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Everything posted by TheGreatBuzz

  1. Personally, I think they are waiting to use these ads, for good reason. One, Biden has a better chance on beating Trump over Haley. Let him lock up the nom nice and solid first. Second, you don't want to risk people becoming desensitized to hearing it. Keep that particular powder dry until 6 months from now. Hopefully, there will be more court decisions against him also.
  2. Not the update I was hoping for.
  3. Meh. We can do better. So you're making this sign and I'll just come pick it up, right?
  4. I don't know why but I'm loving this whole story. It's just ****ing awesome. I think my enjoyment is tied to those kids having such high hopes just to have them crushed so completely. Maybe I should talk to someone about that.
  5. Buzzette and I just got stoned and order the Family of 4 pack from Burger King. We are killing it. We're killing this adulting thing.
  6. The president of Ireland looks exactly like I would have guessed.
  7. A friend at VoteVets is hitting people up for short video. Who wants to write a 60 second script for me? PS. @PleaseBlitz you gonna be in DC March 12th?
  8. Putting it put there because I can't remember if I already did, Mitch will not last until November as leader. He may hold his seat but not his position.
  9. Actually, he is claiming he declassified them all while he was still President so that makes it an official act. *his argument, not saying it makes sense*
  10. I usually just assign a face that makes sense to me since we don't see who we're talking to here. Pretty sure I just associated you with the WWE wrestler.
  11. He realized he doesn't have the power that he used to.
  12. I said a while ago that SCOTUS wants this trial to be at the ballot box. They're hoping he loses so they don't have to answer hard questions.
  13. At first I didn't like it. Felt like I should shovel my own way. Then I remembered how ****ing driveways I had to shovel as a kid. So I'll take it.
  14. I have kind neighbors who love to come over and shovel for a disabled veteran.
  15. I spent one deployment when I was probably 22 or so trying to bulk up. Another guy on the det was all about fitness and body building and said he could help me out. He had me track what I was eating for like a month beforehand because I was telling him how I could just eat whatever I want and do anything but not change my weight of about 140 lbs and lean. Anyways, I was eating like 4000 calories of junk. I did his diet plan and was taking workout shakes and whatever. Worked out almost every day. After like 8 months, I was like 143 lbs and 💩 10 times a day. I definitely looked better naked but it wasn't worth all the effort. Yesterday I was 144 lbs. I still fit in the uniform they gave me in boot camp.
  16. Don't know if that was supposed to make me laugh but it did.
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