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Everything posted by RonArtest15

  1. I don't know how possible a S&T is w/o giving up Otto to make the salaries work. Maybe someone else who is better versed at understanding the cap can help out, but if by a miracle they can pull off a move for Boogie WITHOUT giving up Otto, that would, IMO, put the Wizards in talks to legit make it out of the East next season. It would completely change the narrative of this team going forward.
  2. It's funny how the Chris Paul to the lakers trade was vetoed for "basketball reasons," but the complete landscape of the league was altered due to some of these free agent decisions.
  3. You can make a legit argument that the Kings' FO is more inept than the Wizards. What's a winning brand of basketball? Those intangibles? Wall was winning like 20 games his first few years in the league and now he's probably averaging around 43-44...it's mediocre. Cousins, when healthy, is ELITE on offense. Guys like Capela and Gobert are ELITE on defense. It cancels out due to Cousins' shortcomings on defense and Capela/Gobert's on offense. IF the Wizards can pull off this trade and then make a run using the MLE on someone like Noel, this would be a crazy successful offseason. A risky bet going forward due to his health, but something that is necessary... Also, regarding New Orleans:
  4. 100% disagree. Cousins makes this team MUCH better. I'd love to see what he can do with one of the better backcourts in the league. No, you don't need a 5 that shoots 3's, but in today's league, a center who can space the floor due to being able to put the ball in the hoop from ANYWHERE is a major plus. Cousins brings that. I'm willing to accept Cousins' warts due to being in an awful situation in Sacramento. You need to ask yourself WHY he was trying to do too much...If we were able to defend Wall when he had to put up with similar BS early in his career, then Cousins deserves the same benefit of the doubt. I saw enough in New Orleans to know that he can be a dynamic offensive force in this league. I am in no way saying that this would be the move to guarantee the Wizards to the ECF, but it would make them the most talented squad that we've had in DC since Gil/Jamison/Butler were hoopin'. That's the only caveat right now...what kind of condition he'll be in come October. The history of big men coming off this injury in the NBA isn't good. So I 100% expect the deal to get done LOL. But honestly, some sort of big splash needs to be made by the front office. Years of Wall are being wasted right now. They have to get creative to pull something off, but if not now, then when? Maybe they try for your dude Nurkic? So, who knows... *edit* Are the Wizards the Most Logical Landing Spot for DeMarcus Cousins?
  5. Cousins was a volume scorer by NECESSITY in Sacto. Him and AD were doing work together....what was he putting up as a 5? Something like 25/13/5? But he wouldn't be a good fit here? WHAT??!! I get the reservations due to the injury he's coming off of, but this guy, when healthy, is one of the 3-5 best in the league at the center position and probably top 15-20 overall. Also, how is he not adapting to the current landscape of the league when he's a center who can not only pass like a guard, but has the ability to shoot the 3 as well? That spacing does nothing but make life easier for both Wall and Beal. A trio of him, Wall, and Beal SHOULD get these guys an actual legit chance to be a 50 win team. EG has work to do to fill out the rest of the roster, but this is the exact 3rd star that the team needs.
  6. Santeria is the only standout track to me (on Daytona.) Album is cool, but not good enough for me to cop in full.
  7. It was an interesting contrast to what I saw from Ovechkin this past weekend. Caps picked #31 in the 1st round...shortly after they picked their guy, Ovechkin was face-timing him to say goodluck etc.
  8. Might not be....also, look in to this however you want, but Brown said the only player to reach out to him following the draft was Beal. I thought that was interesting...
  9. A big part of the problem is the coaching. Stevens gets the most out of EVERYONE on the roster. Brooks yo-yo'd Sato until his hand was forced. THen it was back to the yo-yo act. And guess what the Wizards do....draft a guy who plays just like Sato in Brown. SMH. I still maintain that this team needs to figure out a way to land a true STAR player to put alongside of Wall/Beal. Can't go into next season with the same starters and expect things to be different. We're already looking up at a grip of teams and that gap will get wider unless something drastic is done.
  10. Drafting well. I'm sure you guys said it, but this logjam now at the 3 means that either Oubre/Otto will for certain be shipped out. There is no way to justify this Brown pick other than thinking that there has to be a bigger move on the horizon. Probably not a smart move, but a move...get ready for Whiteside playing the 5 next season LOL.
  11. Why would Lebron go to the West? It's going to be a gauntlet again. More of a task for him to come out of that conference than the East. If he does choose a team from the West, I could see him linking up w/ Pop in SA. They have great admiration for one another. However, I think that particular signing would hinge on what happens w/ Kawhi. Lebron would be a no-go if Kawhi's out.
  12. I didn't think the Harden/Paul pairing could work, and it did....I think Lebron and Wall could do the same. Never gonna happen and we'll most likely put the same squad on the floor that we always do. SMH.
  13. Lebron's my dude, but no he didn't LOL KD was well within his right to sign wherever he wanted, but the competitive balance of the league is messed up. First time in my life I watched less than 20 minutes of a final series all together. I really had no interest...and also really coming to the realization that the Wizards are light years away from being anywhere close to being on this type of competitive level.
  14. I think it will be a gentleman's sweep for the Warriors. Still can't believe the Rockets laid that egg. SMH
  15. NSFW vid, but right now, Donald Glover is unstoppable. This man is EVERYTHING Kanye's not. An actual visionary and brilliant. This vid right here, man. Just watch.
  16. Totally forgot about Harden....man. Just to think that EG gave Brooks 5/35 because he thought we'd have the advantage in signing KD. Everything about the summer of '16 set this team back beyond belief.
  17. OKC was only as good as they were because Brooks had the LUXURY of "coaching" two of the best talents in the league on the same roster. He's following that same blueprint w/ Wall and Beal and it's clearly not working. Wall has been asking for another star player for the past 2 years, and look at what's been given to him. I don't care how efficient Otto is, he's not that player. He disappears and has zero dog in him. Advanced stats don't mean **** if dude refuses to get aggressive on the offensive end. He's our most valuable trade chip and I wouldn't be sad to see him go.
  18. Glad this dysfunctional season is coming to a close. Changes need to be made. Hopefully it starts in the front office and trickles down. I think we're stuck with Brooks b/c of his salary, but if a new GM does come on, I hope they can get creative with a trade proposal to SA for Kawhi or figure a way to get Boogie out of NO. Bottom line, can't go into next season with the same starting group.
  19. Absolutely...we need an established 3rd star on this team to get to the next level. Wherever the Wizards go this year, will be their ceiling with the trio of Wall, Porter, and Beal. Can't waste any more years of Wall's prime. With both Philly/Boston looking to make MAJOR strides, something needs to be done to get this team in that same conversation.
  20. Regular season Randy, yes...playoff Randy looks like Pop in comparison to whatever the hell Brooks is running. Anyways...Porter has to keep shooting. Need him to show a pulse for this team to have a chance to get out of this game with a W. He's one of, if not the best shooting 3 in the league at his position. I'd be ecstatic if he could get around 15 shots up
  21. Chuck saying that we have the worst 1/2 court offense of playoff teams. Hard to disagree. That's on coaching.
  22. Still blows my mind that Crittenton joined a gang AFTER being drafted. To this day, I still maintain that there is no other #1 overall pick who had to deal with as much franchise turmoil as John Wall. The fact that he's still here and thriving (going to give him a pass for this year due to his injuries) is insane. For the love of everything, I hope EG is canned and a GM is brought in with actual foresight to get this team over the hump. The longer this charade goes on, the quicker teams like Philly and Boston will distance themselves from us. The window for this team is slowly closing and we're going to forever be thought of as a updated version of the Bucks teams that Grunfeld oversaw when he was GM in Milwaukee.
  23. Like if he wasn't on a NBA court, he knows his chest woulda been caved in by now LOL...
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