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Posts posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. 7 hours ago, China said:

    Anybody have any recommendations for a good "interactive" restaurant here in the DC/Northern VA area?  By that I mean something where you can be a little hands on in the experience.  So nothing like dinner and a show.  Not loooking for Japanese Hibachi, and not "The Melting Pot" fondue restaurant.  


    How about Korean BBQ? I like Kogiya in Annandale

  2. 1 hour ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

    Can you show me reciprocal extremist zionist taking over universities, taking down American flags and putting up terrorist flags in their place, smashing windows? Blocking traffic?


    The protests aren’t the same. The two sides aren’t acting the same. This is a sad whataboutist attempt at justifying/normalizing the actions of destructive protestors.


    The media is showing what both sides are doing, how do you think you got the video you posted? You didn’t tape it, did you?


    Someone stole a candy bar by putting it in their pocket and another person stole a car by smashing its window in, but you’re trying to tell me it’s the same crime. Technically true, but not really.


    Did you not read my last sentence? What you're seeing now are some anarchists co-opting the movement and stupid college kids responding to an overly physical police response. It is like the BLM protests all over again since the kids are going to dig in now. If they just let them sit in the courtyard and sing kumbaya together until finals were over, this largely wouldn't be happening.


    2 hours ago, Barry.Randolphe said:


    I'm not saying you, I'm really referring to the media and how it is reported. It is frustrating and par for the course for the media to show the stupid college kid or anarchist saying inflammatory things, but then not showing the reciprocal on the other side - extremist Zionists that show up to try and agitate and get a physical response to what was mostly just a bunch of college kids sitting around a courtyard trying to bring awareness to what they felt was important


    and no, the media is not showing the counter protestors on the Israeli side. The video I posted (and others) are coming from on the ground footage.

  3. 3 hours ago, tshile said:

    To be clear I’m not a person who thinks any of this is one sided. 

    anything good or bad you can say about one, can be said about the other. The details, or dates, may differ but the core behind it all is the same. 


    I'm not saying you, I'm really referring to the media and how it is reported. It is frustrating and par for the course for the media to show the stupid college kid or anarchist saying inflammatory things, but then not showing the reciprocal on the other side - extremist Zionists that show up to try and agitate and get a physical response to what was mostly just a bunch of college kids sitting around a courtyard trying to bring awareness to what they felt was important

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  4. 5 hours ago, ixcuincle said:


    go off queen






    This one-sided attempt at painting the Pro-Palestinian side as militant and anti-semitic and the Pro-Israeli as peacefull is bull****. There are plenty of videos like this and worse coming from the protests:




  5. 2 hours ago, PeterMP said:

    (Seriously, why would you come in and post something that is easily disprovable with a 5 second google search?  Though, I guess I don't know what you mean by pretty much.  It either does or does not actively call for the elimination of Israel.  And it doesn't.  It doesn't actively endorse the existence of Israel but that's not the same thing as calling for its destruction.)



    He drives by and posts IDF talking points that have been debunked and then disappears for a week and rinse, repeat.

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  6. The ****ing pier is being built because the Israelis and Zionists are blocking aid from entering Gaza....there wouldn't be a need for a damn pier if they'd stop indiscriminately killing UN Aid workers and using human shields to block the deliveries


    https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148141#:~:text=Israeli forces are blocking aid,in October%2C as the UN



    Israeli forces are blocking aid deliveries into famine-stricken northern Gaza as the five-month-long war grinds on despite recent strong demands from the top UN court and the Security Council for open aid access into the enclave and for a temporary ceasefire and the return of all hostages taken in October, as the UN plans an assessment mission into Al-Shifa Hospital, which had been occupied by Israeli troops for two weeks.

    More than a dozen Palestinians have been killed related to airdrops by multiple nations who are trying to deliver desperately needed aid in the face of Israel’s slow walking food shipments at border crossings into Gaza, according to news reports. 


    The victims reportedly either died by drowning while trying to retrieve food packages from the sea or were fatally struck by falling boxes of aid.

    At the same time, reports from UN agencies on the ground in Gaza indicate a continuation of airstrikes and attacks.


    This comes alongside ever louder calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and for Israel to comply with both a Security Council resolution for a cessation of hostilities during Ramadan, which ends on 10 April, and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) orders last Friday, asking the country to respect its obligations as a signatory of the Genocide Convention and open border crossings to allow sufficient aid into the enclave.


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  7. 47 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:

    @Captain Wiggles I'm sorry but when these "protesters" are harassing Jewish people, crossing the line, and being violent then I cannot in good conscience support their protest. I hope you understand my objection to this.


    Israel needs to watch out bombing certain places but Palestenians also have to be civil. You can disagree with Israel but do not attack other jews just because you disagree. This is not hard




    The university police called city and state authorities after deciding that the initial group of protesters were not affiliated with Emory University based on their refusal to confirm their connections, Cheryl Elliott, the university's Vice President for Public Safety, said in a statement Thursday evening, adding that the individual who was tased also "is not a member of the Emory community."

    "Due to the direct assault of officers, law enforcement released chemical irritants into the ground to assist with crowd control," Elliot said.

    At 7:41 a.m. a few dozen protestors arrived on campus. When they arrived, these individuals ignored and pushed past EPD officers stationed on the Quad and set up tents in an area where equipment and materials were staged for Commencement. Based on their actions and refusal to confirm their connection to Emory, EPD made the assessment that these individuals were not Emory community members.


    [quote]Students protesting the Israel-Hamas war are demanding schools cut financial ties to Israel and divest from companies enabling its monthslong conflict. Some Jewish students say the protests have veered into antisemitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus as graduation nears, partly prompting a heavier hand from universities.[/quote]






    Damn, they really harassed her

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  8. the mental gymnastics of labeling people terrorist supporters for protesting the inhumane treatment/genocide of Palestinians because a few bad actors/anarchists jump in and want to cosplay for ****s and giggles is astounding


    Being pro-Palestine ≠ terrorist supporter

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    Just now, PleaseBlitz said:

    Well, regardless of what it was for, I give them a solid B from a "this is how to protest" standpoint.


    Points for having a leader lead chants and everyone being more or less in unison, not being overly disruptive (and certainly not aggressive  or violent), staying in their lane, and keeping it moving at a good pace so as to not **** up traffic any more than necessary (and doing it before rush hour starts). 


    Deductions for having signs that are too small to be read from the 5th floor above them and generally being a pretty small group.  


    Found it....they're protesting the destruction of Al-Baqi cemetery:








    The Day of Sorrow (Persian: روز غم ruz-e gham) is commemorated by some Muslims, marking the razing of the Al-Baqi' cemetery in Medina by Saudi King Abdulaziz ibn Saud. In the Gregorian calendar, the demolition took place on 21 April 1926; in the lunar-based Islamic calendar, it fell on the 8th of Shawwal and is observed on that day (relative to the Gregorian calendar, the dates vary from year to year, drifting approximately 11 days earlier each year).[1][2] The cemetery housed the bodies of many of the Ahl al-Bayt, members of the family of Muhammad, who are especially revered by Shia Muslims and play a central role in Shia Islamic theology

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