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Everything posted by ShredSkins

  1. Damn right he did, for my hometown Hominy Bucks!
  2. Sermon showed some flashes at OU. but honestly I didn't know he had even transferred to Ohio State till mid season this year. So as an OU fan I can't say I was ever that impressed. Unlike OU's current RB Stephenson, that guy is awesome.
  3. So, I mentioned before about wanting to upgrade to a 4K TV. Well yesterday I was being all worked up about last nights game, the GF was like, hey why don't we go ahead and get a new TV and the game can be the first thing we use for it for? So we went to Best Buy to pick up the Vizio I wanted. After about 2-3 hours in the store and talking her(okay and myself) out of every budget priced 75inch in the store. We finally left with a 65inch LG Nano, that just looked so much better than the Vizio and has all the same next gen stats/tech whatever. I had to google specs in the store because no one in the store even knew what VRR was. It helped the LG was a demo model, so it was cheaper. Anyways, finally get home take the old TV down and get the new up at 715pm. TV is mounted crooked, the sound bar doesn't have the right audio cables to connect, and the TV is stuck in store mode. Missed half the first quarter getting the TV out of store mode, finally watched the game on my new crookedly mounted TV with it's stock speakers (sounded pretty good honestly). Hopefully my TV mount has a tilt feature, I'm to this and didn't what to look for last night. I hope this is the last TV I have to buy for awhile, man that was a frustrating experience. Now I'm just ready to buy an Xbox Series X. I hope I don't have to wait forever.
  4. Thanks, this was helpful. Been researching all morning. I think the Vizio M series 65inch will be the winner. They seemed to agree with what I'm thinking. Going from an Xbox One S on a 1080p 55inch to this new setup should be a significant improvement. Now if I could only find a stupid console
  5. Okay guys, I'm going to get a XBX one day, if they ever become available. Might as well upgrade the TV to 4k. Any suggestions on one that isn't insanely expensive, and what specs should I be looking for? Do i need 120 refresh rate?
  6. I turn 40 in a couple years, I'm beginning my transition to "old man" guitars early. That is sweet looking though.
  7. The last check helped me get a Gibson Les Paul. I could use the $2k for one of these new Fender American Pro Strats. So yeah, I don't really need it, but I'm buying American after 20 years of buying from Japan atleast.
  8. Argh. Can't find a stream that doesn't suck today.
  9. he can play QB too! Just saying. On this team, you never know.
  10. If we somehow ended up drafting Zaven, my(and his) entire hometown would become WFT teams. That would be interesting for me.
  11. I hate you. God I hope I lost the discs to that game lol. Now I'm going to start over again.
  12. I've tried RDR2 like 3 times. After the struggle to get thru the beginning, it just feels like a horse riding simulator. Like..okay cool I'll go check this place out...ride the horse for 10 min. do whatever, then ride the horse another 10min back. At least with the AC games, you just mark a place on the map and the horse goes there automatically.
  13. This guy doesn't want me to eat Thursday? You know what, its my day off then, I'm gonna find a KFC and get a giant bucket of chicken just for Stitt.
  14. I was quoting Aliens. lol I have issues.
  15. This is a military operation so that would leave Cpl Hicks in charge.
  16. It took me awhile to realize it was him. I think the last time I saw him was The Rock. Anyways the "Sawed off shotgun" laser rifle. What Hicks used in Aliens for "close encounters".
  17. Did anyone else catch the Aliens Easter egg with Michael Bien?
  18. I dont know who that guy was singing. But they forgot to turn on autotune when he first started singing.
  19. To the guys that hyped up Gibson all draft and off season. Thank you. I never would have drafted him in FF without you!
  20. Someone check out Zaven Collins, linebacker from Tulsa. You guys have a much more football IQ than me, I'd love to hear what you guys think of him.
  21. yeah Ill agree there, Ive been thinking about bumping the difficulty up. Although, without giving spoilers, I accidently got stuck in a place much higher leveled than I am, I'm struggling to get back lol. There was so much to do in Odyssey it would get overwhelming to the point you didn't know what to do. This game might have more to do, but it's all streamlined into the story very well. So it's not OMG what do I do now? it's Alright now what do I want to do. I love raiding the monasteries and just watching the Churchs burn while the vikingrs cheer. 😈
  22. So spent 12 hours yesterday drinking ale and mead while playing Valhalla. I really like this game.
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