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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen

  1. Trump wants someone he can control completely. What's to keep him from nominating one of his own children? It's not like he needs the GOP's approval, since he's pretty much taken over the party anyway.
  2. And all of this is the result of Putin believing what the FSB was telling him, that Ukrainians would welcome Russian troops, etc. Telling the boss what he wants to hear may prolong a career for a little while, but when the stuff hits the fan the boss will look for scapegoats...but then again, that's what most authoritarians (like Trump) want, to be told what they want to hear.
  3. Russia keeps losing colonels (O-6s) because they don't train junior officers or NCOs fearing they could eventually become a threat to them if they're competent. Whenever things bog down, the battalion commander (an O-5 or O-6) has to go forward to figure things out, and promptly gets whacked because he's too close to the front line. This wouldn't happen if they actually trusted people below them to do their jobs. Sergeants in our military typically have more authority to do their jobs and freedom of action than junior officers in the Russian military do. Russia wants a competent military leader...but not TOO competent. Zhukov (who won WW2 for them) was immediately ostracized by Stalin and sent to a military command in some backwater area...can't have someone competent too close to leadership, or people will start getting ideas! I for one hope the Russians never figure this out, and I hope that their military pulls a WW1 and just refuses to fight any more. It may take awhile, since ethnic Russians aren't the ones being killed like in that video above...most of their combat deaths are minorities, and certainly not the sons of families in Moscow!!
  4. This is SOP right out of the Trump Playbook...claim that after THEY have come for you, claim that THEY will come for ALL YOU AMERICANS next. Navarro tried that crap as he was being led into prison too. Same kind of language all fascists have used. Can't wait for Habba to get disbarred...don't expect any help from Trump on that one.
  5. OK you just triggered a Usual Suspects Quote Fest.... "GIMME THE F***IN KEYS, YOU F***IN C*****KER MOTHERF****ER BLEEEEAARRRRGGHHH!!" Sorry, I had to get that off my chest...
  6. https://commanderswire.usatoday.com/2024/05/07/commanders-jersey-sales-nfl-shop-jayden-daniels/ Should be proof that a rebrand is coming... When you rebrand, it’s supposed to give you momentum. That means selling more t-shirts, hats, and jerseys with the new name and logo. That hasn’t been the case for the Washington Commanders. The Commanders changed their name from the generic moniker “Football Team” in Feb. 2022. Fans have been slow to embrace the new name, with many focused on other positives, such as Dan Snyder no longer owning the team. However, for a large portion of Washington’s fan base, the name debate is not going away. When Josh Harris and his partners bought the team last July, none denied another potential rebranding, but pointing out that it wasn’t an immediate focus. Now, there are some numbers to support fans who still haven’t come around to the name. According to Josh Koebert of Finance Buzz, only three NFL fanbases spend less on merchandise than the Commanders. The NFL league-wide average per team is $144.45 — Washington fans spend an average of $80.87 annually on team merchandise. There are multiple reasons for these numbers. First, whether some want to admit it or not, it is the name change. Secondly, some hate the jerseys. A portion of the fan base could get used to the name if the team had kept the previous jerseys. Finally, there’s also the lack of a superstar player. Of course, the Commanders could have that now with rookie quarterback Jayden Daniels. The team has yet to announce Daniels’ official number, but when it does, jersey sales will likely increase. Harris and his partners have done everything to improve the team. Now, the team needs to win on the field and Daniels is a big part of the future. If the Commanders win, will the merchandise sales rise? That’s something to watch throughout the season. When Robert Griffin III had his amazing rookie season in 2012, his jerseys were flying off the shelves. The same could happen with Daniels, but Griffin still played for the Redskins, which will matter to some fans.
  7. Why arent Trump supporters supporting the constitution? Locking Trump up should be universal now that he wants it. I have a real problem with this too, it's like a collective hysteria has descended on these people who no longer support the rule of law first and foremost, and instead don't care as long as it gets "their boy" into power. I wonder if, a few years from now, any of them will ever admit to being wrong...or will they be on their deathbeds years from now still saying that Trump won in 2020?
  8. Forgot to add some other predictions that Goodell will ram through at the behest of the owners: 9. Football on Valentine's Day (likely, with the Superb Owl being pushed back whenever they add the 18th game) 10. Football on Halloween (regardless of which day of the week) 11. Football on Election Day 12. Football on New Year's Eve (regardless of which day of the week) 13. Football on New Year's Day (ditto) 14. Football on MLK Day
  9. No, but real lasting change takes time. Sometimes left-wingers want to ram changes through at a very fast pace, and not everyone is on board with rapid change. But a slow, gradual strategy doesn't seem to be an option in the age of social media and instant gratification.
  10. It seems cultural movements are like a pendulum...push too hard in one direction, and it only comes back harder in the opposite direction. While the goals were admirable in 2020, I do think some people pushed way too hard to certain changes to occur overnight, although I don't believe anything should be named after slave-owning secessionists in the 21st century. That pushing from the left also caused this team's name to be dropped and to be replaced with a mediocre name and image which inspires no one. I'm fearing that this country is becoming more like the Balkans.
  11. “I ask that when you cast your vote, you remember that Stonewall Jackson and others fighting on the side of the Confederacy in this area were intent on protecting the land, the buildings and the lives of those under attack,” said a woman urging the board to restore the Confederate names. “Preservation is the focus of those wishing to restore the names.” Obviously this woman is a blinder-wearing freak. The Confederacy rightly ended in 1865. Yes, Stonewall Jackson was "intent on protecting the land, the buildings, and the lives of those under attack"...protecting rich slave-owners and their 'property' from the federal government of their own country. People forget to mention that it was a violation of the Constitution for a state to secede from the USA...not that it will prevent it happening again if this woman's ignorance is more widely-held than we believed.
  12. That's when they SHOULD do it...and they should have Tony Dorsett run up to the mike and grab Green's retirement plaque and start sprinting down the field, forcing Green to run him down from behind again. If Jason Wright is in charge of this ceremony, I would imagine he would do it during the home game against the Panthers, however. 🙄
  13. While I fully respect the job that our law enforcement officers do and understand the dangers of their jobs, I don't believe they should get 'qualified immunity' for when they make egregious mistakes. Transparency and accountability help to build public trust, but the 'blue wall of silence' often defends their 'brother cops.' 80% of cops are good people, but just like any other profession they attract some people with the wrong qualities. I know two of the neighborhood bullies I grew up with went on to become cops, because it suited their authoritarian, domineering personalities. One later was fired for roughing up a druggie and lying about it, and video taken from bystanders proved them wrong. These kind of cops HATE people with phone cameras. Look up the Tony Timpa case in Texas...he was a disabled man who was having a severe panic attack and called the cops to help him. Guess what? They killed him by sitting on his back, and they've gone back and forth over the years trying to argue 'qualified immunity' and such. There was also Kenneth French at a Costco in California, who was shot while running away from an off-duty cop...who also shot both of the man's parents and caused one to lose a kidney. Guess what? He didn't go to prison. The only good thing that happened was the wounded parents were awarded a $17 million settlement.
  14. Here's a thought: what if Trump nominates one of his own family members as the VP? There's nothing that says he can't do it, and with the snot-nosed Barron being selected by the Florida GOP for some title yesterday when he hasn't even graduated from high school yet just proves the GOP has become Trump's personal political party.
  15. I have a feeling that Goodell will eventually start charging for access to the NFL schedule, at say, $19.99 a pop. Anyone who republishes the schedule for other who haven't paid for it will get hauled into court, or at the very least banned from all NFL activities going forward. Maybe Goodell will organize a weekly pay-per-view event every single week where a player opens up an envelope and announces who they'll be playing next week. Imagine the fun when even the players don't know who they'll be playing every week until the last minute! Think I'm crazy? Everyone said: Goodell would NEVER add a 17th game to the schedule because it would unbalance everything and make an 18th game a fait accompli. (coming soon) Goodell would NEVER add an NFL game on Christmas Day, since that day "belongs" to the NBA. (started last year) Goodell would NEVER add an NFL game on Black Friday. (started last year) Goodell would NEVER make NFL teams play on TWO short weeks during the season (which is happening this year). Goodell would NEVER add a SECOND NFL game on Christmas Day because (see #2) Goodell would NEVER have the NFL season start on Labor Day weekend, since that weekend "belongs" to the NCAA (OK, this hasn't happened yet, but with the 18th game coming...) Goodell would NEVER lock the NFL players out of the stadiums if they complained about adding the 18th game (which he did back in 2011). Goodell would NEVER have an NFL game happen on a Tuesday or Wednesday (which is rumored to be happening this year too). Mark Cuban was right...pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.
  16. I think a lot of our politicians missed the boat on what Trump would do, because they think rationally and don't think like a 'chaos agent' like Trump. The Dems waited too long to act and didn't anticipate Trump's delaying tactics (which they should have, due to his past with Roy Cohn) and the moderate GOPers again thought Trump was stupid and could be controlled by their own people.
  17. What bothers me about this uber-Moral Majority movement is that they support the use of violence in order to "restore" the US as a white Christian nation. That's basically what the Confederacy was all about. They don't see January 6th as a horrible tragedy, but a STARTING POINT.
  18. My worry is that a vote for Haley would be a wasted vote, since the winner takes all the electoral votes anyway. People who cannot stomach voting for Biden (whether they're far-right GOP and would never vote for a Dem, or people who don't like either candidate and stay home) and write in Haley's name won't keep Trump out of the Oval, I fear. With these court cases disintegrating before our eyes I am losing hope.
  19. How can his MAGA followers continue to see him as a superman when he begged to be spanked by a stripper with a magazine that had his face on the cover?
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