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No Excuses

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Everything posted by No Excuses

  1. Marc Spears from Yahoo's twitter: The multi player aspect is interesting. I know it's unlikely but I'm going to do cart wheels from my apartment to the Verizon Center if that loser Blatche is a part of this trade.
  2. Hinrich is being dealt to the Hawks. i really hope it's for a first round pick or Jordan Crawford.
  3. Yeah Colin I'm still good to go for the Clippers game. Javale's first and third dunks were better than anything the other chumps pulled out. That entire thing was so ****in rigged though. Ibaka, McGee and Derozan could have all dunked from half court but they still would have made sure to get Blake the trophy. I hope the NBA doesn't shove Griffin down our throats the way they did LeBron. I actually like the guy and he doesn't have the dickwad personality LeBron does.
  4. Both the finishing dunks sucked. Griffin was the third best behind Derozan and McGee.
  5. lol .... wtf ---------- Post added February-19th-2011 at 11:02 PM ---------- lol that wasn't even that great ....
  6. Javale representing us well so far. If that's what they had for the first round, the 2nd round is going to be awesome.
  7. That 2nd dunk for Griffin was lame. Had he pulled of his first attempt though ....
  8. This is easily going to be one of the more epic dunk contests in a while. I was so ****ing sick and tired of Nate Robinson.
  9. I think first round picks contracts are structured as four years guaranteed + team option on the 5th. Cousins is so damn talented but I think he'll be the next Rasheed Wallace. A guy who will have a damn productive career but people will always wonder what he could have been if he had his head on straight.
  10. Seriously, no kidding. Imagine if he could run the pick and roll with someone like Amare Stoudemire or Blake Griffin. The attraction of playing with Wall will make our franchise desirable to a lot of FA. The only thing we have to do is make this place desirable enough for Wall to play here. Ted has that vision and the marketing ability to make this franchise look attractive. As much as I liked Abe, his marketing department was a ****ing disaster.
  11. I hope people still don't have doubts about Wall being a super star. The guy has the mentality of a star. He looks comfortable around other great players. You surround him with talent instead of garbage like Blatche. He will be averaging 20/12/5 by his third year. His court vision is just ridiculous. You don't think other big men who were played last night were wondering how awesome it would be to play with a PG like him every game? Blake Griffin or DeMarcus Cousins, bet you one of them pair up with Wall in the future.
  12. Naw, he hasn't called an entire demograph 'ghey' yet. inb4 "soccer fans are ghey".
  13. Nick was always a good shooter. He never had much trouble creating of the dribble but his spot up shooting was not that good. He's matured a lot as a player. He's gone from a total dumbass to a valuable player who can one day be a contributor on a winning team. His mid range game is absolutely nasty. Wish he didn't suck as much as a passer but that will be masked by having Wall as the PG.
  14. If he's smart he gets the hell away from this team and this medical staff. Go to Phoenix and have a career resurrection. When healthy, the guy is a damn good player.
  15. Part of me wants to watch this team lose so Chris Miller embarrasses himself while doing the doogie.
  16. This game reminds of why I never liked Jamison. Great classy guy, team leader yada yada yada. Worst defender in NBA history. Yeah I mean it.
  17. Josh Howard starting tonight... lol Ernie had an impressive run with the Knicks but his second stint with the Bucks wasn't so nice. Bucks fans have nothing but bad things to say about him. He hasn't been terrible for the Wizards by any means. But let's not get to blaming Abe for all of his mistakes. Abe interfered with Etan Thomas who Abe was a fan of. Abe might have had an influence on the trade for the #5 pick but lets get real, Abe was on his death bed at that point. He wasn't pulling Grunfeld's strings to make one of the worst trades in franchise history. Just a season ago the #5 pick had been traded for Ray Allen. Ernie got us Mike Miller. Abe also didn't pressure Ernie to sign guys like Antonio Daniels, Darius Songaila and DeShawn Stevenson. While none of their contracts individually were cripplers, added together they kept this team from actually signing decent players. Ernie even before the Wizards has had a history of making bad trades and overpaying for veterans.
  18. So are we using Ernie Grunfeld as the new measuring stick? Ernie transformed this team into a one and done playoff team, with piss poor defense, a coach he couldn't stand up to and a superstar he didn't have the balls to control. Everything eventually blew up in his face last year. In most franchises besides Washington, Ernie's track record would be pedestrian at best. I'm as thankful as anyone to actually know that at some point in the last few years, this team had seasons where they won more than they lost. But do we celebrate that mediocrity or actually try to take the next step into becoming legitimate? Ernie lucked into Gilbert due to a coin flip. Then he surrounded him with a guy who at best was a sixth man on a contender (Jamison) and Butler who was a really good player with health issues that eventually broke him down. The rest? Antonio Daniels: below average. Brendan Haywood: decent center. Etan Thomas: total crap. Darius Songaila: total crap. DeShawn Stevenson: good for 1/2 of a season, then mostly crap. Andray Blatche: inconsistent back up forced into a primary role. Draft picks? Picked Pecherov, traded away a top 5 pick for one year rentals. McGee continues to be the most inconsistent player in the league. Passed on DeJuan Blair for supposed "money issues" only to later turn around and give double the money to a washed up Oberto. Every GM has his blunders but most of the good GM's with successful teams make considerably less blunders than Ernie has. As much as you like to think that lucking into superstars is everything, surrounding that super star with the right talent is also as important. Otherwise, we'll be going through the same thing with Wall that Cleveland fans went through with LeBron this year. Superstar player leaves for a better team/better franchise.
  19. They acquire Durant and then Presti made the perfect moves to surround him with the right talent. Considering that the best Ernie Grunfeld team made it out of the first round only once, I think I'll take my chances with someone else. This whole revisionist nonsense that Ernie transformed this franchise is complete bullcrap. If we are using our past as a measuring stick for success, then we'll be stuck in this gutter forever. With a new owner who has a much different philosophy than Abe, I'd rather have an aggressive draft oriented GM like Pritchard than Ernie who's draft record has completely sucked.
  20. Right, because Portland was some awesome team before Pritchard took over. Portland was as big of a mess as Washington when Pritchard took over general manager duties. Instead of reminding everyone in every post that you've been watching this team for 30 years, you should spend that time brushing up your own NBA history. Your self inflated ego really makes you sound like a prick sometimes.
  21. If you can bring in Kevin Pritchard, then fire Ernie. Pritchard's previous job was Portland, not exactly basketball heaven. He's built a team that is surviving and is in the WC playoff hunt despite losing Oden and Brandon Roy.
  22. I think Flip Saunders is going to get fired if they lose to the Cavs.
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