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Everything posted by NewCliche21

  1. Yeah I associate that with Belichick circa like 7 years ago. I thought it was a documentary or something that had that tag line.
  2. Fuller made a play on the ball and was inches away, some were saying Fields actually threw high. Those two plays themselves aren't really comparable. And if I'm busting my ass, and someone on my team is playing like ass, I want to see there be accountability. I'm trying to win, not coddle a player like he's a child just because people are watching. That's not how it works, anyway.
  3. I take it you didn't watch the presser. It was way more awkward than it reads in a tweet.
  4. @Conn Man help me out, what were all the Twitter people trying to say with the maths? All things considered, is Howell causing/allowing more sacks than he's getting because swiss cheese offensive line and play call?
  5. I keep telling my son that all these coaches of good teams were on our team at the same time. He keeps asking why they're not on our team. I keep having no answer
  6. So, what is the point of firing Ron? And every single other person on the team is now thrust into a new/stretched role as soon as you do that, so nobody is judged based on what they were hired to do. From the acting head coach to the water boys. And as Keim said, interim head coaches, other than Garrett now that I'm thinking about it, don't become the next head coach.
  7. That doesn't make sense. How can you evaluate other people when you've now blown it up? Everyone would be in contingency mode, meaning they wouldn't be doing what they've normally done, so your data are misrepresentative. I know what you're saying, but that's not the way to get it.
  8. And he sucks at it. That's a big thing, he may have a good/principled approach, but Ron just sucks at it from what I've seen so far. And I'm a Ron guy, but man, it's not good.
  9. The one I find myself using here is, "I don't know **** about ****." This logic is indisputable but doesn't work with wives about their husbands TRUST ME
  10. It's so funny when we have people laughing like, "What the **** is going on?" in the GDT, but then the owner is supposed to be scowl faced and a younger Jerry Jones in terms of emotion? He's not playing. As long as he makes the right choices when it's not gameday, I couldn't care less what he does ON gameday.
  11. I am so late to an appointment but last night I had a dream that John Keim took Michelle Pfeiffer's role and Ron Rivera took Coolio's in the "Gangsta's Paradise" video from 30 years ago. The only part I remember is Ron saying, "I'm coach in '23, will I still be coach in '24? The way things is going, I don't know," Happy Friday.
  12. I'm out. Kids will learn what ****iness and overpromise/underdeliver and blame the other guy looks like.
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