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Mr. Sinister

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Everything posted by Mr. Sinister

  1. The NWO angle was great, but the WCW scriptwriters added too many extras, and it became tiresome after awhile. IMO, the NWO era reached it's peak with the NWO Wolfpac, and then it all went to **** afterwards. As for the WWE, since they no longer allow over the top violence, themes, etc, more needs to be done in the way of character development. It's all on the scriptwriters/talent evaluators, etc. Having guys like "Miz" and John Cena as your big money guys isn't really a good idea. As lovetoaster said though, when you have no legitimate competition, you can sell a watered down product and still get people coming from out of the woodwork. We all would've laughed at this **** 10-15 years ago, yet the WWE still sells out at venues across the US, I'm sure.
  2. Well that's too bad, because I'm giving it anyway, and you will take it and like it.
  3. Funny how a team plays when they're actually motivated. The Wiz played hard tonight, but they played hard last time too. They only play when they feel it ( some of them ) . I knew this game would be pretty close before it started.
  4. Luchadores. The one thing that WCW got right. Maybe this "Sin Cara" cat could spice things up a bit. I'll keep an eye on things leading up to Wrestlemania, but after that, it's probably adios for good. And I doubt The Rock is going to stay around, espescially with the whole "PG" thing that Boss Hogg talked about. We'll see.
  5. John Cena, Randy Orton, and unmasked watered down Kane, plus bringing in Goldberg for no reason, were the final nails in the coffin for me. I don't know what that **** was on Monday. It felt like watching a wake on national television. And wtf was up with: a) White ****ing ropes Goofy Michael Cole, who's head seems to have drastically expanded, feuding with Jerry Lawler? Lawler always threatened to kick Coles ass back in the day, but I never thought that it would lead to something like this abomination. c) Watered down nicy nice wrestling. Why did I feel like I was watching a muscleheaded version of West Side Story? Where was the over the top violence? d) Who the **** is King Shamus? Those are my thoughts. Sorry for the minor crapfest.
  6. Jeff Hardy was a ****ing maniac. As much as I loved "Taker, The Rock, Triple H, etc. I probably loved Jeff Hardy just as much. IMO, the tail end of the Attitude era wouldn't have been the same without him, Matt Hardy, and the Dudleys constantly going at it. For a 2-3 year period, they routinely stole the show at PPV events, and that's saying a lot. ---------- Post added February-23rd-2011 at 11:10 PM ---------- Oh, and I forgot "Too Cool", Brian "Too Sexy" Christopher, Scotty 2 Hotty, and Rikishi, who also feuded with the Dudleys.
  7. Hahaha, I remember that skit like it was yesterday. DX kicked ass back then. I can't believe it's been that long. As for me, the best match hands down was The Rock v. Stone Cold I at Wrestlemania XV. The fact that they cut each other off on the ring during their usual top rope crowd taunts before the bell, coupled with the epic staredown. They both kicked out of each others finishers. Up to that point, no one had ever kicked out of the Rock Bottom/Peoples Elbow, and no one had ever kicked out of the Stone Cold Stunner. You could tell that they put their heads together quite a bit, and really put a lot of thought into how they were gonna work that match. Best Tag Team match ever? Wrestlemania 17, Triple Threat Tag Team Tables, Ladders And Chairs match. Edge&Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz, vs. The Hardy Boyz. It needs no explanation.
  8. Yeah Matt, it was amazing. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention WCW- who were at one point the leaders of the pack before McMahon crushed them. Sting, in his colorful persona, or the "Crow" persona, was badass. Goldberg, Lex Luger, Sid Vicious, Diamond Dallas Page, Konnan and The The Filthy Animals, Booker T and the Harlem Heat, The Four Horsemen, etc. The problem with WCW was that they had too many characters, thus creating watered down storylines at times. They severely played out the whole "NWO" era, which was great, until pretty much EVERY wrestler was in it, though I did enjoy the NWO Wolfpac faction ( great intro music ). That and the enormous push that they gave Goldberg, making his matches too predictable after awhile, ultimately led to it's demise. One thing the WCW definitely got right however, was the cruiserweight division, with guys like Rey MysterioJr., Ultimo Dragon, Psychosis, Juventud Guerrera, Dean Malenko. etc. Good times.
  9. For me, the ' good ol days' were from '95-'01, though I still have fond memories of the early 90's with Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, The Ultimate Warrior, and many more. You had great characters, guys that could work a crowd like puppet masters, all the way down the list. You had great storylines, great ring entrances, great factions/tag teams ( DX, The Nation, The Hart Foundation, The Legion Of Doom, The Ministry Of Darkness, The New Age Outlaws, The Corporation, The Brood, The Acolytes, The Hardy's, The Dudleys, etc. etc.) I still remember when Kane first debuted in '98, ripping off the steel cage and Tombstoning The Undertaker. Wrestling ( whether you preferred the WWF/WCW/ECW, or all three like me ) was it back then. So many talented guys. The hardcore matches were unbelievable, that still remains my most favorite title outside of the Heavyweight Title. Boiler room brawls, street fights, you name it they did it. You had guys like Hardcore Bob Holly, Big Bossman, Steve Blackman, Ken Shamrock, crazy Al Snow ( pre Tough Enough ) Mankind ( who had one of the top 10 feuds of all time IMO with the Rock ). The WWF was loaded back then. I remember the anticipation leading up to Wrestlemania 15, arguably the greatest PPV of all time, with The Rock going head to head against Stone Cold Steve Austin in an epic contest.As a 10 year old kid watching it with my older brother, I was giddy like a schoolgirl, and I was not dissapointed, and it was all me and my friends talked about the next day at school. I remember every aspect of that match to this day. It was "fake," and we didn't give a ****, because it was the ****, and we'd be willing to fight anyone that tried to pull that card out. That's what I remember.
  10. I'm wondering the same thing Seeing as how I've been MIA on the wrestling front for awhile, I figured he'd retired or something. Is Kane still wrestling?
  11. Damn, this is the first time I've seen Taker live since the first couple months after he brought his Deadman persona back.
  12. McGee did a lot better than I tjought he would. Agreed on Blakes last dunk. Though it is new to the NBA, it's been done to death at other competitions over the years, mainly the And 1 mixtape tour. They made too much of a spectacle out of it also, way too much over kill. Derozans dunks were sick also. Everyone brought their A game. I really thought that this would be one of the worst Dunk Contests of all time. I'm glad I was wrong.
  13. Fixed. It's gotta come from the heart. Just imagine imagine yourself somewhere deep in the heart of the south, coming home at dusk, after fetching a few catfish from out yonder on that there Mississippi. Then after supper, you can sit back on your recliner, rip open a packet of your favorite tobacky, and watch PBR.
  14. There are tags in numerous threads that I'm 100% certain belong to Bubble Screen. He is easily one of the most predictable posters here. Glad to see The Rock back, and yes he was pushed hard as a face in the beginning, but that was during the time when fans were getting fed up with the lame hero babyface wrestlers, thus he was not well received, so they decided to give him more creative control. His battles with Mankind were epic back in his "Corporate Champ" days. *Forgot to add that I haven't followed wrestling in almost seven years, The Rocks return alone is more than enough for me to consider watching it again though not nearly as much as I used to.
  15. Either that or you have an obvious learning deficiency, I think I'll take the latter. If you wish to take this to pm then that's fine, but I am not going to discuss it in this thread anymore, since it isn't on topic. I also apologize to everyone else for derailing the thread.
  16. No, but seeing as how you most likely soaked your keyboard with the sweat from his junk in the other thread, the thought did cross my mind. I wonder what your IQ level is, honestly. The point being, since you're apparently too slow to understand, is that yes, I am a Heat fan, and yes, it shouldn't come as a surprise if I was somehow a fan of Lebron. I hope you caught that. What makes no sense is that if you were around here for more than 5 minutes then you'd know I'm not a Lebron fan. Quite the contrary, I do not like Lebron at all, but I am still a Heat fan nonetheless. As for your idiot remark, considering that it's coming from you, and considering all the posts that I have seen from you in the Tailgate thus far, I'll just let that hang. When I said I could care less, I meant that I could care less about how popular you think you are. :doh: I think someone needs hooked on phonics.
  17. No, sorry, and if there is anybody that is someones ***** here, I'd say that you were Lebron's. Well I am a Heat fan genius;), and I'm sure Lebron's a good guy, somewhere inside that cold heart of is. :whoknows:I don't know, but your Wizards brethren seem to think that you should. See my first response. I was being sarcastic, and no, I don't necessarily go looking for you, I just tend to follow the Lebron themed rose petals I see laying all over the place, they lead me right to you every time. Coincidence? I never said you were, and judging by the way some of your previous posts have been received, I'd say that you aren't that popular here, but who am I to judge? I'm just a scumbag Heat fan, and some of them don't like me either, so I could honestly care less.
  18. Oh boy, I touched a nerve didn't I? Calm down, I was just joking, theres no need to go all PMS on me, although it is kind of funny seeing you continuously get your feathers ruffled. You're not that good at reading comprehension are you? I wasn't trying to calm Vishal down at all, I was just making light of your lovefest for Lebron, that's all, no hard feelings. I have never met a Wizards fan that likes Lebron, ever. It's actually quite startling actually that you're even rooting for the Heat as a whole, they're public enemy number 1 in most people's eyes. Probably not as long as it took you to come up with that weak ass response. You know what, part of it just might be my neverending desire to take advantage of your overwhelming sensitivity every chance I get. And I rarely go out of my way to talk about the Heat, unless the topic is brought up by someone else.
  19. Forgive me, but I find it absolutely hilarious that Javale McGee entered his name in the dunk contest. He'll finally get to that dunk from the free throw line again.
  20. That picture almost brings me to tears every time. I love watching shows like "The Universe" and "Cosmos." It just puts everything into perspective for me. We are unique, and insignificant at the same time.
  21. Some fun with the Guile theme from Street Fighter Bjbl2nLKp_0 9e9TFApz_Io apKO7DUnkXo U7jXSvQl4qE
  22. That's so odd, I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before...
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