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Everything posted by skinsmarydu

  1. Awww....this sounds so cute... NOW, CAN WE DO IT? (I so heavily resisted the urge to use a Shaq gif, so......OK?
  2. Even that may not do the trick...where is your kitchen in location to your water heater? If downstairs, even cold water can come slowly. (I'm learning now in a multi-level house...I could run washer, shower, and dish with no probs in my ranch, lol)
  3. What befuddles me (hell, probably both of us) is that lack of even an inkling of worry. Just keep makin' money. On the stuff that kills ya. That's a level of idiocy all its' own.
  4. I agree to some degree, MoCo...but don't discount your value at the voting booth. For pretty much my whole life, it's been a game of "the lesser of the evils". (See "why 3rd parties never get to debate"...another game of numbers.) Nothing is ok with me. There's always something more that can or should be done, a better policy to fight for, etc. No matter what it is you do, do something. For me, it's getting people out to vote. I'm well-versed on the issues, and I do what I can. And not only for my "side"...like I said in an earlier post, both sides can give a little...it's whether they will or not, and only one side is trying to play fair at this point.
  5. I feel your frustration, Mike. In the political arena we're in, it would be beneficial if the "fiscal responsibility" part of the Rs could somehow mix with the "empathetic" part of the Ds. I believe stubbornness is to blame, and I'm in full agreement with Bill Maher about WHY that stubbornness exists.
  6. We had a child here in ATL die the other day because this bill failed to pass. https://www.yahoo.com/health/infants-life-was-saved-by-cannabis-mom-claims-93327499772.html
  7. Yeah, we've got the Xfinity bundle, out of sheer necessity. Most of his phone calls are out of state for business, and it could be 8-10 straight hours he's on the phone (the only reason I had to get an unlimited plan for my cell, lol, or I'd still be PAYG)...and there are some little perks I'd just scream if I lost...pausing live TV, caller ID on the screen, etc. I had to watch most of last season on RedZone (didn't get to see much as scoring was at a minimum), so I've gotta have a better plan for this season...the satellite subscription/HDMI thingy didn't do so well last season & we dropped it...the sound never matched the play(not a huge deal-breaker, but annoying enough to make me throw a Styrofoam brick at the TV, which is usually reserved for bonehead things like swinging gate).
  8. Girl third from the left has the most honest smile/dimples/tilt of the head. That's right, go back & look.
  9. aww, dammit...my pitchfork's missin' too guess we're even cuz we watch a buncha AMC...
  10. You & I have been agreeing way too much lately, LOL I need MSNBC ONLY and Friday night HBO for Bill Maher. You?
  11. "The Girls" Jump for Joy When I'm Kickin' It Live
  12. Are you referring to the states like yours & mine & Mrs. Landrieu's whose governors refused the Medicaid expansion?
  13. You might get sued. Where'd you get that? I was a FF manager for many years with many companies, and a P&L is super-classified. LOL Like you don't know that what you're eating is complete ****
  14. I was just giving some facts, in case anyone else gets a bill that is similar, and has insurance...so they know not to freak out, just make the phone call & handle it...it's covered. That's all. Just trying to be helpful. To directly quote something I directly said by quote to another poster and bow up because you think it was about you is just silly.
  15. Ah, a new approach I agree Vote differently, why don'tcha? Give somebody else a chance
  16. I did get a $496 bill from LabCorp for my bloodwork from my physical, but I guess we have to do a little of our own legwork now, since the law requires that 80% of your monies be spent directly on your healthcare, not admin costs, or the difference goes back to the policyholder (yes, it can be the company). I called LabCorp, gave them my insurance info, covered, boom. If I have to make one phone call (instead of completely wigging out at the arrival of a bill I would assume was covered, and it was), I'm good.
  17. iirc, you were touting how great your job market is in a different thread...how great of a portion of our nation's GDP, etc. Now it's shaky because of the ACA. Gotcha.
  18. Bob Costas to be on UP with Steve Kornacki momentarily: a preview has been mentioning our current name dilemma. Hail!
  19. "There's Your Sign" - worthy! **** the Cowboys! HTTR!
  20. Kitty survives a 50-mile ride in the suspension spring of a Toyota in Russia! https://autos.yahoo.com/blogs/motoramic/cat-stuck-in-car-s-suspension-spring-emerges-unscathed-after-50-mile-terror-ride-152750964.html?bcmt=1404147027120-e5ddbfb3-0672-4aa4-8d49-97bf2c0a4b78
  21. I tried to bob & weave through the defense of e-mails to no avail. (And apparently, we're in the Super Bowl, because the chalkboard kept getting more cluttered...) I did my best Cooley imitation, head held high! You can have the best game plan and it can still go POOF. Hail!
  22. My husband is on his way back into town, thanks for the ideas.
  23. Kitty Welcomes His Soldier Daddy Home! http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/84168706/
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