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Everything posted by lovetoaster

  1. I just noticed the KJ Noons tag on this thread
  2. Yeah, Fabiano is quite a fighter. I was looking forward to a fight between Faber and Fabiano before Wednesday night. Now I may be looking forward to a fight between Fabiano and Mike Brown. That is not too shabby either. I am sure Fabiano and Faber will fight at some point. That would be a war. As you point out, the WEC certainly has a good depth of talent now at 145 and some really exciting fighters.
  3. I just hope he is a little more focused. He was intense just before the Pulver fight, but he did not have the same attitude this time around. Right before the bell rang, he was pointing to people in the crowd. Then he got his bell rung. I know he is a he is a fun-loving, light-hearted guy, and that is why a lot of people are fans of his. But when you are about to enter the cage, it is time to focus on the task at hand IMHO.
  4. I did not think the WEC card was bad last night, aside from the Filho/Sonnen mess. It was interesting to say the least.
  5. I am with you all on the Faber fight. Mike Brown is a good fighter and Faber gave him an opening. He knocked him completely off of his feet, pretty impressive considering all of his momentum was going in the opposite direction. I am still puzzled by the Filho fight. Paulo looked completely out of it. I know it was not a title fight, but for christ's sake, you are undefeated. Do you not care about keeping that streak alive? I know he has had plenty of battles with drugs in the past. Maybe (and I hope not) those battles have returned. It was an odd fight and certainly not what you want when you are about to move over to the UFC.
  6. I just saw that a little while ago. I don't think he can challenge Silva, but he will certainly bring some excitement to the division. There are some pretty explosive fights that are possible with Kang in the UFC.
  7. I assume you had this backwards. Also, as much as I do not like Bisping, I was impressed with how humble he was after the fight when Rogan asked him if he thought he was ready for a title shot. I was surprised when he said he was not ready. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he is either, but most guys do not really give you an honest assessment like Bisping did.
  8. That would be a heck of a fight. I think Kos takes it though.
  9. I did not used to like Kos, but it seems like he is trying very hard to earn the fans respect. It is certainly working with me. He has really improved his striking and taking this fight on such short notice as well as still fighting on Dec. 10 (still scheduled at least) against Yoshida is pretty impressive.
  10. Thanks TK. I tried to watch it, but my computer was slowing down due to the douchebaggery that was happening on the chat board.
  11. Well that sucks. I was looking forward to that fight too. Reljic is a pretty talented fella.
  12. As much as I hate to hear that from CroCop, the honesty is almost refreshing.
  13. And you know what the sad thing is...if it is not on PPV, I will watch it. I draw the line at paying money for it.
  14. Yeah, I was going to post something about that this morning. Unbelieveable. I was trying to picture how that fight would look earlier, with Valuev being massive and Holyfield being a little undersized in the first place. My head started spinning.
  15. We had a talk about it. We decided it would be a strain on our relationship.
  16. I had not thought about that. But Kimbo's overwhelming strength is in his stand up.
  17. The rest of the article...http://www.sherdog.com/news/news/elitexc-denies-paying-petruzelli-to-stand-14673 If this is true, I am going to be really annoyed. But, honestly, I think I trust Pertuzelli more than the EliteXC folks right now. I love boxing as well as MMA, but it can not be denied that sometimes boxing matches have the feeling that something is not quite legit. I don't want MMA to go down that road. Let the fighters fight.
  18. As SU brought up earlier, I am surprised that the fight is at 205. I might go with Frankin at 185, but I think Hendo should have a clear strength advantage at 205. it should be a trememdous fight, given how well Franklin prepares for each fight.
  19. I don't know yet, but I am leaning toward the same. Buying Affliction and DVR'ing UFC because it should be free. But what a great night! :applause:
  20. And, by the way, UFC 93 is on the same night as Affliction II, with supposedly Fedor vs. Arlovski, Barnett vs. Aleks Emelianenko and Mousausi vs. Belfort. Interesting....
  21. You beat me to it. I am really excited about the Franklin-Hendo fight. I am a big fan of both, but I am going to have to go with Henderson here. The Shogun-Coleman fight is also interesting given the background between the two. I am also anxious to see how Shogun looks after a major injury and what Coleman has left. My only question is, is it free? Most international cards are, and they will be having another major card two weeks later...
  22. What are you doing with a picture of my woman? I would show you the ones I have of her, but I don't want to get banned.
  23. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. There is nooooooo way that is going to happen any time soon.
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