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Everything posted by GoDeep81

  1. Hard to keep mo when your D can't get off the field on 3rd and long. Someone make it make sense.
  2. TO there, with 3 seconds on the clock? lol
  3. I'd just dial up the bomb every 1st down. We're gonna give em 6-8 every 2nd down anyway.
  4. Oh good, 3rd and long for Atl. 🫣 lol
  5. Think I've seen more picked up flags this year, than in my entire life.
  6. Lort, just let me get lunch over with before they ruin my appetite. πŸ™ Though it feels like Im gettin a preview watching the Raven vs the Tennessee Redskins.
  7. "The Burial". (Jamie Foxx, Tommy Lee Jones, Jurnee Smollett) One of the best movies I've seen this year. Probably gonna win some awards. Said it was based on a true story, or true events? Good stuff!! 127 minutes.
  8. Losing/trading Siegenthaler was a fireable offense.
  9. Everyday I come to ES and my link brings me to the home page. I have to scroll past that 40-20 screenshot to get to The Stadium. Then I come here and see all these predictions of 23-17, 24-20, ect.. Man, Chicago dropped 40 on us.. FOURTY!!! Ya'll are some optimistic some****es.. lol
  10. Do these reporters ever ask about the D, specifically? Seems every time something comes up about us sucking under performing, he talks about the QB/offense. Offense is about what I'd expect. The D on the other hand is offensive.
  11. I predict, after 10 days to get ready following a super stinker, if the D gets blown up again someone gets fired! Someone named Jack to be specific.
  12. Felt sooo bad for those Cowboy fans. It was terrible! I couldn't help but watch every last click of the clock. ☺️
  13. Thought they were gonna diarrhea the bed for a minute there.
  14. We'll, we've seen the bad, we're bound to see some good. IF he keeps getting on the field. Gonna hope for the best! It's just unfortunate how small he is, when the time comes to tackle. I'm not concerned (at this point) about his hands and wheels.
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