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Everything posted by BleedBNG

  1. It's nice to see the Giants FO dysfunctional after a loss against the Redskins. Looks like Mara's "Spirit" of the cap is coming back to haunt him. God bless us everyone
  2. Well we know now what position they'll be drafting in the first round of 2018
  3. What this means is that they are going undefeated for the rest of the season. Oooops, he meant last week.
  4. Rodgers taking the boys to school again
  5. http://www.oddsshark.com/nfl/its-over-nfls-0-3-teams
  6. I would have been OK if the Giants had won standings wise, but I'm happy that Mara's stinkin football team lost. There were a lot of upsets today... hope it carries on tonight.
  7. The Steelers, Cowboys, and maybe the Lions is IMO not quite a cakewalk.
  8. Just a heads up for anyone who still wants to watch the game but couldn't. Unfortunately they won't be live, but it looks like our Russian friend is back for 2016 with whole or condensed versions. Just need to sign up to watch. https://vk.com/club59406742
  9. I'm glad Cleveland won, but those last 4 minutes of mostly missed shots on both sides were strange to watch for a 7th game. LeBron did a great job of blocking at the rim, but the difference between he and Jordan is that Jordan would have been dropping them in those 4 minutes. The NBA should have a new rule... any player with at least one foot completely behind the half court line whether standing or before a jump shot to the basket, and of course making it in... should be 4 points. I wonder if Golden State would have tried it.
  10. I was out of the room but I could hear it... I couldn't believe there were a couple of commentators who actually thought the Cowboys would win this game.
  11. I kind of liked the no striped helmet. Not as a permanent change, but one to wear now and then during the season. The throwback jersey is nice, and would like to see us wearing a white away version... now and then. DO NOT like the throwback pants, and WISH the Titan game was THE LAST that we ever see of them again.
  12. OUCH! Redskins vs. Giants... NFCE basement bowl
  13. I liked the helmets w/o the stripes. Don't want to change to it, but I wouldn't mind us wearing them again for a few more games with the non throwback jerseys and pants.
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