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Everything posted by fullnelson9999

  1. It never worked when they'd build a stadium surrounded by a massive parking lot and nothing else, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. The proposed development surrounding the stadium seems to be right up Loudoun County's alley.
  2. He's saying it's in the process of finishing up.
  3. I have a feeling like whatever planned mixed use development they want to build would suffer being cornered into that little space between the highway and the river. You can build housing and apartments, but only so much. It's probably why it's not discussed more.
  4. I get that, but O'Connell is still the odd man out in that list. He wasn't on those coaching staffs. Mike McDaniel was, and if anything it makes the situation even worse.
  5. I don't think a DC stadium should be this organization's biggest goal right now. Ignoring obvious problems just to get a stadium is a good way to end up in the same situation.
  6. I understand not wanting public funds to be used to build the stadium, or not wanting it in Virginia, but if we can assume it's an inevitability....holy **** Prince William County, you are really messing things up by trying to stick your nose in this. The CIT site next to Dulles isn't in DC, but really isn't that bad. But that PWC site is too, too far away. Just go away and let Loudoun have this one, guys.
  7. I don't see why anyone would work with Dan after today. I also don't see them building a stadium where there's no public transportation.
  8. Oh Chantilly Lace. If you went to Chantilly HS, you know every word of that song.
  9. Loudoun County builds those giant, town center like multi use developments left and right. If Patriot Place or Hollywood Park is any kind of model for what Danny wants to do, I can't think of a better place to put it. That place is already a little outmoded, as far as stadiums go. The ten years post Jerry World's completion produced some real game changers. I would expect something more similar to SoFi, Allegiant, Tottenham, etc.
  10. I've heard "Save the kids!" too much in my lifetime.
  11. Loudoun County,, specifically Dulles, is in no way analogous to Frederick. Not by distance, not by population density, not by culture. Zero ways. Just look at the population density. There's no evidence that says they're building in Leesburg. Like, why even entertain that idea? The Loudoun Gateway site is 28 miles to DC. The numbers you're throwing out there are irrelevant. Y'all really don't seem to know anything about Virginia.
  12. Have you considered the idea that a better, good faith effort to explain how you feel *might* lead to people actually taking you seriously? Acting like we're stupid isn't going to do you any good. Clearly you're not an effective communicator, as you seem to split hairs any time your argument hits a wall. What's your goal, brodie?
  13. This is such an obviously true statement, I cannot see how anyone can disagree with it in good faith. Biden has his issues but he can't control minds.
  14. I wasn't aware their votes were supposed to count less.
  15. It's important to actually read the sources you cite. You'll find your answer there. I asked for cited sources to prove a point. Our standards should be higher than to assume something is reality when there's actually a very small number of people saying it. It's a problem that plagues this country.
  16. Because my statement was in response to the idea that "the talk is Hilary will run", when in reality it's just two or three people talking about it, and a BUNCH of sources reporting that two or three people were talking about it. Perhaps read my OP comment? "The talk is Hilary" just isn't factual. It's three people saying it. That's hardly enough evidence to say something is true, and that's the point I'm making.
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