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Everything posted by DM72

  1. Crawford is the best P4P boxer in the world.
  2. That was actually pretty good. Will Cain comes off as a Mr know it all and you can tell that he can't stand Max if you see the way he talks to him.
  3. One of the biggest problems is, not that they might bench one player, but they're benching the entire 1st string. People can rationalize it all they want to, but that shouldn't be allowed.
  4. The NSAC unanimously approve 8 ounce gloves for the Mayweather/McGreggor fight.
  5. If they canceled, they would have to give you your money back. Theoretically, as long as that ticket doesn't say "Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones", they could probably legally have the show without Jagger. They'll probably be a riot, but the show could go on.
  6. It's been reported that Flair had Colon surgery. It wasn't his heart.
  7. That's what many of us are saying. Most fans would accept players at the end of the season resting, if everything is clinched. But I believe some teams rest players before Christmas. That's ridiculous.
  8. OK. Tonight, Mick Jagger won't be the lead singer, but Justin Beiber will be. Deal with it. I wonder how that will go.
  9. When you pay to see a regular season game, you're not paying to see backups. Especially when they price these tix according to the team that's playing. Plus, the NBA is, by far, the most star driven league of all sports. Seriously, it's almost like going to see a band and the lead singer doesn't show up.
  10. I don't skate so I really don't know, but do skating take as much energy as running and jumping? But I wonder why rest is so important now? I don't remember the players back in complaining about rest.
  11. His Ric Flair persona was not a gimmick. He lived that life. Nice to hear that he is a cool dude. I've always heard that the "bad" guys were cool and the "good" guys were the pricks in real life.
  12. Ric Flair is reportedly in a medical induced coma. He was admitted to the hospital on the weekend with heart problems.
  13. He's one of those people that will drink a Diet Coke with a double cheeseburger and fries.
  14. The gloves thing is just yet another ploy to sell the fight. I actually believe they will approve the request.
  15. I'm not upset with the U.S for being civil. There needs to be an adult in the room. But as soon as NK take it to another level, it would be time to show them who we are.
  16. Lol...Floyd must be really getting worried that people aren't buying this fight.
  17. Detroit was very good and VERY powerful. Playing a racist cop probably won't get him nominated, but the young man playing that cop should win an Oscar.
  18. I can't stand Stephen A. The disrespect he showed Indongo was an embarrassment. Cut the man off in mid sentence to kiss Crawford's ass? SMH
  19. If you're going in on it with some other people, why not? It's also a good excuse for having a house party. I already got it planned.
  20. Going to see Detroit on Saturday. Been getting rave reviews.
  21. You really can't be mad at these guys for wanting to get paid. Jones v Lesner is potentially the biggest fight in UFC history. Jones saw how a less talented McGreggor talked himself into a huge money(no pun intended)fight with Mayweather. I don't blame Jones one bit.
  22. Lol...Oh yeah. Dude will never change.
  23. It was a great atmosphere, until Broner laid a colossal egg. Dude is done.
  24. I'm actually going to be at this fight. Garcia by UD.
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