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Everything posted by DM72

  1. Is this the 1st sign that "Money" doesn't have as much money as he claims? He wants to wait until the McGreggor fight to pay his taxes from 2015. I'm just going on common sense here. If he has all this money, Stephen A even implies that he's worth a BILLION SMH, he shouldn't have any problems paying TODAY. I guess Floyd has money problems. lmao
  2. Maybe. LeBron is the only player that single handily changes franchises though.
  3. The only player in the NBA worth that kind of money is LeBron.
  4. It looks to be just a sprain, but you seriously can't make this **** up. RGIII, Manny Machado, Embiid, Simmons and now Fultz? We can probably even throw Bundy in the mix. This has gotten ridiculous.
  5. Pac was hitting Horn at will. Horn never had Pacquiao in real trouble. Dude got credit for lunging constantly.
  6. Pac won this fight. But like Teddy said, the Pacquiao of old stops Horn. '
  7. Man, they better stop showing videos of Conor training if they want to entice people to order this fight. Lol. After seeing that, even I'm having second thoughts.
  8. Now I'm hearing that Melo is very close to CP3. He's also close to LeBron. LeBron's close to everybody. How are all these married guys so close living in different cities? I hope KD and Steph, who appear not to be close to anyone, win more titles than all these guys.
  9. Houston gave up quite a bit. They might have gotten worse.
  10. It's sad, but not surprising. I'm not exaggerating when I say, there's people in this thread that would have a better grasp of a health care bill than Trump.
  11. I agree that Garcia is the better fighter, but this fight is at 140. If Broner come in shape, this is going to be a good fight. Broner has been dominant at 140.
  12. Agreed. I was talking to someone the other week. Back in the day, there were a ton of guys you wanted to see live. Today, I don't think there's a wrestler that I want to see live. I would like to see New Japan though.
  13. I'll have to look that up. Maybe educated was the wrong word. Like you said, he seems smart. From the interview I saw, he just doesn't look like the type to go on a killing rampage.
  14. That's what I thought when I read that story. And from seeing interviews with Sullivan, he seemed like a well educated man. Much different from him in-ring personality.
  15. ESPN is reporting that the Cavs could acquire Paul George, Melo and Wade. One, how are they going to afford all these guys? Two, anybody who jumped on GS for acquiring KD, better be leading the charge if this were to happen. Three, that team still won't beat GS.
  16. And could you explain to me what exactly does this have to do with Kevin Sullivan?
  17. People can cry about creative freedom all they want to, you still change a characters personality to fit what you're comfortable with.
  18. At least Fultz is cashing checks that HE'S going to have to sign. LaVar is just putting added pressure, an added spotlight, and an added bullseye on his son's back.
  19. And there need to be a camera near LaVar to get his immediate response. Still don't see how LeBron went back and played for that man.
  20. I see Philly selected UCLA big man Jonah Bolden in the 2nd round. We're building an impressive roster.
  21. I have a hard time believing this story. Despite what he allegedly did, Bill Cosby is too smart to do something this stupid.
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