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Everything posted by abdcskins

  1. Finish that Webster. Can't believe I am watching the Wiz in the playoffs. Been waiting for this.
  2. ^ Saw that lol. I like the zoom ins to the huddle, Mark Jackson is a good coach.
  3. Zero Dark Thirty. Good flick, solid action. Reminded me about a bunch of **** that I had forgotten about. These terrorist ****s deserve to die.
  4. Watched Courage Under Fire. Really liked that. Children of Men was solid, but something was missing I'm not sure- good movie though. Watched District 9 last night, it was cool but a little mundane. I have the full DirecTv package so have a whole bunch of movies lined up to be recorded. Have never seen 40 Year Old Virgin, can you believe it? Also have Zero Dark Thirty in the queue, looking forward to watching that.
  5. I've been buying a grip of DVDs/Blu-Rays on amazon. I miss out on so many movies that I have to catch up. In the past month I've seen - Captain Phillips - good movie, slightly diluted by the fact that I knew what was going to happen. But solid. Inglorious ****s- great movie, although I was not as thrilled with it as most seemed. Then on a Denzel kick. Man on Fire- good John Q- average Fallen- sucked I just bought Children of Men, Courage Under Fire, and A Simple Plan. Have yet to watch them. I have these on my wish list - Lost in Translation, Slumdog Millionaire, The Pool, 25th Hour, Silver Linings Playbook, The Departed, A Serious Man, and Chronicle. Which ones should I buy?
  6. Must have been epic. Damn Beal missed a lot of shots lol. Gortat beasting. Wish I saw it.
  7. Hmm funya tisness. Not sure I get it lol. Not important. Sounds like some garbage.
  8. Lol I wanna know what steve called James Harden. Did it rhyme with Bob Saget? Didn't see the game, was on Facebook and saw a couple posts about how the refs screwed the Wizards so thought I'd check this thread. Looks like there were numerous calls.
  9. I'm sure someone has noticed this, but Temple and Porter look exactly the same.
  10. What ever happened to Chris Horton? I remember when people were fainting over that guy.
  11. Why two asteriks? Silva may have been been ****y, but that is hardly worth an asterik. Weidman smashed his face in.
  12. Ahahahaha. Jerry Jones cursing in the suite.
  13. Oh god. Just sit Beal until February 15th his health is that important.
  14. Ariza having a career year. In the 4-5 games I've watched his shot has looked so smooth.
  15. Possibly the worst last second shot I've ever seen by Carmelo lol. He slowed down then forced a running heave. I think he's the most overrated player 8n the league. Beal.
  16. Getting dominated. Our presence insert the rim is nothing without Nene. When your second best player is always hurt them that is a detriment.
  17. Paul is looking for his shot tonight. Jordan has way more length than Gortat. Booker showing a lot of bounce.
  18. Annnddd, bad defense. Like I said, these are games the Wizards lose. Sort of like the past 30 years.
  19. Wow...a lot of contact there. Teague shook his man. Then Booker had like the best offensive move I've ever seen him make.
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