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Momma There Goes That Man

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Everything posted by Momma There Goes That Man

  1. It would be tiered or sectioned though, so the champs bracket on their best year would be 1-5, could be 1 obviously but just as easily or even more likely 5. So any team in that 5 team bracket would have a chance so college players wouldn't be able stay to avoid a certain team. At least that's the wheel I saw unless there was another one where every team got a #1 every 30 years or something? Also, I don't know how much of a factor a bad team at #1 would really be anyway for young kids that are looking for millions. They are either coming or not in most cases.
  2. I love Jackson being back on games already with Breen and Van Gundy. They are a great trio. I'm hoping for some "grown man moves" and of course if we are lucky we will get a "momma, there goes that man"
  3. I can sort of see what he means about The Prestige because it's mostly grounded in reality until one trick toward the end but I don't think that takes away from the movie or it's themes. For my money, Nolan is the surest best in the business. I think his worst movie is actually TDKR which was his biggest. That concerns me a little regarding Interstellar but most of the problems I had with TDKR were how it fit into the rest of the trilogy and just nitpicky things I didn't like. Memento, Inception, The Prestige(based off a book though) Batman Begins and even The Following all show his level of creativity in story structure as well as craft heartfelt and engaging characters, settings and plots. I'm probably biased though because again, I'm a huge fan. Also, if we are going to start criticizing the end of TDK, let me go get my boxing gloves so we can have it out right now.
  4. Good to see a turnaround on Godzilla. I hadn't checked RT yet but glad it is more a movie for the previous fans rather than something more Pacific Rim style.
  5. It's like Miami brings out the best in Indy. They give them a purpose, their only goal since day 1: beat Miami in the playoffs. Hope it's a good series.
  6. The Ledge "A police officer looks to talk down a young man lured by his lover's husband to the ledge of a high rise, where he has one hour to contemplate a fateful decision." This one got pretty bad reviews but I wanted to see it because I'm a fan of Charlie Hunnam. I liked it. It's a very pro atheism movie which is whatever and I don't like that Christians apparently just can't be portrayed in movies as anything other than completely insane haha but it is what it is. But anyway, I thought the movie was pretty good. It's hard to find anyone in the film to really root for though since we are talking extra marital affairs and a husband that does himself no favors in the like able department. I should add except for Terrence Howard who plays the cop. He's always likable and does a good job here. It's interesting to see the way it unfolds and the reasons seem to be realistic and actions are believable. It had a lot to say which i enjoyed but I won't go into here because it'll careen off topic lol. It didn't play out the way I anticipated either.
  7. I just don't buy that but I get it, it's the standard after every NBA game, especially playoff games to say the refs put the fix in. There were bad calls both ways but I don't think it determined the outcome. There is no reason for the refs not to force a game 7 here for extra ratings and then screw Wiz over in game 7 if that's the case. It's just silly and petty to argue about the refs. The officiating is bad, it's always bad and it's usually bad both ways. The refs just aren't competent. It's been a problem for a long time but it didn't determine this game.
  8. The Wizards had a great season. They'll build on this. I wouldn't blame the refs either. The Wiz definitely had a winnable game tonight but poor defense and bad shot selection as well as just missing good looks doomed them. I think they just got wore down and their inexperience showed too. They will be back.
  9. Doc Rivers crying about fouls is hilarious. It's almost like he forgot he was coach during the KG Celtics era.
  10. Has he done any other songs worthy of a commercial? lol
  11. I'll be checking that one out soon with the wife. Glad to hear it was good
  12. Why did they just give up? Regroup, form a better strategy, flank do something dang just run face first into bullets
  13. Yes, I still love the last samurai. I'm sure it's historically inaccurate but I don't care. For my money the last great cruise film, fitting because the end is pretty much is career of making good movies
  14. Lol yeah. Loved the kid though and the way that all happened. Ready for round 3
  15. The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Awesome, loved it. I really likd the first one in this reboot too and this picks up right where it left off. I was concerned there would be too much going on ala SM3 but that wasn't the case here IMO. Where SM3 was all over the place story and action wise this one had a clear focused narrative. Everything happened for a reason and made sense. It's trying to do something no other comic book movie has really done in setting up a huge villain teamup straight out of the comics. It sets the stage pretty well here and it all makes sense. There are several emotional parts and the Peter/Gwen story is great and better than anything Peter/Mj put together in the original. My favorite thing about this movie though was the action. The set pieces with Spider-Man that are slowed down to really make it cinematic and (hate to use this word but) epic. They do a great job showcasing how amazing what he does actually is. The story is darker and definitely takes it's cues from the comics which I love. Even this version of Spider-Man with his cheesy one liners and stuff during the fights with the generic baddies is on point. I can see where some might think it was rushed but I thought it spent enough time with Peter/Gwen last movie and this movie so I didn't need more time there. Electro was setup well enough and given valid reasons for his actions given the frail and insane emotional state of Max Dillon. I guess Harry could have had more screen time but his moments, while few, are pretty impactful and it is definitely a perfect storm of circumstances that brew that will impact Peter/Spider-Man in the next one. Also, ending was badass.
  16. Dang dude I thought I had high hopes for this one lol. You're really putting yourself out there. I'm hoping for something like that as well though. Even if it falls short of game changer, it's Nolan so it's still going to be very good-great at worst.
  17. Yeah I was pleasantly surprised by We're the Millers. Sudekis is money though so I should have known.
  18. Out Of the Furnace As a big Bale and Casey Affleck fan, I was pretty excited for this since I missed it at theaters. Bale and Affleck are brothers in a factory town in PA. Affleck is recently back from War and is in a pinch for money, he gets in with the wrong crowd (Woody Harrelson) doing some bare fist boxing matches for cash. And he's in trouble. It was ok but wasn't what I expected. The acting is pretty good but I was hoping for something more like a modern era The Deer Hunter or at least wishing it had something to say, but I don't think it did. I wasn't happy with where it ended up either. Still not a bad movie, just disappointing.
  19. No Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner on any top 20 lists? Didn't you know when he's in town, all the hoochies come around? ^^^ Jokes I know I'm probably biased but The Rock is definitely at the top of my list. Coming from a wrestling family already he could have been entitled or a punk but he worked his butt off and took wrestling into another stratosphere. He was hands down the best on the mic I've ever seen. Nobody could work a crowd or cut a promo like him and I think because of that and his huge charisma, his ring skills get overlooked. He was pretty good in the ring too even if not as "technical" as other, though he did start to work more submission moves like the sharpshooter into his repertoire later in his run before he went full time on movies.
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