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About rabidskin

  • Birthday 09/09/1953

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  • Birthdate
  • Interests
    Football, my kids and wife, been to every Skins game from 1961 to 2002.
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    John Riggins
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  • Location
    burlington NC
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  • Interests
    Redskins, Redskins, Redskins
  • Occupation
    retired disabled

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  1. Haslett/Shanny lovers, They have now set the all time record in franchise history for points allowed! 434 and still 2 games to go!. They are shattering the record! Here's to all the lovers who complained when I said he should be fired 3 years ago.

    1. Glenn X

      Glenn X

      Your highlighting of this dubious record used to annoy me. But now that it's obvious (or should be) that Shanny & Co. need to go, I find it affirming.

    2. rabidskin


      Believe me Glenn...I have hated posting it every single time. It makes me sick, almost as sick as I am of this teams inability to stop the teams from scoring. Dallas has the worst D but at least they don't get scored on as much. We should play much better and it boils down to the coaches personnel decisions and schemes. I am so disgusted. Gone to Skins games since 1961 and never thought I would see us this bad. PS happy birthday...my son was born on 12/22 also.

    3. Glenn X

      Glenn X

      Really? What an interesting coincidence on the b-day thing! As for the coaching sitch, I apologize for being so dismissive of your concerns previously. I think I just so badly wanted Shanny to succeed and see the team have some stability that I was blinded to the fact that Shanny had mismanaged too many parts of the team for too long. At this point, the season can't end -- and Shanny's firing can't arrive -- quickly enough!

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