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Everything posted by AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy

  1. I love Dales on pork chops. You're right about the twenty minutes, if you go too long it can be overpowering. I'm not a big fan of using it on other meats. It's not terrible on steaks and chicken, just not that awesome marriage in my opinion. Me and my brother cooked fifteen pounds of chicken wings and a bunch of chicken halves last night. We borrowed a pig cooker from a friend and fired it up. Nothing better than a salty piece of grilled chicken skin.
  2. These opening round games have been garbage for the most part. Billy Donovan was a bad hire. Pitino he ain't. Him and Hoiberg are in over their heads. When OKC was rolling along a few years back, I thought that Durant leaving seemed far fetched, or wishful thinking for teams that hoped to land him. Now, I kinda get the feeling that he's gone. The coach hasn't done them any favors, but the Westbrook/Durant combo just feels worn out. We shall see. The final game pushed the Hornets to the 6th seed, so they don't play at home until Saturday. Got my ticket yesterday. Excited to check it out.
  3. 10 Cloverfield Lane. I liked it, but I just didn't think the direction the ending took was necessary or enjoyable. Maybe they felt they couldn't market it without the tie-in, but thought it would've been much better standing on it's own. John Goodman stole the film. All the pieces were there to make the last 30 minutes an awesome/creepy/intense cat and mouse game, but they tossed it all away. The overuse of music was striking at times, but seems to be the norm in most films now. I wish producers would trust their stories more instead of trying to invoke a false feeling if heightened danger or conflict by cramming a score into every scene possible.
  4. This one doesn't get as much love as Mud and Take Shelter, but it's my favorite film of his to date. I like the raw, indie feel.
  5. I saw The Witch tonight as well. It was a pleasant surprise. I'm a 'slow burn' lover so I got treated to some of that, but damn there's some mighty fine grenades in there as well. Kind of a nice mix of both. I hadn't seen anything quite like it, and I'd recommend it to anyone who likes horror. There's some scenes that'll blow your hair back. I enjoyed the score, although I felt like it made for a really 'loud' film in spots. I don't know if that shrillness was a creative decision to unsettle the audience, but I thought it was a little distracting in parts. Saw the trailer for The Green Room. Looks awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed Blue Ruin, and I'm excited for this flick to be released next month.
  6. I saw The Big Short. Kind of a quirky movie about guys who made a bunch of money off the housing market crash. I thought it was great. Steve Carrell and Christian Bale were both incredible. Simply unbelievable that nobody ever went to jail for that stuff. The greed of the banks was simply infuriating. I won't be surprised to see a few nominations for this film. A very solid piece of work, but Sicario is still the best film I've seen this year.
  7. Thanks for the links brothers and sisters! Much appreciated!
  8. Gonna need a link today. The lady's got food poisoning and I gotta stay here. Can't believe they're showing the stupid Pats game in NC.
  9. Sicario. 9/10. Simply awesome stuff. Denis Villeneuve, in my opinion, is the best director not named PT Anderson working today. A visionary director with the guts to go places few directors are willing to go. Score and cinematography were outstanding. Look for Roger Deakins to get another well deserved Oscar nomination for his lighting prowess. I consider this year to be fairly weak in regards to must see flicks, but this one deserves a spot on the short list.
  10. I was a little too young to see Duane play, but watching Dickey and Greg cut it up was always a treat for me as a young man.
  11. Thanks Chew, I knew I could count on you. Evil is exactly what I wanted to hear. I'm outta town right now, and it's gonna take some major will power not to see Sicario until I get back and take my lady to see it.
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