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Posts posted by TheGoodBits

  1. 9 minutes ago, China said:

    OK, watching the Pittsburgh - Cleveland game and saw an ad for Doug Burgum for president.  I'd never heard of him.  Apparently he's governor of North Dakota.  I can't imagine his candidacy goes too far.

    Same. I was watching the ad wondering what he was running for. Was thinking some local House of Delegates race. Chuckled a bit when I figured out he was running for president. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Die Hard said:

    Why was Curtis Samuel MIA yesterday? 

    Honestly, we just spread the ball around a ton. 9 different receivers caught passes yesterday, all but one of them had more than one catch and none had more than 5 (Terry). Samuel had a 13 yard carry and three catches for 19. He also had a really nice aggressive downfield block on a BRob screen. 

    • Thanks 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, CapsSkins said:



    And btw, having some tough opponents on the schedule makes it all the more important to take care of business against lesser teams like Arizona and Denver. Banking these W's could end up being the difference in a potential Wild Card race in December/January.

    You mean the division race. 

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 2
  4. 29 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    In fairness to Forbes, you really didn't hear his name much which means he did his job. He did give up a big 3rd down completion to Hollywood Brown but other than that I think he stuck to his man like white on rice.


    Forbes also had a really nice pass break up late in the game (last play? Can’t remember). The WR broke hard over the middle of the field and Forbes had such great anticipation on it he made up like a step and a half coming out of the break. 
    edit: yes was the 4th and 10 play to end the game. Check this out 


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  5. 8 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

    Fwiw I don't think aliens would be dumb enough to visit anywhere in person the first time.



    This is fair. Any civilization advanced enough to explore the galaxy would likely do so almost exclusively autonomously.

    The idea that we’ve been visited by alien technology isn’t weird to me. Reasonably decent odds, especially if you aren’t limiting it to just the last few thousand years of modern human civilization. 

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  6. Ok so Lerners are bleeding money, stuck in extension talks with Rizzo and can’t get the deal done (because they’re cheap/broke), and now Strasburg’s retirement thing was unexpectedly canceled? Are they trying to screw him over with a cheap settlement? Take less money and we’ll put you in the ring of fame? Yeeeessh. 

    Thanks for what you all did to win a championship but I’ll be glad when their ownership is over. 

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, tshile said:

    In the original tweet, he followed up saying that they did several different polls and this was for one of them. Then he posted the methodology for the specific poll that was posted here. 




    And follow up here which shows that for that specific poll it was an even makeup:



    so yes. It does pay to read the fine print. Correctly. 

    Sorry idk why my links aren’t embedding with those :( 

    Even so, the weighting with an even split of Republican to Democrat self identification seems lazy. Where’s that from? Just pulled an even split to make it fair?
    In 2020 party identification was 48% Dem 43% GOP. I’m open to the idea the electorate won’t look the same this time but unless there is some sort of scientific reasoning behind weighting it evenly, the poll seems less than useful. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:


    I saw Smashburger (with bar). And a lot of pop up kiosks selling snacks. 2 other restaurants were under construction. But I also didn't walk all 99 gates.


    Fwiw I LOVE smashburger and was happy with that..I was just surprised how little options people had in my area. 

    I regularly fly Richmond to Denver so pretty familiar with terminal B. Smashburger and the 5280 Lounge are my go-tos for food and killing time/enjoying a ridiculously large glass of wine before my flight. Got there a couple weeks ago in the morning and they had mimosas available. Cool to unexpectedly start drinking at 8am. ****ing love airports. 

    • Thumb up 3
  9. 49 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:



    To me, the biggest what if on Stras will always be what if the Nats hadn't babied him in 2012. Shutting him down in early September while mired in a pennant race. 🤔

    Nats spent a decade building a championship caliber team, a perineal contender, build around a dominant rotation. All the “what if” questions are completely pointless to me because to me the single biggest goal was winning a championship, and they succeeded. 

    What if they hadn’t shut him down in 2012? Doesn’t matter, he was healthy and the biggest reason we won a championship in 2019.


    What if he had been healthier for more seasons? Would have been nice but doesn’t really matter, we got the championship. 

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  10. I’ll never forgot attending Strasmas. And I’ll never forget the ridiculously brazen confidence I had that the Nats were going to win the World Series *after* their game 5 loss. Why? Because I knew Strasburg was going to shut down the Astros in game 6. I had zero doubt it was back to Scherzer in game 7. 

    It’s a damn shame we didn’t get to see him healthy for more of his career. 

  11. 54 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


    Buzzette is the one that does edibles mostly.  And yea, that seems normal, especially when trying new strains, brands, etc.  If you get quality stuff, all the ones in the same batch should be even though.  The first time trying anything new always happens at home though because you never really know how it will hit.

    Totally. The most annoying part for me was that it wasn’t my first time with them, and they were cbd only. Absolutely zero reason I should have been impaired at all.

  12. First time in this thread. I’m a casual user of some edibles (gummies usually) and I have questions for the community… 


    do you all notice DRASTIC differences in potency between gummies, even those in the same bottle?


    I noticed it most with 10mg thc gummies. Some of them only have mild effects, some I will be floored after only a half. I settled into only taking 1/4 of a gummy as it allows me to remain mostly functional while still getting the relaxing effects I want. 

    But then the other day the same thing randomly happened with a cbd gummy. I had gone through a whole bottle before with zero head high like you get from thc. Popped one before I had family over (dealing with some back tension) and an hour later I was barely able to function. And of course since it was an edible it lasted all day. That was before noon and I ended up having to sleep it off. 

    So what gives? I’m thinking about tossing the rest of what I have because of how unpredictable it has been. 

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  13. Does not matter at all what kind of leadership capabilities he has. All he needs to do is hire people to lead. 

    That said, there was plenty of cringe in last night’s interview. But as long as he’s not there creating a toxic work environment like his predecessor, I’ll take it. 

  14. Given the Republican Party’s absolute inability to do or say anything to stand up to Donald Trump, I can envision a scenario where Trump is on the ballot in all primary states and wins all of them. Then by the time of the convention, he’s serving a jail sentence. At that point, does anyone have any expectation that the party would successfully nominate someone else? I don’t think so. They’d nominate Trump and try to run a campaign for him while he’s in jail. 

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
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