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Everything posted by AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy

  1. Praying for peace in Durham. One of my friends has a live feed up on his FB page. Looks like a lot of anti-protestors have showed up. It's pretty surreal. To be clear, nothing has happened yet. It's just that this whole situation makes me nervous.
  2. I'm disgusted, but not surprised. I'm from deep in Trump country, and trust me...his supporters were already saying that BLM were the other side of the alt-****e coin. Nothing is going to change these people's minds. I just hope Commandant Lassard is relieved of his duties before anymore damage is done. What a disgrace he is.
  3. Is this the red meat that twa has been waiting for or does that only apply to Russia?
  4. That sequence was amazing. John Frankenheimer is a pimp director. I remember seeing that in the theater and thinking "I wonder what this heist is gonna be like" and then they pulled out the rocket launcher at the start.
  5. Dunkirk. Christopher Nolan throws his creative hat into the WWII ring and finds his mark. This is a master blend of directing, cinematography, and editing. Most action flicks are edited to death and slathered with heavy music cues, most often trying to compensate for lack of emotion or urgency. I did think the Hans Zimmer score was heavy in spots, but his music is so badass I didn't really care. The aerial "dogfights" are the real star here. Stunning wide shots that are allowed to play out. It feels real. Only a couple of drawbacks for me. I didn't really know anything about Dunkirk when I went in, and I'm not sure I learned anything from the movie. It could've explained itself a bit better. Also, from the trailer I thought it was gonna be an all out Nazi onslaught where nobody would survive. The movie, while threatening, felt much less dire than I expected. I do suggest checking it out on 70mm if you have the means. It looks ****ing awesome. 3.5/4.
  6. The GOP isn't going anywhere. The Dems always talk about the impending doom of the GOP. As for accountability, what's the point in accountability when you don't give a **** in the first place?
  7. People will forgo the better insurance because they won't be able to afford it. That's a big difference. I pay 500 a month for a 7000 deductible. I had the opportunity to pay 750 a month for a 1700 deductible. Are those good choices?
  8. Sarah Huckabee Sanders makes me long for the days of Sean Spicer. She's a disgusting human being.
  9. This whole debacle reminds me of one of my favorite games on The Price is Right.
  10. I'm not making excuses. Just pointing out that bigots aren't gonna vote for liberals just because their boy got ousted.
  11. Again, you are underestimating the level of hatred we are dealing with. Even if he gets impeached, the Dems will be lucky to pick up any seats. They are more dug in than you want to believe. The gerrymandering is strong.
  12. Putin denying and Trump accepting reminds me of the scene in Back to School when Ned Beatty asks Rodney Dangerfield if he cheated on his exams.
  13. Did anyone really think Putin and BLOTUS were gonna let anyone near their circle jerk meeting? What a joke. Watched the Poland media speech/response. I hate our president so ****ing much.
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