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Posts posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. 14 hours ago, Fergasun said:

    So as a casual college football fan, what's the deal with Michigan hate?  To me they appear to be a defense first, control the trenches, we model ourselves around the Trent Dilfer Ravens team. Sure, the Ohio State, Penn State and Michigan State fans will hate.  


    It's largely the cheating scandal coupled with Jim Harbaugh being just a general asshole and weirdo.

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  2. 33 minutes ago, BRAVEONAWARPATH said:

    To be honest, I thought he was on the spectrum.


    I'm like 98% sure he was on the spectrum. I feel like he said it at some point and then all his mannerisms and lack of understanding sarcasm made sense

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, NickyJ said:

    Years ago, there was someone who kept talking in different threads about how he had a hot Latina wife and someone finally blew up on him. I think it was around the time I joined in 2013, or maybe even before when I was lurking. Does anyone remember someone like that? Was that a fever dream?


    You're thinking of Kosher Ham :ols: 

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  4. 5 hours ago, TradeTheBeal! said:





    so they're able to precision bomb an apartment in Beirut to kill this loser....but they carpet bomb all the buildings in Gaza and indiscriminately kill children/civilians?

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, PeterMP said:

    Let's be realistic.  Between Ukraine and Israel only one actually needs saving.  The other case is just a matter of how much is it going to cost them to do what they want vs. cost us. 


    Hamas is not close to capable of destroying Israel.  Israel wants to do what they want to do and wants us to pay (at least a good chunk of) the bill.  Framing our increase in support of Israel as "saving" Israel is an attempt to badly misframe the discussion.


    (Where long term, I doubt what they are doing is actually going to be very effective.)





    My tax dollars don't need to continue to go fund bombing women and babies on a witch hunt to find these supposed elaborate command centers in a hospitals, etc (sound like Afghanistan's search for Bin Laden anyone?). Continuing to fund that genocide is doing real damage to our image abroad....and good luck preventing extremism when you're literally giving people with their backs against a wall in an open air prison ammunition to see Hamas as the good guys after they watched entire generations of their families get wiped out with indiscriminate bombing.


    Even the Pope is condemning and has tapped danced around calling what Israel is doing genocide. How often does that happen? You all can keep pretending this is a Muslim vs Jew issue - it's not. It's ethnic cleansing and a land grab.




    Pope Francis deplores Israeli killings of civilians in Gaza church

    VATICAN CITY, Dec 17 (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Sunday again suggested Israel was using "terrorism" tactics in Gaza, deploring the reported killing by the Israeli military of two Christian women who had taken refuge in a church complex.

    At his weekly blessing, Francis referred to a statement about an incident on Saturday by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Catholic authority in the Holy Land.


    The Patriarchate said an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) "sniper" killed the two women, whom the pope named as Nahida Khalil Anton and her daughter Samar, as they walked to a convent of nuns in the compound of the Holy Family Parish.

    The Patriarchate statement said seven other people were shot and wounded as they tried to protect others.


    "I continue to receive very grave and painful news from Gaza," Francis said. "Unarmed civilians are the objects of bombings and shootings. And this happened even inside the Holy Family parish complex, where there are no terrorists, but families, children, people who are sick or disabled, nuns."


    Francis said they were killed by "snipers" and also referred to the Patriarchate's statement that a convent of nuns of the order founded by Mother Teresa was damaged by Israeli tank fire.

    "Some would say 'It is war. It is terrorism.' Yes, it is war. It is terrorism," he said.


    An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson said the incident was still under review and had no immediate comment on the pope's words.

    The Israeli military said that church representatives had contacted it early on Saturday regarding explosions in the area but did not report any casualties in the church complex.


    "The IDF only targets terrorists and terror infrastructure and does not target civilians, no matter their religion," the military said.

    The pope's remarks on Sunday marked the second time in less than a month that he used the word "terrorism" while speaking of events in Gaza.


    On Nov. 22, after meeting separately with Israeli relatives of hostages held by Hamas and with Palestinians who have family in Gaza, he said: "This is what wars do. But here we have gone beyond wars. This is not war. This is terrorism."


    Later that day, a messy dispute broke out over whether he used the word "genocide" to describe events in Gaza, with Palestinians who met him insisting that he did and the Vatican saying he did not.


    Jewish groups criticised the pope for last month's "terrorism" comments.


    Israel stepped up its bombardment of Gaza overnight and into Sunday, killing at least 40 people, Palestinians said, after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu argued the only way to secure the release of hostages was intense military pressure on Hamas.


    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, PeterMP said:

    I just want to point out that this poll isn't consistent with a string of other pre-conflict polls.  I've never heard of this organization so maybe it's not a legitimate poll, but it also could be that the recent conflict is affecting how Palestinians are responding to pollsters.


    Look at who wrote it at the bottom of the article: 


    Lt.-Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch served as Director of the Military Prosecution for Judea and Samaria. Since retiring from the IDF, Hirsch worked as the Head of Legal Strategies form Palestinian Media Watch, as a Senior Military Consultant for NGO Monitor, an advisor to the Ministry of Defence, and head of an advisory committee in the Ministry of the Interior. Hirsch was the architect of the Israeli law that strips citizenship from Israeli terrorists who have been convicted for terror offences, sentenced to a custodial sentence, and receive a payment from the Palestinian Authority as a reward for their acts of terror.



    You guys really need to stop taking everything the IDF says at face value because they consistently lie to shape the narrative (e.g for a recent example, look at the murder of the Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh).

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