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Posts posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. 22 hours ago, lavar1156 said:

    Didn't Lavar Arrington live near the bay?


    Also, the airports aren't exactly convenient from Landover.


    DCA is 22 mins and BWI is 35 mins away and they get police escorts, so I don't think that's much of an issue.


    and even if the employees currently live in the Ashburn area, that's an hour commute to Landover...I don't see that being much of an issue either. People have time to move around if they want to - it's not like the facility would be ready in Landover overnight. This is something 5 years from now at the earliest

  2. i really like the idea of turning Landover into the HQ. The Cowboys have a nice facility in Frisco like that and it is 91 acres. They'd have enough room to build a state of the art facility along with a team history museum and incorporate restaurants, etc into it.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, Fergasun said:



    From the article:

    The whole point is that the beheaded babies are fake news.  It's a lie.  There is not a mass of dead babies.  


    Just like the beheaded babies being a lie, the 'mass rapes' are also lies. Nothing the IDF produces should be trusted until independently verified. It's propaganda. I have said this from the beginning because this is how things ALWAYS are with Israel.



    The Story Behind the New York Times October 7 Exposé



    Since the revelations regarding Schwartz’s recent social media activity, her byline has not appeared in the paper and she has not attended editorial meetings. The paper said that a review into her social media “likes” is ongoing. “Those ‘likes’’ are unacceptable violations of our company policy,” said a Times spokesperson.


    The bigger scandal may be the reporting itself, the process that allowed it into print, and the life-altering impact the reporting had for thousands of Palestinians whose deaths were justified by the alleged systematic sexual violence orchestrated by Hamas the paper claimed to have exposed.


    As Schwartz began her own efforts to find evidence of sexual assault, the first specific allegations of rape began to emerge. A person identified in anonymous media interviews as a paramedic from the Israeli Air Force medical unit 669 claimed he saw evidence that two teenage girls at Kibbutz Nahal Oz had been raped and murdered in their bedroom. The man made other outrageous claims, however, that called his report into question. He claimed another rescuer “pulled out of the garbage” a baby who’d been stabbed multiple times. He also said he had seen “Arabic sentences that were written on entrances to houses … with the blood of the people that were living in the houses.” No such messages exist, and the story of the baby in the trash can has been debunked. The bigger problem was that no two girls at the kibbutz fit the source’s description. In future interviews, he changed the location to Kibbutz Be’eri. But no victims killed there matched the description either, as Mondoweiss reported.


    At every turn, when the New York Times reporters ran into obstacles confirming tips, they turned to anonymous Israeli officials or witnesses who’d already been interviewed repeatedly in the press. Months after setting off on their assignment, the reporters found themselves exactly where they had begun, relying overwhelmingly on the word of Israeli officials, soldiers, and Zaka workers to substantiate their claim that more than 30 bodies of women and girls were discovered with signs of sexual abuse. On the Channel 12 podcast, Schwartz said the last remaining piece she needed for the story was a solid number from the Israeli authorities about any possible survivors of sexual violence. “We have four and we can stand behind that number,” she said she was told by the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs. No details were provided. The Times story ultimately reported there were “at least three women and one man who were sexually assaulted and survived.”


  4. 2 hours ago, Skins24 said:


    Sanctions that are easily skirted around, lol.

    But, I was mainly talking about the general populace. And the international community.

    If protest were to scale for the atrocities committed, the hundreds of thousands we're seeing against Israel would be in the millions for Russia. But, that would never happen. The argument was made that Israel is not held accountable for their actions. But that's not what we're seeing. For just about all of their history (you know, modern day) they have been held to a much higher standard. That's why we 'don't fault them' if Hamas uses civilians as a human shield. But all hell breaks lose if civilians are killed by Israeli hands.



    This is all nonsense. Why would we need to have elaborate protests against Russia because almost the entire world (besides Belarus, NK, Iran, China etc) sees what they're doing and disagrees with them?


    If anyone protests Israel, the Israelis dismiss it and call any type of criticism anti-semitism. They have meltdowns like petulant children when you tell them no.


    Israel has not been held to "higher" standard, they're held to a different standard than anyone else that allows them to do whatever they want. That's why "all hell breaks loose" - people are tired of the world looking the other way. When has Israel ever been held accountable for one of these attacks on civilians? Every time the UN votes on finally holding Israel accountable, the US (as well as other countries) block it. This is why this continues to happen over and over again.....whether it be aid workers or journalists, the Israelis don't give two ****s since they know a vote won't go through.

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  5. The blasé attitude to Israel yet again indiscriminately killing more aid workers and civilians is why Israel does what it does. They're never held accountable. Of course they purposely wanted to attack aid workers - their goal is to starve the Palestinians. They aren't making an effort to stop the Zionists from sitting in the road using child shields to prevent aid from making it into Gaza.


    This has been going on for a long time....for the U.S. military similarities, reminds me quite a bit of the USS Liberty incident when they purposefully attacked an American Navy spy ship off the coast of Egypt despite it being clearly marked as a USN ship with an American flag flying clear as a day on a sunny day. Of course, that was all swept under the rug as usual.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

    none of this is true. They have found networks of tunnels under hospitals. 




    The claims were remarkably specific — that five hospital buildings were directly involved in Hamas activities; that the buildings sat atop underground tunnels that were used by militants to direct rocket attacks and command fighters; and that the tunnels could be accessed from inside hospital wards. The assertions were backed by “concrete evidence,” Israel Defense Forces spokesman Daniel Hagari said as he laid out the case in an Oct. 27 briefing.


    After storming the complex on Nov. 15, the IDF released a series of photographs and videos that it said proved its central point.


    “Terrorists came here to command their operations,” Hagari said in a video published Nov. 22, guiding viewers through an underground tunnel, illuminating dark and empty rooms beneath al-Shifa.


    But the evidence presented by the Israeli government falls short of showing that Hamas had been using the hospital as a command and control center, according to a Washington Post analysis of open-source visuals, satellite imagery and all of the publicly released IDF materials. That raises critical questions, legal and humanitarian experts say, about whether the civilian harm caused by Israel’s military operations against the hospital — encircling, besieging and ultimately raiding the facility and the tunnel beneath it — were proportionate to the assessed threat.

    The Post’s analysis shows:

    • The rooms connected to the tunnel network discovered by IDF troops showed no immediate evidence of military use by Hamas.
    • None of the five hospital buildings identified by Hagari appeared to be connected to the tunnel network.
    • There is no evidence that the tunnels could be accessed from inside hospital wards.


    Your issue is that you believe what the Israelis report....they're notorious for lying, getting caught in their lies, and then changing the narrative. See the killing of Shiren Abu Akleh as a recent example.

  7. 1 minute ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

    This isn’t true. They only offered to release them in exchange for a permanent cease fire, which is what was in place prior to the October attacks.


    You are arguing that Hamas be allowed to attack Israel, and that Israel shouldn’t respond.


    The situation is in Palestine wasn’t in crisis before October 7 regardless of whatever bad stuff Israel was doing.


    It is now because Hamas won’t release the hostages because they care more about saving themselves that saving their fellow Palestinians.



    ....I literally just posted the article about the offer. It is true. Netanyahu doesn't want to accept the offer because they aren't done committing genocide since they've been given carte blanche in response to October 7th by the international community, but that has changed lately due to the UK, Netherlands, and ICJ.


    I am arguing that enough is enough. They got their punch back, then they took it way too far, lied about evidence of command centers in hospitals, starved children in hospitals to death, etc.


    The 'situation in Palestine' is a wider issue (Israel is currently selling off land that isn't theirs in the West Bank right now https://ca.news.yahoo.com/palestine-not-sale-israeli-event-090000805.html). The situation in Gaza is an open air prison - it has been an issue for many years...go watch Anthony Bourdain's piece on it. 

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  8. 7 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

    And all Hamas would have to do to help their people would be to release the hostages. It’s a shame they won’t do it. But sure, blame it on Israel.


    I don’t think there is justification for the Israeli Government to block aid but I can certainly sympathize with Israelis people who feel the way they do.


    Protestors in America block access to hospitals, the ability for EMS to do their jobs, shut down highways ect. But not many here would call them stupid for doing so, because those protestors match the political bent of those same people.


    You keep saying that. Hamas has offered to release the hostages multiple times; Israel has rejected it. Israel's goal is genocide. Even if Hamas released hostages tomorrow, the war wouldn't stop until the Israelis have completely eradicated the area of any Palestinian life. I'm not on Hamas' side here, I'm pro-Palestinian life. You're looking at this through the lens of only what happened October 7th as if there weren't events leading up to it.





    Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that rules Gaza, proposed a ceasefire of 4-1/2 months, during which all hostages would go free, Israel would withdraw its troops from Gaza and an agreement would be reached on an end to the war.


  9. We wouldn't need to build a port, etc if the stupid zionist Israelis would stop blocking the aid trucks from delivering aid with 'human shields' (aka children)





    The protests are being led by the “Tsav 9” movement, a grouping of demobilized reservists, families of hostages and settlers. Its name, meaning “Order 9,” is a reference to the emergency mobilization notices that call up reservists.


    The protesters say they fear the aid is helping militants still holding their friends and relatives hostage, five months after the murderous cross-border raids led by Hamas that killed about 1,200 people in Israel with 200 more being taken prisoner. They hope preventing food and supplies from entering Gaza will force Hamas to release them. A recent poll by the Israel Democracy Institute found that two-thirds of Jewish Israelis support their view opposing the transfer of humanitarian aid into Gaza.


    • Haha 1
  10. My favorite is the rappelling fans trying to escape the horrors going on inside the stadium :ols:


    and where the **** do we have waters in DC you can surf on or a beach you can throw down a towel and layout?

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  11. 4 hours ago, EmirOfShmo said:

    Anybody have a recommendation for a voltage converter 220V to 110V? Headed to Curacao next weekend & just realized I need it at the hotel. Last time we were there the Renaissance didn't require it. 




    Is this what you're looking for? I use this for all my international travels and it works great....so many plugs for all my electronics

    • Thanks 1
  12. 15 hours ago, mcsluggo said:


    i keep seeing this image and story... but if you google her name ALL you get are twitter/instagram/facebook posts about it.   it is hard to believe an atrocity like this wouldn't be covered by some reliable news source?


    I said the same thing earlier this thread....Visegrad is a peddler of misinformation from Poland with far right leanings.

  13. 1 hour ago, Fergasun said:

    There's so much mis/dis information pushed out there to everyone.  We hosted our daughters boyfrirnd last night and politically, thought he he's just so MAGA -- but he's actually gone the full Q.  


    I guess the other coup de gras was talking about Hillary (and others) being satanic pedophiles, or at least they were taking the blood from young kids and getting transfusions (on Epstein's Island). He dropped some fancy term for aomething at the end of chromosomes.   Also, Obama was on the Epstein flight logs and so was Hillary (why would Bill Clinton be on there but not her?). I dunno, maybe because she was serving the government as Senator and Secretary of State.   Oh... the full Q or whatever Q has morphed into


    First off, I hope this was an eye opening experience for your daughter since I'm assuming this type of stuff doesn't come up in their normal conversation? Then again, these types of people are loud and proud with their ignorance.


    I think the term you mean is adrenochrome. I've seen this mentioned before by these nutters in context with blood drinking Democrat cabals from that stupid Sound of Freedom movie :ols: 



    The Adrenochrome Conspiracy Theory—Pushed By ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Star—Explained

    The adrenochrome conspiracy, a bizarre theory with antisemitic roots, posits that Satan-worshipping global and Hollywood elites run a massive child trafficking ring to drain their blood and harvest the chemical adrenochrome to stay young, and has been embraced by subscribers of the QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy movements, including key people affiliated with the recent hit movie The Sound of Freedom.


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  14. This GB game is why I want Slowik....I want that innovative Shanahan tree offense. Give me Slowik with a veteran DC to help him run the team.


    I also love the fact Slowik worked on the defensive side of the ball in DC before switching to offense in SF since Shanahan wanted him to learn how to attack defenses by working defense.

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