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Everything posted by skinsfan4128

  1. I've always respected your takes on all things Redskins. But I have to disagree on your take. Scherff is light yrs better than dockery. Is this really a debate?
  2. It boggles the mind how these imbeciles are supposedly elected to represent the people, and yet they are only interested in representing their own personal interests. I rarely get into politics, but I honestly have been mesmerized, and horrified, at how obscene the Republican party has acted both during Trump's presidency (or reign of terror if you prefer) and now. It's disheartening to know that they could care less about assisting the very people that voted them into office. All for one dip**** who is continues to treat politics much like he has operated his business ventures and reality TV. I'm not excusing some Democrats either. What in the blue hell was with Sinema's " thumbs down losers cause I'm still a 16 year old high schooler "? I'm embarrassed to watch that thinking this is an elected assclown that's supposed to be representing the people. 😠 Glad the bill got passed cause there are so many people that need help. But watching this circus on Capitol hill is disgusting. End of days, folks. End of days.
  3. 🤣 I think you mean idiocy at its finest. White, black, yellow with pink polka dots; it doesn't matter. Joe Barry sucks ass. And we personally all know that only too well. No need to make it a race thing when it is obviously a stupidity thing. HTTR!
  4. Actually, this is terrific Christmas present from the jolly old fat man. The more attention this circus gets, the more it applies pressure to the NFL. The little **** stain continues his sue happy spree which brings with it headlines (the dumbass hasn't quite figured this out). In his desperate attempts to paint himself a victim, he is simply bringing more attention to the story. I'm loving this Christmas. Hopefully, the NFL has grown tired of this asshole's antics and rides us of this parasite and we'll all remember this Christmas fondly. Merry Christmas to you all and stay safe out there.
  5. It's possible. But let's not pretend what Ron was doing as a slight to TW. He also let Kerrigan go into this year without an extension. Truth is, Ron let everyone know from the start that every player in that locker room was auditioning this season to be apart of this team (and more importantly, who wanted to be on this team) moving forward under this new regime. He wouldn't have had the same respect from these players had he just caved in to TW. And IMO, that shouldn't have been an issue with Trent considering the problems he had with former staff were no longer with the team. It is what it is. TW was a great player for us during a bad stretch, but he wanted out and took offense to being asked to "prove himself". And while I have no problem with TW, we all spend our lives having to prove ourselves in a plethora of ways from time to time. He chose to think he shouldn't have to (even being a year removed from playing). I see no issue with what Ron asked of him or any other player when inheriting a perennial dumpster fire. As far as I'm concerned, it's paying off and we're seeing a very different team than what we saw when TW was here. These players believe in what Ron is preaching. And TW is elsewhere and not here to experience it. The grass isn't always greener.
  6. I wish this damned thread would die already. Much like I would like to see every single one of these ****s sent straight back to hell where they crawled their creepy asses out from. But I digress, carry on.
  7. This idiot loves him some lawyers. Bet he got his ass kicked repeatedly at recess growing up, cause he definitely has a "I'll get you back, I'll show you" mentality. Not to mention, this assclown never takes responsibility for his own shortcomings (at least not unless his wife is part of the apologies). I'd give my left testicle to see this turd tossed from the highest building we could find. A grade A, 100% certified, useless as tits on a bull, **** stain of a human being. I'll show myself out.
  8. I think it's because we've always been fans. I grew up a Redskins fan and had the privilege of watching the team be dominant and always a tough out for any opponent. So, it's difficult to walk away from that. I taught my son to be a Redskins fan early on and do feel guilty now cause he has had to endure the era that is Daniel "I'm going to **** **** up " Snyder. But even he has stayed loyal (probably more because of me). Don't rag on fans that have had trouble hanging on. It's hard on us all, but for some from the glory years it's unbearable to watch this garbage. And yet every season, here we are. We have earned the right to be skeptical and down trodden. HTTR.
  9. I can't speak for wilbon, nor do I care for what he has to say. He's useless and always has been. His vitriol towards the Redskins has been well documented. But I will say, the more information that comes available, the more likely Snyder will have no recourse other than to sell. At that point, we win .
  10. Not to the best of my knowledge. The NBA forced Sterling to sell, so there's that. Lol. But if there ever was a ****head of an owner that deserves it, it's Dan ****ing Snyder.
  11. Though possible, it's highly unlikely. As meddlesome as that ****nut has been over the years, it would be damn near impossible for him not to know at least some of what was going on if not completely in the loop (let's not forget he isn't exactly the poster child for being a good human being). In fact, I would say he was well aware of what was going on. It feeds his narcissistic behavior and makes his sorry weak ass feel powerful.
  12. While I like most of you revel in the continued attacks on Snyder (I absolutely loathe that little **** and am completely appalled by this adolescent behavior), I have to admit that up until now I simply didn't see this going anywhere other than making him look even more like the assclown we all know he is. But I can't help but wonder if this may have have a more desired effect than what we realize. Consider this, how much more can he afford to have happen before it becomes a detriment to his family? He's a son, husband, and father that is continuing to dredge his family through his embicilic misgivings (and that's being polite considering the heinous acts he has been involved with or allowed)? At what point does his wife begin to say enough is enough? Does she threaten him with divorce if he doesn't walk away from the franchise? Does his family begin to alienate him or turn their backs on him? It simply could be wishful thinking on my part, but I have to wonder how much more his family can tolerate his bad behavior and constantly being cast negatively in the media spotlight (I realize that it's really Snyder that is being attacked, but they're guilty by association). Of course, he may not care. But it certainly warrants consideration for if he truly cares anything about his family, he would cease to continue putting them through this. HTTR.
  13. Can't. Tell. If. Serious. However, if you wouldn't mind Mr. Snyder, could you please sell the team and make us fans happy again. Kthanksbye. HTTR!
  14. Look, it's pretty obvious Snyder knew this **** was going on. He's an adolescent idiot in the fact that he truly believes he can't get caught. Yet, he we are. The NFL is dropping the ball (no pun intended) in that they are refusing to delve into this problem appropriately. Hell, they need only to refer back to the cheerleader incident to see the toxic cultivation being perpetuated by Snyder. We, the fans, see it as plain as day. Please, tell me how in the **** these rich suits don't see it. I, like many of you, come from the old school of Redskins fans. I feel sorry for the younger generation of fans that have had been exposed to this cluster**** of an organization led by this incompetent piece of grade A, 100℅, high quality steaming pile of horse****. They have watched this dumpster fire while we older fans were privileged enough to watch a competitive team who got to see our team win super bowls. Snyder is guilty as **** and I hope like hell someone (media, Roger ****ing Goodell, victims, etc) is able to run this assclown the hell away from our team. I'm sure it's wishful thinking, but I will keep wishing regardless. HTTR!
  15. I know I sure as hell don't like that useless little ****. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his crotch.
  16. I would just like a uniform that our players can wear whilst winning ball games. Just my small request. 😋 Otherwise, carry on.
  17. Uh, ain't no being nice to those eight legged ****s. ?
  18. You guys have way too much time on your hands. ? Hate a ****in spider! They all need to for a horrible death. May they all return to hell where they came from. ?
  19. Just a sick, sick bothersome obsession. I hate everyone of you for contributing or starting this ****ing thread. Spiders are the Devils goddammit work, and came straight from hell. So I Hope You Guys Repent And Get the **** away from them before you become spider milk.
  20. I am planning atrip to DC with my son in the next two years for attending a home game. We are both die-hard Skins fans that want to see a Redskins game at Fed Ex among the Redskins faithful. We often watch you tube videos that are filmed at the stadium and have longed to be there. I am wanting any information on good seats, angles, and costs that would be associated with attending a home game. Hotels in the area and best areas near the stadium would also be greatly appreciated. We are attending the Redskins-Saints matchup this coming season at the Super Dome (we live two hours away) and are looking forward to watching the Skins dominate them. And yeah, we are sporting our Redskins gear in all its glory. Again, any info is greatly appreciated.
  21. **** the ****ing Girls! :point2sky :helmet: :dallasuck
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