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Mr. Sinister

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Everything posted by Mr. Sinister

  1. Gilbert was a great player for you guys. For awhile it seemed like DC finally had an iconic player/personality to rally around, and he really made it fun for people around here again.
  2. I don't see how you can be a Wizards fan, and like Lebron, every Wizards fan I know, here or outside of this site, hates him with a passion. Hell I don't even like him
  3. Well we're about due for a loss anyway, even though a loss tomorrow is highly unlikely. I'd actually be happy for you guys if you somehow pulled a horseshoe out of your asses and won. I'm sure it would mean a whole lot in an otherwise forgettable season that you're having thus far.
  4. Any of you guys going to the game tomorrow night? If so, I'll be in section 415, Row B, provided that I am not called into work ( I'll know whether I have to go by 10 tomorrow morning).
  5. I think skinnyfan57 has some serious explaining to do :ols:
  6. I just got a sour taste in my mouth after looking at that.
  7. From the " Predictions For This Week" thread in the Stadium... skinnyfan57 THEREALTOR1 skinnyfan57
  8. Well, you're half right about that :paranoid:
  9. Thats ****ed up EDIT: I saw this at the bottom of the vid PokerPacker posted mymBE1JhRr0 :rotflmao:
  10. I don't know, but after watching that, I feel like crying ---------- Post added December-3rd-2010 at 04:52 PM ---------- I posted this in the creepythread awhile back ZDHSbrPZH4A
  11. ^ I always referred to it as the "kangaroo pouch" look, but F.U.P.A definitely has a better ring to it.
  12. Only a little. It was actually two different posts, but about the same subject. I just added them together.
  13. No weapons, only fists, lets settle this the old fashioned way. I'll make quick work of Vishal, and proceed to take my time beating you to a pulp. While Vishal is out cold, I'm gonna spraypaint LEBRON on his back, ala the old WCW/NWO days, and for you, I have an authentic Lebron James Miami Heat jersey that will look perfect, when draped over the top of your concussed body. Hell if Hubbs wants to come I'll gladly whoop his ass too, just because.
  14. I'd be happy to kick your ass GACOLB. Hopefully youve been hitting the gym lately, or it might be over real quick. Bring Vishal too, that way there can be a witness, although I may be tempted to kick his ass too.
  15. I'll be at that game on the 18th, maybe I'll see you all there I don't know what section I'll be in yet though.
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