to 3.375%. So, yeah, this is about helping businesses not the consumers. I'm a retired and do some sole-propiertor work part-time. I have 0.00 jobs on my schedule for the next 6 days. Tentative job on Friday & no firm scheduled work the week of 3/23. I usually have 12-15 hours of work per week. How is the White House Occupant going to help me? I'm looking at least 2 weeks of lost income and possibly more. I'm getting crankier by the hour...
  23. Really easy. I didn't make the Russian dressing suggested. We're more of a mustard fan for Reuben's but I will make their sauce for a Reuben sandwich later this week (the reviews were great so I gotta try it). I made 4 egg rolls & just kind of eyeballed the quantities. Cooked at 20 minutes - was perfect. We have a Tom Leondard's here in Richmond that sells all Boar's Head products sliced to your preference for $7.99/lb. Have to buy a LB. We do that & use the meat & cheese for various meals. Saw this recipe & figured it was a keeper for the next couple of weeks. https://www.curiouscuisiniere.com/irish-egg-rolls/
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