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  1. Count me in as a homer cause I think we got the best QB in the draft.
  2. I noticed a few times before the draft that JD addressed Quinn as DQ. Seems like they have already established a good relationship which is good.
  3. Can’t wait to see Jayden ball out for us
  4. We will have a slight QB but it won't be Jayden...it'll be JJ. I'm sticking with him as the surprise pick at #2.
  5. I actually became a Redskins fan because my favorite player at the time...Mark Brunell was traded here lol.
  6. It's crazy how a lot of us remember that RG3 season from 12 years ago. I remember clowning Colts fan that they took the wrong QB. That was such a fun season...short-lived...but probably the most exciting season we've had in a long while.
  7. If the Raiders are moving up to 3 then they have inside info that we're not taking Daniels...imo.
  8. Jayden has said multiple times from his own mouth...that he wants to play for whatever team calls his name.
  9. RG3 and Richardson are injury prone and both missed time in college. RG3 even tore his ACL at Baylor. Yeah Jayden is slight but he's missed one game in 55 starts. The kid is tough just watch the videos of him chasing down defensive players after they pick his pass. He has that dog in him.
  10. I won't be complaining about anyone they draft. I root for the name on the front of the jersey.
  11. It would be a disservice to Maye to start him right away. He obviously needs a ton of work.
  12. 1. Bears - Williams 2. Commanders - JJ McCarthy 3. Pats - Daniels 4. Cardinals - MHJ 5. Vikings (trade) - Maye I have a feeling they surprise everyone and go JJ
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